I was so pleased to spot this Clematis flower as I'd thought the plant was lost after it had been put in a pot when we had a new front fence a few years ago. It hadn't flowered for a while but this year it has.
The squirrels have been using an old tree stump behind the shed to crack open conkers from the Horse Chestnut tree just over the fence.
Three firsts this week. The first time since lockdown that I have visited a post office, a hairdresser and a cafe.
I needed a haircut and I had to post a birthday present so we decided to venture to the city centre. After I'd walked the circuitous one way route around W H Smith's to the post office counter I didn't have to wait long to send my parcel. It was a good job I went in at that point as when I passed by just under an hour later the queue was around the shop and out into the shopping centre. I'd toyed with going to the hairdresser first but was glad I hadn't. I arived at Supercuts not knowing how the system of booking in and waiting may have changed. Luckily I seemed to be the first there and went straight in. I had to swap my mask for one of theirs and sanitise my hands, I was them covered head to foot with what seemed like a large plastic bag which was ripped off and disposed of as soon as my hair was finished. The hairdressers were cheerful and glad to be back at work even though they couldn't have the radio on just in case they were inspired to sing along to the music. Whilst I was in the centre I noticed that The Body Shop store had closed down. I've been using Body Shop products since the late 1970s and shopping at that shop for over twenty years. As the next nearest shop is quite a few miles away in a designer outlet shopping centre, I may have to rely on online shopping for now. I feel quite disappointed and saddened by this.

The next day we went up to Bridgemere Garden World to buy a few breadmaking items from Lakeland but they didn't have what we had gone for. We decided to try the cafe and see what the procedure was. We had to wait to be taken to a table, once seated we gave our order and filled out the track and trace form. We kept our masks on until we were seated and put them on again before we stood up to leave the table but many people had their masks under their chins or hanging off one ear. Anyway the coffee and tea cake were delicious.
Meanwhile in the garden the Hydrangeas at the front of the house are still looking good even though those at the back have lost their colour.
These last strawberries, from the farm shop, were still delicious and not watery at all.
The weather has been warm and sunny the last couple of days and I've enjoyed being out in the fresh air.