We didn't hasten into February by any means. Last month meandered along at a steady but tedious pace and sometimes felt as if it was going nowhere but all of a sudden here we are entering a new month. Time to turn the calendar page over.
Today we walked at the Wolseley Centre, headquarters of the Staffordshire Wildlife Trust and I found both Snowdrops and Catkins which also appear in the calendar picture above.
Such a beautiful sight.
Earlier in the week we had walked at Trentham.
In damp, misty weather.
On Thursday we had a surprise visit from the brother and sister-in-law of our next door neighbour. Mainly to keep us up to date with the arrangements for her funeral and also about the sale of her house. They brought with them a lovely gift to say thank you for all the help we had given our neighbour over the years we had lived next door.
All for now.