
Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Seeking Shelter

The icy blast of winter is still with us. The pond, which last week was twitching with spring like activity,  has frozen over again.  The garden lies under both curtains and carpets of snow, all the birds are feeding frantically to take in enough energy to last through the long, cold night. Sparrows and goldfinches vying with each other to get a perch on the feeders,  robins, tits and chaffinches performing their fluttering, grab and run method of feeding. The thrush is seeking shelter in the tree close to our conservatory window,  watching whilst I put out a few meal worms and hoping that it can reach them before the blackbirds or starlings spot them. The blackbirds, in great anticipation, have built a nest in a tree just the other side of our holly hedge.  Surely Spring is just around the corner, still tantalisingly out of reach, but it will be here soon, won't it?  Please?


  1. I know what you mean....Its my work day and I have to go out later. Hopefully the rain will come and get rid of that blasted white stuff.

    1. Hope you got to work ok, Amanda, it does seem to be thawing now but I wonder what it will be like in the morning:)

  2. What a lovely photo.

    I am so ready for spring. As a rule, I don't mind winter weather, but even I'm fed up of the cold now! Travelling back from Manchester today wasn't fun either! Bad snow as I got through Macclesfield, added an hour on to the journey. By the way it went well I think and there are only 4 people being interviewed for the one place, so chances not too bad and if nothing else, I did well to be one of the 4 as there were many, many applicants!

    Hope you're feeling better now,if fed up of weather. Not long to go now, February is half way through, it will soon be spring.

    1. I wondered about your travelling today, Louise! Glad to hear it went ok and you did well to get an interview by the sounds of it too, hope you hear soon:)

  3. I really need a blast of sunshine as we all do! Last week I put seeds, currants and uncooked oatmeal into some melted lard, poured it into half a coconut shell and hung it out for the birds. So far not one bird has been to visit despite seeing them in and around the garden. Any idea what I am doing wrong Rosie? x I forgot to say, beautiful picture!

    1. I don't know, Simone! Your coconut sounds just the thing they would need for the cold days so I don't think you are doing anything wrong. I have noticed though that all our birds are going for the sunflower hearts and ignoring the fat balls at the moment except the starlings who just devour everything:)

  4. It is a beautiful picture.
    No snow here, but oh so cold.

    1. Thanks, we think it was the female thrush as we've seen a pair around the garden:)

  5. Fantastic photo! Like you I wish I knew when we are going to get warmer weather. We've had snow showers and rain here today :(

    1. Thanks, we've had rain, snow then rain here in the space of a few hours, I do wish the weather would make its mind up:)

  6. I love your photograph and agree, roll on spring.

    1. Thanks, Valerie - I'm longing for signs of Spring now:)

  7. You write beautifully, and your picture is gorgeous.
    We are getting more cold weather here in Texas than we care for as well, but nothing last forever and Spring will soon be here!
    Tammy xx

    1. Thanks, Tammy! It is warmer here today and all the snow disappeared overnight:)

  8. We are still in the grip of Winter around here too, and eagerly anticipating the first warm rays of SPring. Lovely photo xxxxx

    1. I hope it isn't too long now! I think we are all longing for a glimpse of it:)

  9. Lovely photo! I see from your last post, you're going to see The Winters Tale - just seen it in Stratford - it's superb! Come on Spring! X

    1. I'm really looking forward to it! I like to go to Stratford when I can but it is wonderful to have the RSC visit here on tour. Spring should really be here by the time we go to see The Winter's Tale:)

  10. Rosie, your photo of the thrush is gorgeous. I can't believe that some parts of the country are still having snow and hope it goes soon. Spring is not far away now and we can enjoy our gardens and walks on sunnier days.
    Patricia x

    1. I'm really looking forward to getting out into the garden and walking more again. It seems ages since we were able to do that:)

  11. We've had snow covering the ground since Christmas. My cat Abby who is a calico and I look out the window and think, won't that snow ever melt?

    1. I guess it will one day soon, Ruth but it does seem such a long time since Christmas:)
