
Monday, April 27, 2020

Over the Fields

 We often walk over the fields as they are not very far away from home, about five or six minutes walk, but when you are up there they can be be anywhere you want them to be.

A flock of Starlings in the sky
At present the grass is covered in Dandelions and Buttercups.  Skylarks rise melodically into the sky and Orange Tip and Speckled Wood butterlies flitter in profusion over the grass, dancing around together in the bright sunlight.

These fields have been called 'the green lungs of the city' and several times over the last few years protests have been made and action groups formed when builders have submitted plans to the city council to build on there.  Plans seem to be in abeyance at the moment. 

 I'm glad because these fields have helped so many people, especially in these strange, constrictive  times.  There are walkers, dog walkers and birdwatchers across the fields and joggers, horse riders and cyclists on the paths of the adjoining nature reserve.  We all need green spaces for fresh air and exercise.

This area was once both farmland as well as areas of industry like coal mining.

We walk early in the morning when we can and some days there are only a few of us, plenty of space to uphold social distancing regulations, plenty of paths to divert along if you see others coming towards you. 

 Last week I took my camera to take a few photos.

In the distance, the city centre, I've zoomed in a little on this one.

And again.

An old stone bridge over a nearly dry stream


Cuckoo Flower or Lady's Smock. 

Talking of cuckoos according to a Staffordshire wildlife blog that I follow they have been seen and heard over the fields recently.  I haven't heard one yet, in fact I haven't heard one for a few years now but it's good to know they are still around.


  1. Great to have a place like that where you can walk. It's been many years since I heard a cuckoo around my home, though I know they are not far away.

    1. Thank you John, we often heard cuckoos when I was a child over the woods at the edge of the village and sometimes over the houses. Their call takes me back there:)

  2. Ohhh I hope the people who do not want building... Will stay on the job... Do not become tired of fighting. They are so, so, so in the right. COURAGE to them...!!!!

    Of course places to roam, are so very necessary, always. And especially at this time!!!! Saw a picture in the paper this morning, of children in Spain, runnnnnnning with Joy! After some restrictions have been lifted. It is so very sad... And wonderful... Both.

    I am so happy, that local children have been able to still get exercise. Parents or older siblings can take them to big parks, and to simply walk around our roads. Or ride their bikes. It is so necessary, for the children and for the parents.

    Of course, ours is not a big city. Big cities, to me, are never nice. And they are more like awful, at this time.

    My wish...
    Depending on your circumstances,
    Let the healthy, go back to work,
    Compromised people, stay home.

    1. Thank you WoW. I know more houses are needed but not the kind of houses that would be built and also access to the site would add to traffic polution and put a strain on utility supplies as well as schools, surgeries and etc. It's just not practical. Ours is not a large city, the centre is a large town and the whole city is made up of six smaller towns with many green spaces in between:)

  3. So much lovely open space for you to enjoy Rosie! The sky is so blue in the photos and there is so much wildlife to see. I look forward to going on long walks once the lock down is over. x

    1. Thank you Simone. In a very wet winter the fields are often waterlogged and paths thick with mud but at this time of year and through the summer it's ideal for exercise and fresh air. I'm looking forward to going for longer walks too around our local lakes and into the Peaks:)

  4. What a wonderful place to walk and so close to home :) A taste of the country in a city :) Lovely photos Rosie and I appreciate you go early but it does look lovely and quiet there. It would be so awful if building/development was ever to go ahead. I last heard a cuckoo a few years ago at Ryton Woods when we went to see the bluebells.

    1. Thank you RR. Once the houses disappear from view behind us and before the city centre skyline can be seen ahead it does seem as if you are out in the countryside somewhere quiet and peaceful. I hope building never goes ahead for various reasons:)

  5. Lovely photos and it's great to have such a nice walk close to home, with lots to see!

    1. Thank you Louise, yes it's a great area for walking and wildlife too:)

  6. What a lovely place to be able to still walk. You saw the housing now gracing our once lovely paddocks & farmland in one of my recent posts & it is such a shame when they start using it for residential purposes.Thanks for sharing & I may take my camera again today on our walk, as we might not get in one for a few days with a severe cold front approaching and snow predicted for the higher peaks, above 1000 metres. Ooh, winter must be coming. Take care, stay safe & huggles.

    1. Thank you Susan, do take your camera out when you go, I've been enjoying your walks and your vists over here last year. As you go into winter so we come out of Spring into summer, take care and stay safe:)

  7. How lovely to have such a wild place to walk. So quiet and peaceful, with lots to observe.

    1. Thank you Lorrie, yes it is quiet and peaceful most of the time, hard to believe it's in a city not far from the centre:)

  8. We need the green open spaces near our homes even more than ever at the moment. I'm thankful for ours within manageable walking distance and feel sorry for those people who cannot get out and about so easily. How uplifting to see skylarks! The reports of cuckoos being heard gives us hope that the rarer birds are on the increase. Oh to hear the sound of the cuckoo's call once more would be delightful.

    1. Thank you Linda, I find it harder and harder to go out and about but make myself go and try and engage with nature as it does help. The skylarks are lovely to see and I'd love to hear a cuckoo again, good to know they are still around though:)

  9. What a green and pleasant spot with a good view of the city too. I am missing fields at the moment, fields with hills around them with all their different coloured crops. Good job Countryfile shows a few. It's great to see the buttercups again. 😊

    1. Thank you karen, yes we are lucky to have the open space so close to home, when you look out towards the city centre it is hard to imagine it with quiet and empty street with coffee shops, museum, library, theatres and shops all closed. One day I expect it will all be lively again:)

  10. I've enjoyed being on your walk Rosie. I would love a walk but sadly its not to be, on Day 46 since I was allowed out :-(

    1. Thank you Julie, glad you enjoyed walking ith me, it must be hard to have to stay in but very wise too, I haven't been far just a walk every other day:)

  11. A perfect place to take your daily exercise. Thank goodness developers haven’t got their teeth into it. Lovely to see the beautiful blue skies. A little grey here this morning. B x

    1. Thank you Barbara, I'm so glad all the plans are on hold as this place is needed for all of us around here for both exercise and peace of mind. We tend to go there every other day:)

  12. What a great space to have nearby (and I hope house planning gets turned down every time!), the escape from the house is much needed isn't it!

    1. Thank you Pam, had a little walk this morning but not up to the fields. I hadn't been out for a couple of days and needed some fresh air:)
