
Friday, May 01, 2020

Into May

Lately I've been....

each evening this week Museums in Quarantine
on BBC 4 and Front Row Late, Lock Down Culture on BBC2 with Mary Beard.
Becoming Matisse on BBC2 and Gardeners' World on BBC2.  All available on BBC iplayer.


Each evening this week to the play Dirty Laundry by local playwright Deborah McAndrew peformed by The Claybody Theatre. First performed at the Spode Works in Stoke in 2017 during the British Ceramics Biennial and recreated earlier this year at Middleport Pottery and also
To the audio links for the Welsh history course I'm doing with OpenLearn.  This week Tudor times, the Acts of Union, the Reformation, the translation of the bible from English to Welsh and the rise of Non-conformism.


I've been re-reading The Dig by John Preston still with the hopes of visting Sutton Hoo when it is open again.  Perhaps next year?  I've also discovered a new easy read detective series by M S Morris set in Oxford another place we've talked about visiting over the last couple of years.  The last time we were there was in the 1980s.  Anyway,  I've whipped through the first two books and the third in the series is due out later this month.


for birds and changes in the garden and keeping up the 'first spotted'  idea I mentioned a couple of weeks ago. See the page at the top of the blog.  It's a bit repetitive at the moment.  I only ever hear wood pigeons first thing as my ears don't pick up the sounds of blackbirds, which apparently start earlier, until I'm outside. For the last three days I've haven't seen any butterflies in the garden.

Recently Mr Bullfinch has been visiting as well as a rare visit from a Thrush.
Strange things happen at night in the garden.  The fox is ready to run as the badger always chases him off.

Tired and in low spirits for some reason. I don't know why as I have many things to be thankful for.  I have a roof over my head with a garden to walk in and sit in when it is warm enough and a place to walk for exercise, books to read, wildlife in the garden to enjoy with camera and binoculars to hand.  All, I hope, will be well.

Take care everyone.


  1. Keeping busy. Stay safe.

  2. Since you previously mentioned OpenLearn Rosie I have completed the course on Dutch Painting of the Golden Age. I will be signing up for other courses too, to challenge my shrinking brain! The fox and badger photo is wonderful! I am sorry you feel in low spirits. It has rained consistently here since Tuesday so that has dragged me down a bit. At least when it is dry and pleasantly warm I can get on with garden jobs. I hope the weekend is brighter for you in all ways Rosie. x

    1. Thank you Simone. Glad you have found some courses you like. There are some funny little films from the camera but I'm not sure how to put them on here. The fox taunts the badger by biting its tail, badger tries to shrug him off but then turns and gives chase. Hope it is going to stay drier today. Take care:)

  3. It is lovely to read how you have been keeping busy and filling the time. I am so sorry you feel in low spirits but I think it is so understandable with all the uncertainty surrounding us and changes to our lifestyle. I try hard not to dwell on it too much or watch the news and just fill each day as much as I can but even then I worry!

    We have been without butterflies during the last few rainy days but the Speckled Woods have appeared again today. The Welsh course sounds really good - I am still doing the War Memorial one but it is quite short and basic so I may see if they have lengthier free courses. It is so lovely to see the badger and fox photo.

    Take care and stay safe and well Rosie and I hope you feel less tired and happier soon.

    1. Thank you RR, low spirits partly virus related but mostly, my eyesight, hearing/tinnitus, aching elbow and hitting 70 later this year. I know what you mean about trying not to dwell on things or we really would go downhill. Saw two orange tips in the garden today and two or three on our walk over the fields. The antics of the fox and badger always makes us laugh out loud, the fox taunts the badger to chse it. I wish I could put some of the clips on here. Take care and stay safe:)

  4. There are some interesting programmes on BBC4 television and radio4. I have recorded the Art in Quarantine series. I've been doing a free online history course and have another lined up about the literature of country houses. A short walk, a sit down with my crocheting and then some shared cooking keeps me busy. It's easy to feel unsettled by the crisis. I can't concentrate on reading at the moment although I've just found one novel that I had on my shelf that has caught my attention. I miss my library visits. Take care Rosie. Hope you feel better soon.Have a good weekend.

