Wednesday morning in Ashbourne was very cold! We had a walk around the town before stopping for coffee and toasted teacakes at Spencer's bakery and tea shop.
I love looking in all the little shops in the Market Place. I know I've written several posts about Ashbourne over the years so I hope you don't mind me repeating myself just a little.
Most of the shops in the town were open except the Art Gallery we usually visit for our morning coffee but Spencer's was very good and very busy.
After browsing around some of the bookshops.........
..... we went into the shop below and I treated myself to a new winter hat. I have to say that hats and I don't get on very well and I always think I look ridiculous in a hat ............
....but I was so glad I'd bought it because as soon as we arrived at Carsington Water I put it on!
The wind was so strong we could hardly stand and taking photos was almost impossible. The water in the reservoirs was very low for this time of year!
I loved the red of the berries against the soft grey stone wall, such a contrast to the dark glowering sky.
With all my best wishes for a Happy New Year - see you in 2012!
Edited 31st December 2011 - especially for Anne at 'MorningAJ' - here is the hat!
Edited 31st December 2011 - especially for Anne at 'MorningAJ' - here is the hat!