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Monday, January 29, 2007
High Peak Trail Part 2
We set out early on Saturday morning and by the time we had parked the car at Arkwright's Mill at Cromford the drizzle had stopped and the sun was trying to peep through the grey sky. We wandered onto Wheatcroft's Wharf and had a cup of coffee at the cafe there before starting our walk along the canal towards the old station buildings at High Peak Junction. From here we set off on the High Peak Trail towards Black Rock. We were able to climb up into the old engine and look inside.
We made our way up the steep slope known as the sheep pasture incline. It really was a lot steeper than it looked and I had to stop a couple of times to catch my breath and let the joggers pass me by. I made the excuse that I was stopping to take photographs.
At the top was the old engine house similar to the one at Middleton Top but now just an empty shell. Hard to believe that this beautiful, tranquil walk used to be a railway transporting stone from the quarry and men to their places of work, it must have been noisy,dusty and dirty and in winter bleak and cold
We made our way to the exact point we had reached the week before and then retraced our steps back down the sheep pasture incline but left this path halfway along and took the footpath back to Cromford Village.
When we got back to Arkwright's Mill we had a warming bowl of chunky vegetable soup before heading back home.
Friday, January 26, 2007
This and That
I think I'm having my 'blue Monday' today because for some reason I feel quite low and can't put my mind to doing anything positive. I'm sort of drifting through the day instead of grabbing hold of it, as a friend of mine used to say 'it's like wrestling with blancmange'. Must get my self going though as there is so much to do.
This weekend we are definitely going to do the RSPB's 'Big Garden Birdwatch' we've participated in this for the last three years but I have noticed that the varieties of birds we get now are less than when we first started. I've noticed that this year in particular there are fewer finches around. We do have regular visits from the blackbird family who nested in our hedge last spring. 'Mr Blackbird', as we call him, is quite fearless and has been known to sit on the bird feeder whilst we are putting food on the table. We have several blue-tits and coal-tits visit for the fat balls, also a pair of collard doves and one huge wood pigeon visit regularly. This morning I saw a Robin on the bird table. Yesterday whilst I was clearing up and re-stocking the feeders and cleaning the bird table I heard a familiar 'honking' noise in the distance and then that swooshing of flapping wings and I looked up to see hundreds of geese flying in three lots of V formation. I'm not used to seeing them fly over the city and it reminded me of when we used to live out on the Lincolnshire fens where we used to see them quite often.
I think we are also, depending on the weather, going to walk a bit more of The High Peak trail, this time walking from Cromford along the canal to the point where you can join the trail, and then up to Black Rock the other way. So there will hopefully be some more photos. We are also going to enter some photos, probably some of the ones we took on New Year's Day (see the post below) for this competition.
This weekend we are definitely going to do the RSPB's 'Big Garden Birdwatch' we've participated in this for the last three years but I have noticed that the varieties of birds we get now are less than when we first started. I've noticed that this year in particular there are fewer finches around. We do have regular visits from the blackbird family who nested in our hedge last spring. 'Mr Blackbird', as we call him, is quite fearless and has been known to sit on the bird feeder whilst we are putting food on the table. We have several blue-tits and coal-tits visit for the fat balls, also a pair of collard doves and one huge wood pigeon visit regularly. This morning I saw a Robin on the bird table. Yesterday whilst I was clearing up and re-stocking the feeders and cleaning the bird table I heard a familiar 'honking' noise in the distance and then that swooshing of flapping wings and I looked up to see hundreds of geese flying in three lots of V formation. I'm not used to seeing them fly over the city and it reminded me of when we used to live out on the Lincolnshire fens where we used to see them quite often.
Wednesday, January 24, 2007
High Peak Trail
It was drizzling slightly when we arrived at the Stone Centre car park and it was very cold. We said goodbye to the warmth of our little car and set off on our walk.

We decided to walk uphill first to Middleton Top, where we stopped for a while at the visitor and cycle hire centre and the old engine house.

Then we walked back down the incline of the old railway and down to the Stone Centre where we had a warming mug of coffee and a Bakewell slice. After a good look around the shop which was full of fossils, minerals and gemstone jewellery we decided to set of further along the walk as far as Black Rock.