    1. Thank you Linda. Lots of lovely programmes on at the moment and courses to do too. Also 'live' days and quizzes on facebook with RSPB and Staffordshire Wildlife Trust. The literature of country houses sounds interesting. I'm afraid my reading has to be easy at the moment anything heavy would defeat me. I miss the library too although I do have books from them on my I pad I can't always find what I want there. You too take care:)

  5. Sorry to read you are in low spirits, sending you a hug. Tomorrow is another day!

    1. Thank you MM, yes the sun is out today and we've been for a walk and seen blossom trees, they always life the spirits. Take care:)

  6. It's not easy is it. The weeks are flying by though, it always seems to be Friday, so eventually we'll be on our way to a different regime. You've found some great things to do this week, I've been watching Museums in Quarantine too, there are some hidden gems within the scheduling. Take care and if you have some flour, how about a cheese scone! 😊

    1. Thank you Karen, no not easy but we will get there. Weeks pass by, days seem the same but there are some lovely things to do. How funny - we don't have a lot of flour my bag of SR is half empty but yesterday I made some cheese scones for lunch, then came back here after and read your comment - great minds:)

  7. Oh thank you for mystery reading suggestions!!! My husband just finished his last book! And we need new ideas for him!!!!!!! I just had to run and tell him!!!!!

    And The Dig sound very interesting too! Thank you so much!!!!! You continue to be a wealth of reading suggestions, for us!!!!

    Btw, I had pre-ordered the latest Ruth Galloway book, but it has been set back. Which is fine, it will be fun, when it comes.

    It is perfectly human and normal, to have times of being depressed, anyway. No life is faerie dust and roses, all the time. And especially, at the time of this brand new world wide Horror. How could anyone, sail right through this time, full of cheer????? So I don't think we *should* feel any form of "why?", for so doing.

    And thank you for saying this, here.

    I also think (yes, I do "think" a lot, don't I????) that saying so, is so good for everyone else. Let's all the rest of us know, we are not alone, when we get "down in the dumps," too.

    Pretty Blog Land has always been very important to me. And I have been saddened, to see it slip away, over time... To easier places like Instagram and etc.

    This Horror Time has shown how really important blogging communication is. No more feeling our posting has to be "amazing" or full of "brilliant" photos, or anything.

    Frequent communication, is the Prize, now.

    So hope, this will not be forgotten, when the World Gets Out Again.

    "Tra la, it's May"

    1. Thank you WoW for your kind words. We all have ups and downs in this strange time we are living in and I really enjoy visiting blogs and seeing how everyone is coping some i different ways but mostly we all feel the same about things. Hope you enjoy the new Ruth Galloway book when you finally get it. The Dig is a super book and well written too. Take care:)

  8. Love the photo of the badger & fox. It was interesting reading what you've been up to & like you I've always something to keep me occupied, but it is strange times & unsettling. It's like the anticipation of "something", but we don't know what. Not even walks at the moment due to this cold snap. Our coldest May day since 1924 (96 years ago) in Melbourne, high winds & heavy rain with snowfalls over 12" at Mt. Buffalo, one of the ski areas in the high country. The ski season doesn't start till the long weekend in June. So far 2020 is turning into the weirdest year. Take care, stay safe & huggles.

    1. Thank you Susan. You weather sounds as strange in its own way as ours has been here. This year is so strange isn't it? I suppose the anticipation is for things to get back to normal if it can, I don't think I'll want to go out and about for a while longer after restrictions are lifted as everything seems so uncertain. Take care and have a good weekend:)

  9. Always something lovely to see and hear about when I visit with you Rosie. I must remember to bring my pen and paper to write down.... back now with it, added the detective books to it. I know a lad at my book group would love this series.
    I think we are all feeling a little bleugh this past week, the sunny days from the week before ended and we had such dull and dark damp days which didn't help.
    Take care, enjoy your happenings as best you can
    love and blessings

    1. Thank you, Julie, I think that the duller days have made the week seem longer. I hope that the books are enjoyed, I quite liked the setting and the characters and they don't tax the brain too much with anything heavy and demanding. I expect we have all had a few days of feeling low during lockdown. Let's enjoy what we have whilst we can. Stay safe:)

  10. I think we all have our meh days at the moment, but we are coming out of this slowly and surely. Lovely photos. Congrats on the bullfinch and your amazing four legged visitors of course. xx

    1. Thank you shazza, the meh days disappear some times, things do seem a little easier now don't they? A little light at the end of a long tunnel. Bullfinch visits most day a couple of times both to feed and take food away in his beak:)
