
Friday, June 03, 2016

Five on Friday

It's Friday so once again I'm joining in with  Amy at Love Made my Home for this week's Five on Friday. 

It has been a busy week this week as we have been  putting up a new fence at the side of the house and it was delivered in several parts so we've had to wait in for deliveries. It is almost finished now and I'll photograph it for a garden post in a few days time.

Meanwhile we did take a couple of hours out this morning to have a walk around the lake at Trentham so I've chosen five things I saw on the way around that made me smile. 

1.  Flag Iris - I love the bright yellow

They are all out now and looking lovely in huge clumps at the side of the lake.

2.  Hawthorn or May blossom looking wonderful in swathes of white along the banks of the River Trent near the path between the river and the lake.

Don't cast a clout until May is out.  It is out and looking wonderful.

3. Reed Mace 

covered in cottony fluff in which the seeds will be dispersed.

4.  A New Fairy has appeared in the Dandelions display.

5.  Cow Parsley - I love its frothy whiteness at this time of year and with the white blossoms on the Hawthorn bushes the whole riverside and lake side looked as if was covered in white, summery snow.

Click on the link below to find other bloggers who are joining in with 

Have a lovely weekend everyone.


  1. What a lovely gentle stroll you took us on. Love it all, I picked some cow parsley last week and added it to a vase with forget me nots, look so ethereal and beautiful. thanks for the 5

    1. I love it when you visit an old house and they include cow parsley in their jugs of wild flowers they look gorgeous on old, polished wood tables. I bet your display with forget-me-nots was stunning:)

  2. A lovely post. Love the flag irises. My favourite at the moment. Have a lovely weekend :) B x

    1. Yes, I remember the yellow iris in your Paint MOnthly post - they are stunning aren't they?:)

  3. Lovely set of photos, the fairy is stunning..would love that in my garden.
    Amanda xx

    1. Thanks, Amanda. I was trying to not have birds again for the five but ended up with a winged creature anyway - she is lovely isn't she?:)

  4. I went for a walk yesterday with a friend along the canal near Uppermill in Saddleworth.....the flag iris were still tight buds,,,a few more sunny days and they will be open! I also love cow parsley and it makes me smile.

    1. Cow Parsley is gorgeous isn't it when it is fresh and new. I remember the canal at Upermill, I bet that was a lovely walk:)

  5. I love flag irises so thank you for showing that photo. I agree, the cow parsley is beautiful at this time of the year and I don't think I have ever seen it so abundant as it is this year. xx

    1. The irises are such a vibrant colour and I love Cow Parsley, it does seem to be everywhere at the moment, just like the bluebells were in April, obviously a good year for both:)

  6. Beautiful choice of 5 to share, I love the May blossom and am lucky to have many Hawthorne trees in the garden and lanes around us.
    bon weekend.

    1. Thank you Maggie. Glad you enjoyed the 5 especially the May blossom it is lovely isn't it? Such a gorgeous time of year:)

  7. The hawthorn blossom is making a wonderful show. We noticed so much of it on the trees by the motorway when we drove to York and it made the road look interesting and pretty! We have one just over the hedge in the neighbour's garden. Beautiful flag irises. Their yellow flowers really are a lovely sight.

    1. I bet that was such a lovely trip to York. The flag iris are so pretty aren't they?:)

  8. Someone who knows they aren't bull rushes! Gold star to Rosie! Your flag iris are beautiful. I always love to see them.

    1. Oh, Ha Ha thank you, made me smile - Paul always says I wish people wouldn't call them bullrushes, so I remembered. It is something to do with John Singer Sargeant using them as bull rushes in his painting of Moses in the Bullrushes that everyone now thinks that is what they are caled:)

  9. What a wonderful walk. The flowers/plants look wonderful. It's amazing what we miss if we don't take the time to look!

    1. I was really entranced by the white fluffyness all along the walk with the contrasting yellow of the flag iris it was wonderful:)

  10. You took us on a beautiful stroll, loved the fairy a wonderful addition.

    1. Thank you, glad you enjoyed the stroll:)

  11. I'm quite partial to fairies and yours is lovely.

    1. She's gorgeous isn't she? We nearly missed her but something made us go down the path to the display and there she was:)

  12. That reed mace is fascinating! I wonder if it was the inspiration for candy floss? The new fairy is stunning! Have a great weekend Rosie. x

    1. She is a rather lovely fairy isn't she?:)

  13. Thanks for the 5.I followed your advice and put sunflower hearts in one bird feeder and "hey presto" this morning there were a pair of goldfinches on it.Great excitement in our house!!!

