
Tuesday, February 12, 2013

52 Weeks of Happy - Week six

As the saying goes I'm 'better late than never'  with this week's four 'Happy' photos.

1.  It was lovely to get out and walk in the light snow yesterday after Sunday's constant rain kept us indoors.  We needed fresh air and exercise which was what we got although I did struggle for the last section towards home as I'm still getting tired out quite easily.

2.  Not one but two lots of theatre tickets bought and plays to look forward to.  'Rutherford and Son' with Northern Broadsides at the New Vic in Newcastle-under-Lyme in March and The RSC's 'The Winter's Tale' at The Regent Theatre in Hanley in April.

3.  Both cats have kept me amused this week with their snow and rain avoidance tactics and indoor playfulness.  The senior yowling at 3a.m. I could do without though.

4.  Arkwright Duck!  I bought my Arkwright at Cromford Mill before Christmas and it was pleasing to read in the Peak Advertiser we picked up when we visited Buxton a couple of weeks ago that already £70,000 of the £250,000 that needs to be raised for the Mill has been gathered so far from the sale of the ducks. 

Link to the blog where  '52 weeks of Happy' started. Each week you find just four things that have made you happy to share.


  1. Already mid-February...can you believe it?!

  2. You have a couple of lovely outings to look forward to. Arkwright duck is such a character and such a great way to fund raise. I wonder if we should have a mascot up at the vineyard to raise funds? Maybe we could have Gary the grape?!!! x

    1. Gary the Grape sounds like fun - some sort of mascot to raise funds would be good a good idea for the vineyard, you could suggest it and perhaps design it?:)

  3. It's incredible that we're in the seventh week of the year already. My cat hates the bad weather - he's barely been out in weeks.

    1. Ours dash out as quickly as possible have a quick look round and dash back in again then spend the rest of the day snoozing or begging for one of us to sit down so they can have a warm lap:)

  4. Those two performance will be nice things to look forward too. I love Arkwright Duck! I hadn't heard about those but I think he's great and would be lovely in my classroom one day in the future, I'll have to call in and get myself one next time we head in that direction.

    I'm not enjoying the weather this week, it's so bitterly cold, I can't bear to be outdoors at the moment, I think you did well going for a walk yesterday in it!

    1. Arkwright would be great for the classroom wouldn't he? I had to go out early this morning to the local health centre and its was freezing:)

  5. I've been doing a bit of rain and snow avoidance myself!
    This year is certainly going by quickly. Perhaps now the days are getting longer it will help.

    1. Me too, I'm getting a bit of a scaredy cat in my old age about slipping in snow and ice:)

  6. Its nice to have something to look forward to, roll on spring!

    1. Isn't it? We usually only go to the theatre oince or twice a year but this year the two things came almost at the same time by the second performance in April we should be feeling Spring around:)

  7. I don't blame your cats for avoiding snow and rain - I only wish I could!

    1. I try my best to avoid it but sometimes you just have to go with it. If we go out the cats are usually in the same place as when we left them!:)

  8. Glad you were able to get out for a walk and the theatre is something to look forward to. I was interested to see the duck which I must check out. I would like to go back to the Buxton area when the weather is better. Our cat is staying close. At the moment he's sitting on my husband's feet on a blanket. He makes a good foot cozy!

    1. Cats are good foot warmers aren't they? The ducks are cute and for a good cause. I love Buxton but it always seems colder there than anywhere else nearby. I don't know why:)

  9. The theatre trips sound great. Middle of February already but Spring is not too far away now and hopefully some warmer, drier weather.
    Patricia x

    1. I'm looking forward to both performances, we have frogs in pond - a sure sign of spring:)
