
Saturday, March 03, 2018

Into March

The calendar on the kitchen wall tells me it's March but the weather outside seems to think otherwise.  It's not so unusual I suppose, over the years I've known snow in March and April, so I shouldn't be surprised.

I forgot to say 'White Rabbits' on Thursday morning!  As the wind was howling around the house and tossing the trees around I thought that March had certainly come roaring in like the lion so I'm keeping my fingers crossed it will go out like a lamb.

 As I looked out of the upstairs windows on the front and the back it wasn't a day for leaving the house.

  We've been staying indoors, just a couple of walks down into the town for things like milk and a newspaper.  We've also been sitting and watching the visitors to the garden and we've been putting out extra food for them all.

The female fox, one of last year's cubs,

visited during the snow storm.

Chaffinch up to his stomach in snow

Red Wing- a very unusual visitor to the garden, we had a visit from one today.  I wonder if it was the same one?

Squirrel watching his friend

who was tempted by the extra bird food we'd put out for the birds.
A pair of Dunnocks


Mistle Thrush another unusual visitor to the garden we usually just have song thrushes.

On the coldest and windiest day loads of starling settled in the trees nearby.



 All the above photos have been taken through windows at varying times over the last couple of days.  The snow is still with us but is receding in patches around the garden and colour is showing through again.

We have decided to stay indoors today.  I have a basket of ironing to tackle and perhaps a bit of baking.  I have a lovely new magazine to enjoy and two good books.  I've nearly finished reading The Chillbury Ladies' Choir by Jennifer Ryan and have enjoyed every minute of reading it.  I also have the latest Elly Griffiths Dr Ruth Galloway novel from the library which I will move onto next.

Sometimes it's not so bad staying in after all.  What are you doing this weekend?


  1. Lucky you to have the latest Elly Griffiths. It’s still on order at our library! Lots of great photos of your visitors. You certainly had a lot of snow this time. Stay warm. B x

    1. I think I reserved the Elly Griffiths book in January and I was 7 in the queue so I've got it fairly quickly, last one of her's I was 28 in the queue and waited ages:)

  2. Dear Rosie
    I went to an evening with Elly Griffiths last month and am intrigued by a standalone book to be published in Autumn - The Stranger Diaries. I am waiting for The Dark Angel kindle version to come down in price, but have read all the others. I have just finished and enjoyed the first, The Zig Zag Girl' in her Stephens and Mephisto series set in Brighton in the 1950s.
    I hope you enjoy your reading.
    Best wishes

    1. How wonderful to see the author and listen to her talking about her books. I've loved all her books and managed to read chronologically both series. I like the Stephens and Mephisto ones almost as much as the Ruth Galloway ones. I can't wait to start reading The Dark Angel and like you I'm intrigued by The Stranger Diaries and look forward to that too:)

  3. I just read those 2, had to order the Elly Griffiths from AmazonUK as it won't be available here for months. Liked the Chilbury Choir too.

    1. Glad you've been able to read both books Janet, it's good you could get The Dark Angel from Amazon UK. I've just finished The Childbury Ladies' Choir so will start reading the Elly Griffiths one next:)

  4. What a lovely set of photos, love the fox. Just shows there is a lot going on in our gardens, the snow has given us the time to see it. Great post.
    Amanda xx

    1. Thanks, Amanda, the foxes become quite brave in the bad weather and we see birds we don't normally see in the garden:)

  5. Ohhhh, you have the latest Elly Griffiths' book!!!!!! The one I got out of the library, I had read, after all! But the latest one, I have not read (I hope!) is waiting for me. Now that the storm has passed, I can get it today. :-)

    Was depressed to find that the very latest, has been purchased by a member of our library system, but not mine. When one library gets a newwwww book, they will not let it out on inter library loan, for some time. :-(((( So after I get up~to~date on all of them, I may just have to get it, for my Kindle.

    1. Ooops, should have said... a library in our system, has placed an order for Elly Griffiths' latest book. They don't have it yet. :-)

  6. What a lovely yard/garden you have! Ohhhhhh it must be so lovely, in the warm seasons! I look forward to seeing it.

    Love all wrens, and your English robins. They are so pert and plump and cute. Our robins are not any of these things. They just share the red breast.