As we passed along the edge of Wirksworth, by the Steeple Grange light railway the sun came out and there were some spectacular views of the quarry and Masson Mill in the distance. We decided to walk past Black Rock and discover a little more of the walk before returning to make the climb up.

When we finally got up to the top of Black Rock the views were spectacular and well worth the effort.
We decided to walk uphill first to Middleton Top, where we stopped for a while at the visitor and cycle hire centre and the old engine house.
Then we walked back down the incline of the old railway and down to the Stone Centre where we had a warming mug of coffee and a Bakewell slice. After a good look around the shop which was full of fossils, minerals and gemstone jewellery we decided to set of further along the walk as far as Black Rock.
As we passed along the edge of Wirksworth, by the Steeple Grange light railway the sun came out and there were some spectacular views of the quarry and Masson Mill in the distance. We decided to walk past Black Rock and discover a little more of the walk before returning to make the climb up.
When we finally got up to the top of Black Rock the views were spectacular and well worth the effort.
Monday, January 22, 2007
Blue Monday
According to this morning's news today is one of the most depressing of the year, the day when everyone feels down in the dumps because of post christmas debt, bad weather and failure to keep new year's resolutions. Although pay day does seem a long way away we are just about scraping through, the weather last week got me down - wet and very windy - but today is lovely, cold, dry and very sunny. I didn't make any resolutions so I'm not kicking myself about my lack of application. But, and there is always a but, I think today I will not make a resolution as such, but mentally agree to take part in a campaign organised by today's 'Independent' to tackle the problem of waste caused by supermarket packaging. I have been trying, half heartedly I admit, to not buy things that are over packaged but still it is hard, in some cases for example - soft fruit and berries. I try to buy things that are loose rather than packaged because I think any fruit or vegetable with a skin that can be peeled or washed doesn't need to be protected. The only thing I now drawn the line on is bread.
We make our own bread and have done for years but sometimes we run out and or can't be bothered or don't have time to bake so then we buy bread. If I bought it at the supermarket I always used to buy the loose bread from the baskets until one day I saw a woman walking along feeling the bread rolls with her bare hands. She went back and forth along the row whilst her husband leant on the trolly handle willing her to hurry up and chose something. I had to bite my tongue in order not to say anything but I've never bought any of that bread since. I'm afraid I buy it with wrapping - just in case.
Yesterday we had a long walk along part of the High Peak Trail from Middleton Top to Black Rock, I will post photos when they are sorted out.
We make our own bread and have done for years but sometimes we run out and or can't be bothered or don't have time to bake so then we buy bread. If I bought it at the supermarket I always used to buy the loose bread from the baskets until one day I saw a woman walking along feeling the bread rolls with her bare hands. She went back and forth along the row whilst her husband leant on the trolly handle willing her to hurry up and chose something. I had to bite my tongue in order not to say anything but I've never bought any of that bread since. I'm afraid I buy it with wrapping - just in case.
Yesterday we had a long walk along part of the High Peak Trail from Middleton Top to Black Rock, I will post photos when they are sorted out.
Sunday, January 14, 2007
About 40 minutes away from us by car is one of my favourite places and on Saturday we decided to pay it a visit. Lichfield is one of the smallest cities in England but for me has more to offer than some of the larger ones. I think it is because it is steeped in history, many of its historic buildings have been preserved, and it takes great pride in itself and its heritage. I just love walking round the streets and imagining what it was like many years ago. As you journey towards Lichfield you can see the three spires of the cathedral and they draw you towards the centre.
A Week in the Life Of.....
Monday 7.30a.m. - Red Sky over the back garden
Sunday morning - oh, good the rain has stopped, time for a long walk around Trentham Forest.
I was reminded of a childhood saying:- 'Red sky at night, Shepherd's delight, red sky in the morning, Shepherd's warning' - don't think there are many shepherds in Stoke.
Sunday morning - oh, good the rain has stopped, time for a long walk around Trentham Forest.
What's forecast for next week? Rain or Sun. I know which I would like.
