Friday, March 07, 2025

The last few days

 Five happy moments over the last few days captured by my camera.

First butterfly visit this year to our garden, well the first I've spotted. I think it is a Comma.  It was sharing the heather with all the bees.

A couple of hours later the second butterfly appeared.  I think it's a Small Tortoiseshell.

Tuesday was Shrove Tuesday and also Pancake Day,  We had pancakes for lunch and squeezed orange juice all over them

The Asian Short-Clawed Otters at the Peak Wildlife Park have a new compound with two lakes.  It will mature with time and be a lovely new home for them.

They are beautiful creatures.  

Wednesday we visited Kedleston Hall near Derby.  We had a lovely walk in the grounds, there were lots of wonderful views of both countryside and the hall and church

More on this visit in a later post.

Suddenly Snowdrops are disappearing and Daffodils are popping up everywhere with their bright yellow cheerfulness.

All for now.  Take care.


  1. The weather has been so much better these last few days :) Lovely to see the butterflies in your garden - I haven't seen one yet although I did see my first Bumble Bees yesterday. We had pancakes too :) Still seeing snowdrops and Lesser Celandine but primroses are appearing and as you say daffodils :) Look forward to seeing more of Kedleston Hall - it is one of those properties I keep meaning to visit. Take care and have a good weekend.

    1. Thank you Caroline. It was a joy to see the butterflies one after the other, we saw a bumble bee or two as well as smaller bees. We only have pancakes once a year, we should make them more often, they are a treat. Thinking of you I took a few photos in the church, we didn't go in the hall this time. Have a lovely weekend:)

  2. Wow butterflies already! And not just the ordinary every day ones either! I haven't cooked our pancakes yet but I've got all the ingredients ready to go now, the are always delicious and the day comes around again all too quickly! I can see you are making the most of the weather with your trips, great to hear the bees and daffs are too. 😊

    1. Thank you CK, the butterflies do seem early. Yes, we've been out and about a bit this week, it's been such lovely weather:)

  3. Beautiful, your daffodils are already starting to bloom... here are the snowdrops and crocuses.
    Best wishes to you from Viola

    1. Thank you Viola, there are still a few snowdrops and crocus around but the daffodils are blooming all over now too, best wishes to you too:)

  4. So much to delight in this post. Butterflies already! How lucky you are. Delicious pancakes and a lovely walk. Spring is here!

    1. Thank you Lorrie, I was looking for the joy in simple things during the sunny weather, everything feels and looks so much better accompanied by a little sun:)

  5. Looks like you’ve had a glorious week. We are seeing lots of peacocks this week. B x

    1. Thank you B it has been a lovely week. It's good to see butterflies around again:)

  6. I made pancakes rolled up with lemon and sugar for Shrove Tuesday. The Otters are so cute! Not seen many daffodils out. There are none in bloom in my garden as yet - just the green stems.! x

    1. Thank you Simone, your pancakes sound delicious. The otters are great about fifteen of them all in a family group, they bustle around all together following a leader. Daffodils are just green stems here too, I guess we have different varieties to those at the road side:)

  7. Kedleston Hall is just so beautiful isn't it. We visited in 2023, on a less sunnier day.
    I'm looking forward to reading about your visit. Xx

    1. Thank you Jules, it is very beautiful. We didn't go in the hall this time, just took a walk on one of the trails, then had lunch and visited the church and shop before we left. I'll write about it soon:)

  8. What a lovely post and it just reminds me how much I've loved visiting UK. Thanks for sharing, take care & hugs.

    1. Thank you Susan, I'm glad you enjoyed the photos and that they brought back memories of your visits. Take care:)

  9. This is such a delightful post. Spring seems to be blooming everywhere but here in my neck of the woods. My daffodils are just starting to pop out of the ground. They are probably a month from blooming. It's nice that I can get a taste spring from blogs like yours 🌷🌷🌷

    1. Thank you Connie and thank you for leaving a comment. So glad you enjoyed seeing Spring through my blog, it sounds as if you will have some lovely daffodils to enjoy soon:)
