Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Red Squirrels

I have a fondness for Red Squirrels

This one was happy to pose for me when we visited the Peak Wildlife Park last week.   There is just something so special about them. We get the grey ones in the garden and I like those even though they do pinch the bird food.

I'm struggling at the moment with a new laptop.  My old one couldn't be updated from Windows 10 to Windows 11.  I'm trying to get used to the new one but it's taking twice as long to do things as everything seems in the wrong place or looks different.  It's like looking for a favourite product in a shop or supermarket and not recognising it because the packaging has changed.  I'll get there - eventually.


  1. The red squirrels are so much prettier! I’m not a fan of the grey squirrels!
    I hope that you soon get to grips with your new laptop as it’s irritating when you want to get on with things and it takes an age! Fingers crossed…!

    1. Thank you Sal, the new computer is quicker than the old one when I finally find what I want. I don't mind the greys but wouldn't it be wonderful if we only had reds all over the country instead of in small, safe areas or in breeding programmes like the ones above:)

  2. My sympathy's. Trying to adjust to a new computer is very frustrating. And everytime they do something that's suppose to be improved it takes longer, more clicks etc it seems to me. I think sometimes they make changes just to make changes. We don't see red squirrels in our neck of the woods, they do look different. Perhaps larger?

    1. Thank you Sandy, I think the hardest part of the changing laptops process is adding all the links you need and transferring data across as well as using different ways to access things. Actually the grey squirrels over here are sturdier than the reds which are more dainty and look lighter in weight:)

  3. Red squirrels are incredibly cute. X

    1. They are, Jules. I love their tufty ears:)

  4. We have red squirrels in Jersey but they are very timid creatures unlike their grey cousins. Maybe one day I’ll capture them. Your photo is beautiful and unusual with the white front. Good luck with your computer. Technology can be a trial! B x

    1. Thank you B. I' getting there with the new laptop, transferring things slowly, I have until October when Windows 10 stops, I'm not too good with change any more. It must be wonderful to have just red squirrels, the greys are certainly more outgoing, sometimes fearless:)

  5. It is so lovely to see the Red Squirrel - they are exceedingly cute! I hope you soon get used to the new laptop. I know our desktop is Windows 10 (I think support runs out soon for it!) and my laptop is Windows 11 - as you say it is different but I too find my new laptop so fast!!!

    1. Thank you Caroline, the Red Squirrels are very sweet. My other favourites at the park are the Red Pandas, also very cute and the Artic foxes as they always look as if they are smiling. Yes, the support does run out in a few months and we have to have a new desk top too as Paul uses that for his flight simulator. This new laptop does seem very quick and easy in some ways, I'll hopefully soon get used to it:)

  6. Ooh, ever so cute and glad there are still red squirrels around in the UK. Take care & hugs.

    1. Thank you Susan, yes, certain areas still have red squirrels, these ones at the park are there as part of a breeding programme and re-introduction into the areas that still have the reds:)

  7. Oh boy. I have a new laptop too, bought it in September and got it started up but have not yet switched to it from my 12 year old one! I am just dreading that process. So you are ahead of me, Rosie.

    1. Thank you Granny Sue, like you I am doing this gradually, I think the support for windows 10 runs out in October. I thought I'd try e-mails and blog first, luckily Paul is computer wise and helps a lot with things I can't get my head around. This computer is missing things like camera card slots etc so I have had to have a little gadget for that:)

  8. Such a lovely looking squirrel. I love the long tufty ears! I hope you have a lovely weekend Rosie. :)

    1. Thank you Simone, I hope you have a lovely weekend too:)

  9. Good luck with your new laptop. I hope you find your way around the new layout and features quickly.
    Little red squirel is so sweet no wonder he has a special place in your heart. The grey ones that visit our garden are still great fun to watch unless they have been especially naughty with their digging.

    1. I'm managing to download photos and write a blog post now, also adding to Ancestry. The little reds at the Peak Park are lovely, all named after a nut tree, we pop and see them often as we have a yearly pass. I still love to see the greys in the garden, they seem to like burying stones from our gravel path in the lawn for some reason:)
