The weather, this year, is most unusual and I can't, for the life of me, work it out!
I was angered this week by an incident which happened to my neighbour who suffers from MS and has to walk with a stick. She was out with one of her friends who also walks with a stick. They were enjoying their weekly outing to the supermarket when two well dressed businessmen behind them tutted and said very loudly 'They shouldn't let them out should they?' Absolutely disgraceful! The phrase 'There but for the grace of God' springs to mind.
I've been tagged by Sarah at In the Wee Hours to list six random facts about myself. I always find these things really difficult to do but here goes:-
1. I've worn glasses since I was 7 years old, the teacher discovered I needed them when she noticed that what I was copying off the board wasn't what was written on it. My mother blamed it on the measles even though my bedroom was kept dark; I do remember the curtains being closed against the glare of the sun.
2. I really dislike spiders, although I can, with great trepidation catch them in a jar and take them into the garden.
3. I adore the theatre, I love watching plays especially those of Shakespeare. I used to go to Stratford quite often but I haven't done that for a few years now. Silly really as I live closer now than I did when I used to visit often. Maybe next year!
4. I have a fear of deep, still water, especially in dark, lakeside boat houses and also of the underside of boats in dry dock.
5. I once, many years ago, discussed Jane Austen's Persuasion with the writer John Fowles, he was also, at that time, Honorary Curator of the Philpot Museum in Lyme Regis where we had gone to photograph some fossils, I didn't know who he was then, I found out later. I was mortified afterwards wondering if I'd made a fool of myself. Paul later got a letter from Mr Fowles thanking him for helping with the identification of one of the museum's fossils - we still have it somewhere.
6. When I was a child as well as playing libraries (with mother's books, slips of paper as library tickets and a hot water bottle top as the date stamp) I also played museums - I would rope off part of my bedroom and label things like my hairbrush and the ornaments on my dressing table and windowsill. I don't think I charged an entrance fee. No wonder then that I eventually ended up doing a degree in history with the OU and spending almost 20 years of my life working in museums.
I hope Sarah doesn't mind but I'm not going to tag anyone else. If after reading this you want to have a go then please feel free to take it with you.
Lastly, just a very random photo of Chloe - because she's worth it!
I was angered this week by an incident which happened to my neighbour who suffers from MS and has to walk with a stick. She was out with one of her friends who also walks with a stick. They were enjoying their weekly outing to the supermarket when two well dressed businessmen behind them tutted and said very loudly 'They shouldn't let them out should they?' Absolutely disgraceful! The phrase 'There but for the grace of God' springs to mind.
I've been tagged by Sarah at In the Wee Hours to list six random facts about myself. I always find these things really difficult to do but here goes:-
1. I've worn glasses since I was 7 years old, the teacher discovered I needed them when she noticed that what I was copying off the board wasn't what was written on it. My mother blamed it on the measles even though my bedroom was kept dark; I do remember the curtains being closed against the glare of the sun.
2. I really dislike spiders, although I can, with great trepidation catch them in a jar and take them into the garden.
3. I adore the theatre, I love watching plays especially those of Shakespeare. I used to go to Stratford quite often but I haven't done that for a few years now. Silly really as I live closer now than I did when I used to visit often. Maybe next year!
4. I have a fear of deep, still water, especially in dark, lakeside boat houses and also of the underside of boats in dry dock.
5. I once, many years ago, discussed Jane Austen's Persuasion with the writer John Fowles, he was also, at that time, Honorary Curator of the Philpot Museum in Lyme Regis where we had gone to photograph some fossils, I didn't know who he was then, I found out later. I was mortified afterwards wondering if I'd made a fool of myself. Paul later got a letter from Mr Fowles thanking him for helping with the identification of one of the museum's fossils - we still have it somewhere.
6. When I was a child as well as playing libraries (with mother's books, slips of paper as library tickets and a hot water bottle top as the date stamp) I also played museums - I would rope off part of my bedroom and label things like my hairbrush and the ornaments on my dressing table and windowsill. I don't think I charged an entrance fee. No wonder then that I eventually ended up doing a degree in history with the OU and spending almost 20 years of my life working in museums.
I hope Sarah doesn't mind but I'm not going to tag anyone else. If after reading this you want to have a go then please feel free to take it with you.
Lastly, just a very random photo of Chloe - because she's worth it!
Oh, Chloe's smiling! What a sweet face she has.
ReplyDeleteI too played library! You idea of using the hot water bottle top as the stamp...inspired! It also shows such great imagination that you played museum! Do you know, I still sometimes pretend I'm filming a cooking show when I'm baking!! Edward doesn't seem to mind.