    1. Oh, that's wonderful Barbara, I'm so glad you have goldfinches visiting, they love the sunflower hearts:)

  14. The Hawthorne may be out but I shan't be casting any clouts until it warms up a bit:) the cow parsley is really pretty when you see it ended masse - very delicate and airy looking.

    1. You must be colder than us on the other side of the Peaks it has been so hot here and it hasn't rained for a few days. I've cast off my fleece and body warmer and went out today with a thin jacket which I didn't wear, I was warm enough in skirt and t shirt. Hope it gets warmer for you soon:)

  15. Hello Rosie, how I enjoyed seeing these beautiful photos of nature. They reminded me of the watercolors that Edith Holden painted from her surrounds in England. It must be fun to enjoy long walks in such a beautiful area. We are having a heat have down here in southern California this weekend. It was lovely outside this morning but it's been heating up fast. Thank you dear Rosie, for the kind comment you left on my blog. I appreciate it very much. Enjoy your weekend and have fun, Pat xx

    1. Glad you enjoyed the photos, Pat. I like to get things done early if it going to be warm and then sit in the shade once it heats up. Take care:)

  16. Beautiful post. Love those iris -- yellow is such a happy color!

    1. Thank you, glad you enjoyed the post:)

  17. Lovely photos! It has still been a bit chilly around here - warm in the sunshine but chilly in the wind and shade! I'm still in a thick cardigan or a light fleece!
    The hawthorn is looking really good now, it's one of my many favourites sights at this time of year!

    1. We drove into Shropshire yesterday and it was so warm I said that it actually feels like summer now. Cooler again today so the body warmer may have to go back on this morning:)

  18. What a lovely time you had getting away from the fencing job. I hope that it has all gone well and that you will benefit from the work done. The new fairy in the garden is beautiful isn't it, the hair is incredible!! The irises are beautiful too aren't they. Thank you for your support of Five On Friday, I so appreciate it!!! Have a great weekend! xx

    1. I need to have a closer look at the fairy ethe sun isn't shining on it, it was difficult to see if I'd actually got a photo of it. Fence is done now thank goodness it has wanted replacing for awhile:)

  19. So beautiful, you just can't beat those plants. The reed mace is enormously fluffy, you could make a pair of socks with that! :-)

    1. He, He - I can see someone at a spinning wheel teasing out the fluff into a long thread to knit socks with:)

  20. Rosie - oh, the darling buds of May (well, June, but only just...). Blossom is such a beautiful sight and you certainly found some gorgeous blooms during your walk. Enjoy your weekend. Marie x

    1. I've forgotten which play or sonnet of Shakespeare's the quote of Darling Buds of May comes from, but I always associate it with The Larkins now anyway, Hope you have a lovely weekend too Marie:)

  21. Lots of lovely sights for this time of year. Our flag irises are out, too and with the surrounding hawthorn and the falling blossom the pond looks beautiful. The cow parsley is wonderful as well, it makes country lanes such a pleasure to walk along at the moment.

    1. The cow parsley is gorgeous at the moment and everywhere looks wonderful. It's the best time of year:)

  22. A lovely post - wonderful to see the Spring blossom and flowers. Hawthorn and Cow Parsley look so beautiful in the hedgerows at the moment. Love the yellow flag irises - we have some in our bog garden although OH has removed a lot to make room for Ragged Robin and Cuckoo flower. Love the dandelion fairy :)

    1. Oh, you have to have ragged robin:) It is a gorgeous and joyful time of year in the woodlands, verges and hedgerows. When we went out yesterday the buttercups in the fields added to the glory of it all:)

  23. Such lovely photos. Love the cow parsley and those yellow irises!

    Wishing you a beautiful weekend...

    1. Thanks, Brenda - hope you too have a great weekend:)

  24. I enjoyed the walk, Rosie. Now I'll forward to the garden fence. Enjoy the week.

    1. Thanks, Amalia - glad you enjoyed the walk. Garden fence coming shortly:)

  25. Lots of lovely things to see on your walk. Don't recall seeing cattail at that stage before. :)

    1. I never knew it was called cat tail so I've learned something new today, thank you Tammy:)

  26. It's all so pretty, but the fairy really captured my attention. What a beautiful piece!
