
Tuesday, November 24, 2020

Ordinary Things

Times are difficult for most if not all of us at the moment in fact they have been throughout this very strange year. Events have hit some of us harder than others so it is good to dwell on the ordinary, everyday things that get us through each day. Yesterday was a typical day.  We woke to a light frost which soon melted away as the sun came out to brighten the dull morning.


Milk and a newspaper were collected from the local Co-op


and fruit and vegetables bought from the local farm shop.

We were home in time for coffee and the crossword in the newspaper and to peg out the laundry I'd left whizzing away in the machine whilst we were out.

There was time then to take our neighbour's little dog for a walk.  She can't walk him now as she has MS and is confined to a wheelchair.

 We took him by Sammie's Pool and over Fenpark. The longer walk over Berryhill Fields is waterlogged and too muddy for a little fluffy dog.

Then it was back home to warm soup and a bread roll. 

This post is just a tentative step into blogging again as I still have problems with my eyes if I am on the computer for too long.  I have been following your blogs and looking at your wonderful photos even if I can't always read all of what you have written about and comment on it.
Thank you to everyone who has contacted me to see how I'm getting along.  


  1. So glad to see a post for you after so long. You might want to look for a little browser add-on like this - 100% + which sits next to Help in the top bar of my browser.
    A click on the + changes the website up from 100% to 110% then 120% then 133%, even 150%.
    There are many blogs that I need to enlarge like this. It really does help.

    1. Thank you for your comment and advice CG - I've had a look and found it on my browser under zoom, never knew it existed so thank you so much, it will really help reading blogs with a smaller font and lots of text:)

  2. It was nice to have your post pop up today. That is very kind of you to take care of your neighbour's little dog. Take care. -Jenn

    1. Thank you for your comment Jenn, nice to see you here, the little dog was left to my neighbour and she feels she has to keep him so everyone helps her with both the dog and her two cats:)

  3. I agree with you that we should focus on everyday things and make the most of every day. So nice to see another post from you. Glad you are well.

    1. Thank you Briony, it seems to be the ordinary, everyday and routine things that keep us going:)

  4. Lovely to hear from you - sounds like a heartwarming day with the pleasures of daily life.

    1. Thank you for visiting Maudie, glad you enjoyed the post, sometimes days just seem good even if not much is done:)

  5. Good to see a post pop up from you in my reader. It's the everyday things that matter most, in the end, for they are who we really are. Glad you have a good day.

    1. Thank you Lorrie yes, everday things do matter as they are part of our lives and make us feel stable and needed:)

  6. Good to see a post from you. Fluffy dogs definitely don't mix with muddy paths.

    1. Thank you John, we are used to wiping his paws but he's hard to clean if he rolls in mud - or worse!:)

  7. It is so good to see a post again from you Rosie as I have missed you so much. It sounds like a lovely day taking pleasures from everyday events. Your soup looks really delicious. Do hope your eyes are a little better than they were and the glasses are helping. Take care.

    1. Thank you RR. Not sure if the eyes are much better but I'm getting used to the way things are and not stressing about it so much. The broccoli soup was out of the freezer from a batch we made a few weeks ago and was tasty and warming after the walk:)

  8. Good to hear from you again.Barbara

  9. So nice to see you have posted today, you have been missed.

    1. Thank you, it's lovely to see you here:)

  10. My goodness, we must have some sort of ESP, as you were down on my to-do list for another email today. I have been worried, what with your eye problems & this dratted virus hanging about, but seems the mundane day to day bits are carrying the majority of us along somewhat sanely. Cute little dog & glad you still have a little freedom to do some things normally. Take care, stay safe & hugs from down under.

    1. Thank you Susan, I have your e-mail and will reply soon. The virus seems to be going on forever doesn't it, I'm coping better with the eyes now and getting used to how things are. Glad you are able to move around more freely now, we can still shop and walk locally but don't go much further at the moment:)

  11. The dog is a cutie pie.

    Good to hear from you.

    1. Thank you William, he is a pretty or should I say handsome dog:)

  12. I enjoyed this, Rosie, I'm also so interested in ordinary moments of life, that is where the magic lies for me. I wish we had a local farm shop around here! And - fingers crossed that your eyes improve soon. You must miss reading your books.

    1. Thank you Amalia. I listen to books and also can read some on Kindle and enlarge the font so I can still enjoy some books. Ordinary moments are precious aren't they?:)

  13. I've been thinking about you so I'm so pleased to see you back again. So sorry to hear the eyes are still causing problems. Take care 😊

    1. Thank you, Karen, eyes still a problem but I'm getting used to the situation, as soon as all this Covid thing is over I will try to get more help and advice with them:)

  14. Sorry to hear you're still having problems with your eyes, I hope they'll be able to be resolved over time? It's nice to see you blogging :) the soup looks delicious!

    1. Thank you Pam, I'm hoping stronger prisms will make things better eventually although I will always have the problem now. The soup was delicious:)

  15. How wonderful to read this post Rosie. Your 'ordinary things' are much missed. I did want to email you but then thought you may struggle to read it so I have been patiently waiting for your return. The little dog is so cute - such a sweet little face. I hope that your eyesight continues to improve. I bet the bowl of soup was welcoming after being out on a cold day. :)

    1. Thank you Simone, I can read e-mails in larger print quite easily. He is a sweet little dog although he does like to bark at other dogs whilst we are out with him, he also barks at postmen, window cleaners and Amazon Prime delivery men, so he can be naughty too:)

  16. Rosie, it's good to see you blogging again, I've missed you. It is good to dwell on the ordinary things which get us through these hard times. I have been making a conscious effort to find something positive in every day and it has really helped my mood, sometimes it's simply been that the sun is shining or that the Best Beloved has brought me a mug of my favourite tea. Some days it's been difficult but there has always been something. Take care. x

    1. Thank you Mrs T. It's a good idea to try to find something positive everyday. I think the last weekend seemed so hard to get through for some reason, grey and wet outside but we will get there. You too take care:)

  17. For some reason I thought I’d added a comment before, clearly dementia is setting in. So good to see you blogging again. I hope your eyesight problems can be sorted. Take care. B x

    1. Thank you Barbara, lovely to hear from you. I've done that before too, thought I'd left a comment and then found I hadn't:)
