St Gregory's Church was built in 1118 by the monks of Shrewsbury Abbey - it became a Priory dependant on the Abbey and it is thought it stood where the Hall is now

The chancel arch, although restored in the 19th century, is predominantly Norman

From here on the photos aren't so great so I apologise but thought I would show them as you can still get some idea of what else was in the church from them.

On the wall of the tower is a wall paiting of bellringing fines - I've typed it out for you to read
When to ring you doe come here
you must ring well with hand and ear
for if this law you break indeed
your forfeit must be paid with speed
he that a bell doth overthrow
must pay his groat before he goe
he that suddenly checks a bell
two pence must pay all men can tell
amd he tht rings with spir or hatt
two pence is there to pay for that
these laws are olde they are not new
therefore kind debtor pay they due
It was time to head towards home which we did via Much Wenlock and Ironbridge. To be continued.....
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