
Sunday, June 05, 2016

In the Garden

I mentioned in my last post that we had been busy putting up a new fence.

 The old one was falling apart and rotting in places.  It needed to be replaced.

I've never thought of us as trend setters but several neighbours have been to look at it and a couple of them are having the same fencing.

View from the front of the house.

You can see what remains of the old fencing leaning against the shed.  I loved the colour of it, I think it was called sea grass but I'm geting used to the new one.  

Meanwhile around the garden things are changing so fast.

 The peonies in the front garden are doing well this year.

Some of the petals are dropping off the blooms now though.

 French Marigolds

 Snap Dragons

 The Aquilegia and Geums are still flowering.  I've finally remembered that the Geum with the red flower is called Mrs Bradshaw.

 Lungwort brought by a friend from near Chesterfield when she visited last week.  Taken from her own garden.  I hope it survivesbecause I know that bees love it. It seems to be withstanding the transfer so far.

 I love the Tamarisk tree at this time of year.  It has been quite severely pruned but still looks healthy thank goodness.
The yellow rose is still always the first of the roses to flower.

In the green house the tomatoes and courgettes are coming along, ditto lettuce and beans.  Some of the courgettes have been planted outside in the raised beds.

It has been warm enough for both cats to snooze outside.  Max is quite fragile now and doesn't stray very far.
 Max by the pond watching the frogs

Chloe snoozing on the seat before we tackled the fence.

It has been warm enough to sit outside and certainly for strawberries and ice cream.  The ones above are from the supermarket but they are Staffordshire grown so quite local.

 It looks as if it won't be long before we will be picking our own.


  1. I love the new fence. It looks really good quality and the curved top gives it lots of added interest! Your garden is looking wonderful especially the Tamarisk tree - such a pretty colour. I think you have been having the good weather this week. It has been awful here and at one point we contemplated putting on the heating! Today is is warmer and dry but humid. Thank you for the garden inspiration. I may have to buy some plants for the garden this week. x

    1. We bought the marigolds and snap dragons from a local nursery just for the added colour. The tamarisk tree goes from pink to red to green over the summer. I love its pink phase:)

  2. The new fence looks great, as do the strawberries. I look forward to being able to eat them straight from the plant again, as always!

    1. I love being able to collect strawberies from the garden and eating them straight away:)

  3. Really like your new fence, looks like it should last you a while. Your plants are doing well, what I love about English gardens is that they bloom nearly all year long. Things really slow down here in the summer, just too hot.

    1. It is quite a strudy fence and better quality than the last one we had so I hope it lasts for many years:)

  4. It really does look wonderful in your garden. The fence looks great with a wavy top. :-)

    1. Thank you, the garden has suddently burst into colour this last week or two:)

  5. Love the fence, I'm not surprised your neighbours like it. Everything has filled out since your last garden photos. Love the paeonies and those strawberries. Bet the cats are loving the garden too. Have a good week :) B x

    1. The cats enjoy the garden early morning and late evening. They snooze indoors in the middle of the day:)

  6. No wonder your neighbours like the fence. We are fencing as well, but there is nothing quite like your new fence over here. We'd be picking it up if there were!
    We are a bit ahead of you, with peonies all finished and snapdragons attaining alarming height!

    1. The peonies are getting blowsy now and will drop their petals soon but it is lovely when they are in flower. I expect the snap dragons will get taller, I hope anyway:)

  7. The fence is really attractive, not surprised it has started a trend! WOW, your courgettes are HUGE! I WISH I had realised I had a potting shed shelf to germinate mine in earlier, mine are still tiny, just planted one out as it has its secondary leaves!!! Your garden is immaculate and beautiful!
    My garden is full of roses at the moment, it is an utter joy- there are pink, red, purple, peach, white, yellow/orange dipdyed effect!!x

    1. I think we are going to cut the first courgette for tea this evening. It must be lovely to have a garden full of roses:)

  8. That's a lovely fence. We get quite high winds around here so I converted ours to a trellis type the last time we had to replace it all. Since then we've only lost one panel (because I didn't prune the honeysuckle hard enough and the weight got too much for it!). I think your fence looks lovely - and sea grass isn't trendy any longer so don't worry about the colour!

    1. Ha, Ha - I didn't know although I have noticed several purple or navy fences around. I think I'll stick with this one the way it is until it fades. Our fence suffered from overgrown and heavy honeysuckle too as well as being broken by two lads climbing over it late one evening trying to get out of the street over the back gardens:)

  9. I really like your new fence - no wonder your neighbours like it so much - it really is an attractive design :) Your garden is looking very pretty. We only have buds at the moment on our peony.

    Do hope you managed to get an insect hotel from Morrisons.

    1. I went to Morrisons this morning but they had sold out. I'll keep looking if we happen to pass another store on our travels, you never know there might be one lurking somewhere:)

  10. Your fence looks very smart and a great backdrop to your lovely flowers. I love the striking colours in your acquilegia and geum bed. My strawberries aren't anywhere near ready yet. I am looking forward to them!

    1. Love strawberries and especially being able to gather them from the garden. Today I shal collect some rhubarb from the garden:)

  11. Your new fence is really attractive, I like the flowing shape. It's a great time of year for gardens isn't it? My aquilegias have been fantastic this year.

    1. Yes, the aquilegias hae been fantastic this year and the geums are doing well too. Now the geraniums have opened up the garden is looking quite colourful. It seems a good year for most plants and flowers:)