Tuesday, January 09, 2007
Whilst I'm on the Subject
I’ve been thinking a lot recently about the subject of global warming and what we can do as householders to be more energy efficient and to save water; and also help by recycling. Luckily our council has fortnightly collections for paper, tin cans and glass but not as yet for plastic or tetra packs which is a concern. They also do a garden refuse collection every two weeks during the spring and summer and they always empty the household wheelie bin every Monday including Easter and Bank Holidays the only time we don’t get a collection is Christmas week, when extra bags are delivered to cope – so all in all a very good service.
For ourselves we try to conserve water and energy as much as possible but still our monthly energy payment has doubled in the last year. We have gas central heating with no extra fires anywhere. The oven and hob are electric; we don’t have a tumble drier or a dish washer and use energy efficient light bulbs where ever we can. We are guilty of leaving the video recorder on but that is because we use the clock and because it is a pain to reset if you switch it off. The refrigerator is C rated for energy efficiency so I guess when we buy a new one we could look to getting an A or better.
In the kitchen we have a compost waste bin under the sink as well as an ordinary household one and I try to use mostly Ecover products for washing and cleaning. I also have a large jug in which to collect any fresh water and use it to water the indoor plants. In the garden we have three water butts collecting water all year for use in the summer for watering the greenhouse and garden and topping up the pond. We also have a large compost bin. We encourage garden birds by having a feeding station and birdbath; we have a pond and a wild area with a log pile for other wildlife and try to grow insect friendly plants like sedum and buddleia. We have one small car whose emissions are acceptable to regulations. We try to buy locally produced seasonal fruit and vegetables, make our own bread with organic flour and buy organic milk and eggs. Just a drop in the ocean, I know, but if we all try and do our bit perhaps we can achieve just a little change for the better.
For ourselves we try to conserve water and energy as much as possible but still our monthly energy payment has doubled in the last year. We have gas central heating with no extra fires anywhere. The oven and hob are electric; we don’t have a tumble drier or a dish washer and use energy efficient light bulbs where ever we can. We are guilty of leaving the video recorder on but that is because we use the clock and because it is a pain to reset if you switch it off. The refrigerator is C rated for energy efficiency so I guess when we buy a new one we could look to getting an A or better.
In the kitchen we have a compost waste bin under the sink as well as an ordinary household one and I try to use mostly Ecover products for washing and cleaning. I also have a large jug in which to collect any fresh water and use it to water the indoor plants. In the garden we have three water butts collecting water all year for use in the summer for watering the greenhouse and garden and topping up the pond. We also have a large compost bin. We encourage garden birds by having a feeding station and birdbath; we have a pond and a wild area with a log pile for other wildlife and try to grow insect friendly plants like sedum and buddleia. We have one small car whose emissions are acceptable to regulations. We try to buy locally produced seasonal fruit and vegetables, make our own bread with organic flour and buy organic milk and eggs. Just a drop in the ocean, I know, but if we all try and do our bit perhaps we can achieve just a little change for the better.
They did warn us, didn't they?
Well, we were warned that global warming would lead to hot dry summers and warm wet winters and this week, the warm wet winter is really happening. This means that the garden is absolutely sopping wet – we have clay soil - and wellies are needed to walk anywhere on the garden because the lawns are under water and squelching and the pond is overflowing. A garden project we started in November and hoped to complete over the Christmas & New Year break has been abandoned and everything looks awful. The cats, bless them, are trampling in bits of garden and I’m sure I’ve washed the floors, windowsills and flat surfaces twice a day every day this week – I daren’t look at the spare bed – I’ve just covered it over with an old blanket because the cats like to sleep there. So rain, rain, wind and rain means no gardening, no walks, no photographs and a very fed up, lacking in inspiration and disgruntled me. That lovely, sunny New Year’s day walk seems so long ago.
Monday, January 01, 2007
New Year's Day Walk
There is nothing like a long walk on New Year's Day to lift the spirits and work off the lethargy that sets in over Christmas and the holidays. We left the house at 9.45a.m. and by 10.15a.m. we had parked in Ilam Village.
Walk this way
to see the Red deer grazing
The lovely church at Ilam
The River Manifold
The sun was high in the sky
and the hills looked wonderful
and the sheep were enjoying their New Year's Day lunch.
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