
Friday, September 18, 2020

Five from the Yorkshire Sculpture Park

I've been away from the computer for a while whilst I get used to the new situation with my eyes. A couple of weeks ago, when I was coming back from the hairdresser, I noticed that the kerb edges were running together and that our hedge was across the front of the house rather than down the side of the garden.  I was hoping it was just a temporary thing but going out in the car (as a passenger) the next day it seemed that cars on the opposite side of the road were crossing to our side not only that they were doubled.

  Panic set in, I was triaged to a local optician and given an eye test.  To cut a long story short I have double vision because the muscles in one of my eyes have failed and so my eyes are working separately rather than in unison.  I have to have special glasses made and they will be ready in a couple of weeks time so I'm struggling until then with an eye patch on one eye.

Anyway hopefully the new glasses will work.  In the meantime we had tickets booked for the Yorkshire Sculpture Park, where we met with a couple of friends keeping the new rule of six down to just four and wearing masks most of the time except over coffee and lunch.

Here are five photos from the special exhibition there by Portuguese artist Joana Vasconcelos.  She uses fabric, needlework and crochet alongside everyday domestic objects like saucepans, wheelhubs, mirrors and telephones.

Here is a - link - to more about her work. 

I'll add the photos I took below.  Five and then a collage of five more seeing as it is Friday.  No words as it is quite a struggle to see what I'm doing.

I'll catch up with comments both here and on your blogs when I have my new glasses😎


  1. Oh my, that must have been scary! I hope things improve for you! -Jenn

  2. I am so sorry Rosie to hear about your eye problems - it must have been so frightening. I do hope the glasses come soon and solve the problem for you. As if life wasn't difficult enough you now have this to contend with.

    The sculptures are so lovely and thank you for posting them.

    Take care.

  3. So sorry to read about your eye issues, that must have come as a shock. Hope all goes well with the new glasses. I really enjoyed seeing the sculptures, they are such fun.

  4. Hopefully the new glasses get the problem sorted out.

  5. Thank you for posting the photos of your visit to the YSP. They're appreciated. The colourful ones especially stand out. I hope the new glasses help your eyesight problem. I have eyesight issues myself so I'm thankful you could be seen quickly after your scary experiences.

  6. Do hope the new glasses work & we all understand how difficult it must be to just do what you normally take for granted. I'll be in touch via email & wow, those sculptures are amazing. When we visited there in '91, all the items had gone for cleaning & there was a lone footballer outstretched trying to get a ball. We've not been again. Not sure we'll be able to remedy that if we can't ever come over in the future. Take care, stay safe & huggles.

  7. Oh my goodness what a thing to happen, poor you. I do hope the glasses do the trick and that the situation improves. I'm glad you didn't miss your trip to the wonderful YSP, I really enjoyed your photos and would have loved to visit myself. Take care Rosie. 😊

  8. I am so sorry about your eyes Rosie. It must have been very scary for you to not know what was going on. I do hope the new glasses sort out the problem and enable you to see properly again. x

  9. Sorry to hear you're having such issues with your eyes, hopefully the glasses will be a bit improvement. It's lovely at the Sculpture Park, despite living so close I've only been once but I really enjoyed the sculptures and the grounds. Your photos are lovely.

  10. How worried you must have been! I do hope the new glasses work. I - very reluctantly - switched from proper books to digital, and find that it is a lot easier on the eye.

  11. Oh Rosie! I hope you don't have to wait too long for your new specs. It must have been quite frightening. I'm just catching up and even though it's very late, I'm sending you birthday wishes. I hope you can have a suitable treat once things have opened up more. Congratulations on going out - seriously, I've had my hair cut but I've only been in one shop and I haven't braved the Post Office or a cafe. It looks like it's a whole new world. Take care. x

  12. I’m so sorry to hear about your eye problem, Rosie, and I hope that your new glasses will provide some relief. Belated birthday greetings. I haven’t posted much this year, but I do hope you are staying safe and well. Take care, Marie x

  13. Thank you all for your kind comments. I'm still struggling with screens and typing and etc so I won't be around for a while yet. Take care everyone:)

  14. Interesting art work. Sorry for your eye troubles, but glad you got to the bottom of it right away and do hope the new glasses do the trick for you. Stay well, stay safe.
    Sandy's Space

  15. I've never been to the Yorkshire sculpture park and it looks really, really fascinating. I'm sorry to hear about your eye problems. It was certainly the right thing to seek medical help but it must be so frustrating. Good luck with a speedy recovery and hope to see you back soon!

  16. I've not been blogging much of late, but decided I needed to get back into it, so am swinging by and hope to hear how your new glasses are working out for you. Hope you and yours are staying safe.
    Sandy's Space

  17. Thank you Sandy and Jenny, I'm still struggling with my eyes as my glasses are not entirely successful I find being on the laptop quite tiring so have to do small things and then rest my eyes. I hope to eventually get back to writing on here but also taking photos is proving difficult too and I do like to add photos:)

  18. Lovely to see you have left a comment here Rosie. I wanted to email to see how you are but then thought you may struggling reading it! I do hope that your eyesight improves and that you can start taking photos again. Rest up and hopefully we can start afresh next year! :)

    1. Thank you Simone,lovely to hear from you. I do struggle with e-mails but can read them if they are in large print. I find early morning is best for reading comments and e-mails before my eyes get too tired. I hope you are well, take care:)
