Friday, March 14, 2025


 On Monday 14th March 2005, I hit the publish button on my first ever post on this blog.  Twenty years have passed and I'm still writing posts although not as frequently as I did back then.  Also today there are far more photos than words as digital photography has made it so much easier to add them to a post.

My first post was called 'Dab Chicks Galore' and was about our seeing them during a walk along the Cromford Canal.  Recently we walked along the canal looking for Dab Chicks or Little Grebes but we didn't find any.  Is this a sign of the times?  

The canal was covered in places by a blueish green algae, although we saw a few Mallards and Canada Geese and the occasional Moorhen and Coot.

It was quite cold as we walked along with a slight mizzle in the air.  Above is the area near the Wharf shed where the Dab Chicks used to congregate.

Above High Peak Junction

Leawood Pump House

Aqueduct Cottage

I am so grateful for all those people who visit here and read my ramblings, especially to all those who leave comments.  Some of you have been visiting for a long time, some more recently.  Thank you. Lots of bloggers have now stopped writing for one reason or another.  I'm still in touch with two or three bloggers via face book and other media even though they no longer have blogs anymore.  I've been lucky to meet up with a few of them over the years. Others have just disappeared or moved on.  Some are no longer with us.

I had toyed with the idea of not writing here anymore once I'd reached the anniversary but amazingly I still enjoy blogging so I will continue for a little while longer.   

All for now.  Take care.


  1. What a milestone, Rosie! I am a fairly recent reader, coming here from John's blog, I think. I enjoy your writing very much; I think all who blog enjoy sharing their thoughts, photos and just their life in general. I started mine for 2 reasons, one to promote my storytelling and the other to stay in touch with family. I no longer perform, and very few of my family actually read what I write, but like you I have found an online community of friends I value, and I am always sad when one leaves for whatever reason. I hope you keep writing! xxoo

  2. We went to Cromford last Friday and walked round in glorious sunshine. We needed the bookshop to find a map of France. The only birds on the pond were large Canada Geese, very noisy they were too and a couple of white ducks. We are enjoying living round here as there are so many interesting places to visit. Xx

  3. Well done on 20 years of blogging. I didn't even know such a thing existed back then - you were a pioneer!

  4. 🌟 congratulations! 🌟 thanks for all your lovely posts over the years, I'm so glad you have decided to continue blogging and will look forward to more news and great photos in the future. I've always found my own blog useful as an aide memoire, searching back to find out when we visited various places. I do miss other blogs and the writers that I enjoyed in the past. Cromford looks a pretty place, the dab chicks are missing a treat! 😊🏆

  5. It’s good to hear that you will keep blogging. Well done on twenty years. What a milestone. I much prefer reading blogs to Instagram although as you say many have now moved on to that form of media. Here’s to the next twenty years. B x

  6. Congratulations on 20 years of blogging. I'm two years behind you. Blogs are so much more interesting than Instagram where so many former bloggers are now. Spring is a wonderful time to walk around and see birds returning.