    Enjoy your weekend in. Perhaps a last time this winter, to revel in the warm, cozy feeling of being inside in bad weather. With books to read and a warm cup to drink and that all~over~cozy feeling. :-)

    1. I hope you can get to read the Elly Griffiths book you have ordered very soon and also the latest one here which was published in February The Dark Angel, as you say you may have to get it on Kindle. The garden has its ups and downs, downs being the heavy clay soil we sit on here in The Potteries as it stand wet and soggy a lot of the time. At the height of summer when the lawns have dried out it is lovely to sit out into the evening and watch the birds. Have a lovely weekend:)

  7. Replies
    1. She is a very attractive fox isn't she?:)

  8. A very healthy-looking fox despite the harsh weather.

    1. She gets well fed as all the households put food out for the foxes in our corner, we have three or four of them visit at different times of day:)

  9. I love all your wildlife photos, even the fox. Introduced into Australia by the first settlers, they are a big problem here, but have such an elegant look about them. I can't believe all the snow UK have had over the last week. Some of the photos I've seen have been sensational. Thanks & take care. BTW, I too get both Landscape & Land Love on a regular basis, but we are a couple of months behind yours.

    1. Thanks, Susan. We have had a lot of snow but in our area - north west midlands - it hasn't been as bad as further north or south which have had dreadful weather and travel problems, the snow does make for sectacular photos though. I dont buy magazines very often as they are so expensive but occasionally treat myself to a Land Love or a Landscape just to gaze at the beautiful photos:)

  10. Lots of wonderful visitors, I would never get anything done watching them all from the window living there. Thankfully we haven't had snow but the temperatures have dropped so a cosy weekend in is the plan.

    1. We did realise that we had spent half the morning taking photos, cameras are always out and ready in case we get unusual bird visitors to the garden. We are staying home this weekend but I'm so ready for a bright day and a visit to somewhere interesting:)

  11. It looks so gloomy out of your Windows, here today, Sunday, the snow has mostly gone apart from the snowman thank goodness. The poor old birds will be pleased. Great photos of your wildlife. 😊

    1. Thank you. It was gloomy the morning I took them, Thurdsday I think, it is brighter today but raining hard - it is clearing the snow but will probably turn to ice. We've been feeding the birds extra nibbles and seeds during the cold weather:)

  12. A great post Rosie with lovely photos of the wildlife attracted to your garden in this snowy weather. I do love the illustration in the first photo on your calendar.

    Unless I have had to do shopping I haven't been out much in the last few days! The perfect time to catch up on reading :) I see at long last you have the latest Ruth Galloway :) I can't wait to get hold of a copy somehow and read it myself and I have a copy of that lovely magazine to read too :) I will check out the book on the Chilbury Ladies' Choir. Currently reading Remarkable Creatures by Tracy Chevalier which you told me about some time ago. Thoroughly enjoying and it makes me want to read more about Mary Anning and return to Lyme Regis.

    1. I haven't left the house since Friday morning but all the snow has gone now and it's a lot warmer so will venture out today to shop and hopefully walk somewhere. Glad you are enjoying Remarkable Creatures, Mary Annining is fascinating isn't she? I'd love to visit Lyme Regis again but Isle of Wight first I think depanding yet again on our elderly cat, we can't plan anything at the moment:)

  13. oh wow what fab photos of the wildlife in your garden I do feel sorry for the wildlife in these extreme conditions, did you see the film on the news of deer that had come down from the mountains in Scotland into the towns and villages looking for food?
    We still have lots of lying snow but most roads are clear.....back to work tomorrow after three snow days at the end of last week! xx

    1. Thanks, Lyn, I did see the deer wandering the streets, I hope they were all safe but I think lots of little birds many have perished in the cold, our white necked blakbird visitor to the garden hasn't been seen for a few days:( Hope you get to work okay:)

  14. Amazing winter scenes. Here it could be June already, very sunny and warm. Do send us some winter. I've had The Chillbury Ladies' Choir on my reading pile for a while now, I'll move it to the top :-)

    1. Thanks, Amalia, how lovely to have warm sunshine, I could do with some of that at the moment. Hope you enjoy the book:)

  15. Lovely photos Rosie. Your garden really is like a wildlife sanctuary! The fox is a lovely rich red. Foxes around these parts are a dull urban grey! x

    1. Thank you Simone, We do getlots of visitors in the bad weather espcially. The foxes are a gorgeous colour, the female has dark legs and tail tip and her brothers have white tail tips:)

  16. We are experiencing a lot of snow and cold, too. Another storm forcast for tomorrow and we’ve had two since the end of last week. You have had some beautiful visitors to your garden and got some good photos. That Jennifer Ryan book is one that I haven’t come across, so will look for it at the library. On snow days, I’m staying indoors and trying to catch up with some reading, thouth the ironing pile awaits! Marie x

    1. More snow expected here this coming weekend, hope it isn't too heavy as we have to travel across country west to east for a funeral next week. We always seem to get some unusual visitors in the garden when the snow is on the ground. Hope your storm isn't too bad. Stay safe and warm:)
