Saturday, March 13, 2021

Park and Garden

The last few days have been wild and windy here.  Plant pots, bird feeders, bits of fence, wheel barrows  and wheelie bins have been on various trips around the garden.  They are all safely back in their places - for now.

In the garden the Grape Hyacinth (Muscari) have flowered. I love their bright blue colour. 

When I ordered bird nibbles on line I also treated myself to some Sweet Pea seeds.  They came with wool twine called Twool with which to tie the flowers and stems to the wigwam canes.

The seeds were planted a few days ago, there were ten in all and three of them are showing little shoots.

Also growing well are the little tomato shoots.  There are several varieties, all labelled, including Gardener's Delight, Tigrella and Mini Munch.

On Tuesday morning we walked down to the local park.  it was quite warm and sunny.  Spring hasn't quite sprung there yet but there were a few encouraging signs.

Blue Skies


I was also spotting things as we walked towards the park.

I liked all the chimneys on these houses.

A little cat hiding behind the railings in the park.

The gold tops of the railings were glinting in the sun.

The terraced houses above were built for pottery workers to live in, just as the public parks were built for their leisure.  There were lots of pottery factories in the area around here.  Many of which still stand others have been demolished.

 Writing this has reminded me that this Sunday is the final of   'The Great Pottery Throwdown' filmed at the nearby Gladstone Pottery Museum.  I've been enjoying watching this series as much if not more than the previous three which were filmed further North in the city at Middleport Pottery.  We've also been enjoying 'The Great British Dig' and 'Grayson Perry's Art Club.'  I've been enjoying the new series of 'Unforgotten' and am looking forward to the return of 'Line of Duty' next week.

Tomorrow I will have been writing this blog for sixteen years. It doesn't seem possible for it to have been that long ago - Monday 14th March 2005 - when I wrote my first post.


  1. Fantastic, well done on your 16 years, you have an excellent record of all the things you've done over that time. I find my blog a boon when I've forgotten when it was we went on a visit somewhere. It's great to see those little seedlings doing so well. I too have enjoyed the Great Pottery Throwdown and Grayson Perry's Art Club, they are such inspiring programmes. πŸ™‚

    1. It is good to be able to look back at what we have dones or where we visited. when I first started there were no photos, just words. I always feel so uplifted by the the talent and creativity of others:)

  2. Where is 'Winnie The Pooh', when you need him? To retrieve your blown-about bits and pieces, on a 'blustery day'. -smile-

    Oh such beautiful flowers!!!!!!

    And beautiful chimneys.

    Annnnnd beautiful fence tops!

    And may I ask... You don't wear masks, when walking in the fresh air... And perfectly able to keep out of "other people's space," do you????? Oh I hope not. It's science, if one does their searching. And it's just old common sense.

    Out of doors, in the fresh air, meandering along, as others are doing, no reason to invade anyone's 'space.' Whyyyyyyy keep a mask over your nose/mouth????? Don't we need the fresh air? Don't we need the sun on our face, for Vitamin D?

    If we must, keep the silly thing, down on our necks. If someone 'panics,' we can always smile and pull it up, while the "panic~person" goes by. -smile-

    16 years!!!! All on one blog! Congratulations!!!!!!!

    I've been on the Net (Groups, International Mailing Lists, then a lot of blogs) for nearly 25 years. -smile- It's been an interesting time. We both, have seen a lot!


    1. Dear Winnie - he would have sorted it along with his friends, wouldn't he? I wear a mask in the supermarket, farm shop and garden centre although I very rarely go in them perhaps 3 or 4 times this year so far. Out walking it is easy to look and plan ahead and move away or stand back for other people - I do find that it is always us that move or react first when approaching others. I keep a mask in every coat pocket to use if necessary and a scarf around my neck that can be lifted quickly to cover my lower face if needs be. It all seems routine now:)

  3. Beautiful flowers and a sweet kitty 🐱

    1. The kitty wasn't bothered by us and allowed itself to be photographed:)

  4. Congrats on 16 years of blogging. Spring looks like it has finally arrived with a floral flourish. Love the flowering currant with its pink panicles of flowers & the cat behind the fence. We've just finished watching Great Pottery Throwdown too, but probably the series before you. The Great British Dig sounds good too, but don't think we've ever had it here in Oz. Enjoy Spring, take care, stay safe & hugs.

    1. Thank you Susan. The flowering currants were lovely and the cat quite undisturbed by us. I've enjoyed all the pottery showdowns I'm glad you've been able to see them. The dig progammes involve digging in resident's gardens and them and the community getting involved in the process. Wet and windy again here today. Stay safe:)

  5. Happy blogging anniversary. Lovely to see all your spring flowers and hear about tv recommendations. You are ahead with your seeds, I really must get going this week. B x

    1. Thank you, Barbara we have six little sweetpeas coming along now, it's cheering to see them and the tomato seedlings. The troble with tv is that there are days with nothing interesting then three things on the same day, same time that I want to see so I tend to watch on iplayer etc later on:)

  6. Congratulations on 16 years of blogging Rosie :) Lovely to see your signs of Spring. My son and I went to the Gladstone Pottery Museum a few years ago and loved it there so I am sad to have missed the Pottery programme. I am looking forward to Line of Duty too!! Your seeds are doing well and a reminder I really should sow some here soon!!!

    1. Thank you RR. I never thought I'd still be blogging after all this time. I remember your post about visiting Gladstone. I hope the programme helps with visitor figures when all is hopefully back to normal as they were struggling and had started closing Sundays and Mondays a couple of years ago:)

  7. Happy 16th blogging birthday. That's pretty amazing. I think our blogs are such a great recording of all the good things in our lives. I love the colour of Grape Hyacinths ,such a beautiful blue , Also enoying Unforgotten. X

    1. Thank you, yes it is good to look back on what we've done and where we have visited. I really like Grape Hyacinths both their shape and colour:)

  8. It's been very windy here too, the neighbour lost a few fence panels! I love the Grape Hyacinths, it's nice to see the flowers blooming. Congratulations on the 16 years, it's lovely to read your posts :)

    1. Thank you Pam, I'm glad you enjoy the posts. It's hard to find things to write about at the moment, I enjoy your posts too:)

  9. Happy Anniversary Rosie! I think you must have been quite early to the blogging party? I love those chimneys too, and I'm enjoying the Throwdown, although a couple of weeks behind, and Unforgotten. Lovely flowers, lovely sunshine. I'm glad you've survived the winds intact. x

    1. Thank you Mrs T. Yes, quite early. I found and enjoyed one or two written by members of an on-line writing forum I was a member of so decided to write my own. The throwdown was particularly good this year and like Grayson and Pillipa Perry's programme just what is needed right now:)

  10. Happy Blog Anniversary Rosie! Where have all those years gone?! You have been very productive with the seed sowing - I've not sown anything yet as it has been far too cold, wet and uninspiring! Your park looks like a nice place to have a wander. I loved watching The Great Pottery Throwdown and I have watched one (and recorded) Grayson Perry's Art Club. I also watch Landscape (and Portrait) Artist of the Year. Not seen 'The Great British Dig' - I will look our for that one. Gardeners World is back Friday too! :)

    1. Thank you Simone, it is a long time even though it dosen't feel like it. The little tomato seedlings will soon be placed in their own small pots and then the greenhouse will have to be cleaned out ready for them going into bigger pots. Yes, Fridays Grayson then Monty - looking forward to it:)

  11. Following your blog. Beautiful pixs. I love the blue flowers - grape hyacinth and crocus.

    1. Thank you for visiting. The blue flowers are lovely aren't they?:)
