
Monday, February 26, 2018

Monday Miscellany

Just a few things that have made me smile over the last few days

 Dolly, the cat from next door sitting in the heather just in front of our kitchen window.  A few days before there was a knock at the door and our neighbour came to say that she thought Dolly was stuck up a tree at the top of our garden as she could hear her mewing.  Paul took the car out of the garage, retrieved the ladders from the hooks on the garage wall and took them up to the top of the garden. He clambered up and found Dolly sitting on a flat piece of trunk unable to get down.  She was very grateful to be rescued and let him pick her up and carry her down the ladders.  She's such a pretty cat.  The feather which looks as if it is in her mouth is actually stuck to the heather it has been there for days and it still there this morning I expect it will soon disappear under the expected snow.

We had a walk around the lake at Trentham Gardens early last week and whilst we were there we saw a display of birds of prey.  I was fascinated with the markings and the bright eyes of the eagle owl.  It being half-term here there were children and parents about and they were listening in fascination to the handler explaining about how the owl's head appears to turn all the way round, apparently owls can rotate their necks to around 260 degrees and not tear any tendons or blood vessels.   The owl obligingly demonstrated this technique a couple of times.

 I'm still smiling at the thought of the snowdrops we saw at Hopton Hall in Derbyshire which we visited last Wednesday (see my post before last for more snowdrop photos).

Saturday we went for a very cold walk at RSPB Coombes Valley. By the time we got back to the car my finger ends were tingling and my feet were numb but I felt so much better for having been in the fresh air for a while. We didn't see many birds just a pair of pheasants, a dunnock, one or two robins and one tree creeper.  We also saw a buzzard flying overhead, whirling over the trees. 

 A couple of days ago Paul glanced out of our bedroom window and saw a fox curled up in the undergrowth over the hedge in the area of trees between us and the school grounds he took the photo of it above.  The foxes have been very noisy over the last few days.  He is one of last year's cubs and he spent quite a time there and we saw him there again the following day.  I wondered if the female fox had had her cubs and he had retreated to a quiet spot out of the way?  When I looked up the time cubs were usually born it said March or April but a fox lover I follow on face book has reported that the female fox which visits his garden has had her cubs behind his shed so perhaps it isn't too early.  If there are early cubs I hope they will stay safe during the expected cold spell next week.


  1. What a gorgeous cat, well done on the rescue. Hope the foxes brave the snow. Even Jersey is meant to get a sprinkling. I’ll believe it when I see it. Stay warm. B x

    1. I wonder if you will get some of the snow that is forecast? If so stay warm and cosy, we have a few sprinkings here but further north of the city there is more of a covering:)

  2. What a lovely selection of pictures and experiences. You've captured the cold but bright days we have had over the last week.

    1. Thank you, Jayne. Glad you've enjoyed the photos:)

  3. Owls are such stunning birds aren't they! I love the fox pic, it's always a thrill to see a fox :)

    1. We are very lucy to have foxy visitors although we don't see them so much in winter. Owls are fascinating aren't they?:)

  4. A super set of photos - especially like the one of the owl - owls are so stunning when you can see them close up :) Well done on the cat rescue and lovely to see another photo of the wonderful snowdrop display.

    1. Thank you, the snowdrops were stunning, I expect they are covered in snow by now. The owls were wonderful, they had a barn owl and a couple of hawks too on the stand. The cat is quite naughty, she had to be coaxed down from a shed roof across the street a couple of days ago so she hasn't lost her adventurous spirit:)

  5. That's a great story about Dolly, poor baby. That little fox is just gorgeous. I know they can be a nuisance, but so pretty.

    1. Thanks, Janet. She is a lovely cat but a little too adventurous for her own good. I think with the foxes it's their colour and markings and their sad, inquisitive eyes:)

  6. Such a joy to visit and see some of your wonderful experiences of the last few days. The owl is a joy to see and those snowdrops are a real delight.

    1. Thank you, glad you enjoyed visiting, the owl was wonderful and I still remember those snowdrops with great joy:)

  7. Dolly the cat is such a beautiful kitty. And, I've never seen an owl like this one before. I find owls such fascinating birds. How lucky you are to be in such a nature setting to see little foxes and other animals. Thank you for sharing such beautiful pictures. Pat

    1. Thank you, Pat glad you enjoyed the photos, the cox visited us again yesterday in the snow:)

  8. Beautiful shots, especially the kitty!

    1. Thank you, William and thank you for visiting and following and leaving a comment:)

  9. Oh that photo of Dolly is precious... Hope she has learned her lesson, and will not climb so far, again.

    Gorgeous owl!

    Sorry you are expecting more winter. We have an unusually warm day today, and people are acting like summer. Man with shorts... Woman with no coat or sweater... Mmmmmm.... Too soon to get complacent, around here.

    1. We have snow again today and more expected, winter is still with us! I too see people in shorts or women with no shoulders in their clothes out in this weather, they must be very sturdy folk who don't feel the cold:)

  10. What a lovely collection of miscellaneous moments :) I was amazed driving to school this morning how many snowdrops have popped up all along the lanes. They weren't there before half term but were a beautiful sight this morning!

    1. It has been a wonderful year for snowdrops hasn't it? Glad you enjoyed the moments:)

  11. How lovely... I too would feel happy in that little world of yours.... so enchanting!


    1. Hello and welcome and thank you for your comment, I will pop along and visit your blog later today:)

  12. What lovely photos Rosie. Sucb a pretty cat and owl. It is so cold, we don't have any snow at the moment but with blizzards forecast, it's bound to arrive at some time during the week. Take care. 😊

    1. Thanks, Karen glad you enjoyed the photos. Foxes were back in the daylight yesterday seeking food. We have snow now and more expected you too stay safe and warm:)

  13. Beautiful photo of Dolly the cat! x

    1. Thank you, Simone. Your post went into spam, I've no idea why but I found it:)
