
Tuesday, May 17, 2011

In and Out of the Garden

I've been tardy at blogging this week for one reason or another, mostly due to gardening, knitting and a good book, so this post is a sort of mishmash of things that have happened since my last post plus photos from the garden.

Inside the house some lovely blue iris reduced to 89p - I couldn't leave them behind in the shop as I love blue iris.

In the garden the yellow flag iris are blooming by the pond.

The bees are loving the chive flowers - I can spot two in this photo but I counted five when I was taking it.

The first strawberry on the plants I bought from Aldi a few weeks ago and wondered if they would produce fruit!

Chloe and Max are enjoying the garden at the moment; they love to roll around on the path rather than the grass I wonder why?

I'm sure they wouldn't have looked quite so relaxed if they had realised that there was a visitor to the garden lurking in the undergrowth by the pond!

We've  managed two walks out over the last few days.  We had a lovely walk under the trees at  Dimmingsdale

We walked in sunshine and showers admiring the reflections in the stream

Yesterday we walked around the lake at Trentham where we saw the greylag geese with their goslings.

I'm off to Stratford-on-Avon  for a couple of days later this week.  We are going, with friends from Nottingham, to see a play at the newly refurbished Shakespeare Theatre ( it seems ages since I booked the tickets) and visiting a National Trust property on the way home the next day.  I'll let you know all about our visit in my next post.


  1. Hello Rosie:
    So much happning in the garden at the moment, it must be difficult to keep up with it all. But how pretty it all looks and clearly Chloe and Max, with no work to bother about, are enjoying it all hugely!

    We have not been to Stratford since it has re-opened and much look forward to hearing all about it.

  2. It looks like the weather has been very kind to you lately!
    Enjoy your mini break!

  3. Lovely photos Rosie. Chloe and Max do look as though they are having a good time! Gizmo likes to roll about on the path too rather than on the grass. Your garden is looking great. Have you eaten that strawberry yet?!

  4. Your garden looks a good deal better than mine does! Enjoy your visit to Stratford, it's on my list of places to go as I'd love to see Anne Hathaway's cottage and the other houses conected with WS.

  5. I've been neglecting my blog (and reading others) too this month - I must do something about it!

    I'm glad you mentioned the blue flowers indoors - there are lots of them around part of our drive way, just some of the huge variety of self seeded things growing there! I was wondering what they were!

    It's funny you should mention Dimmingsdale, I was just thinking about it yesterday and how we haven't been for what seems a rather long time - I was thinking of going soon!

    I've never been to Stratford, but Dave lived there years ago and it's somewhere we plan to visit when we can! I look forward to hearing about your trip :)

  6. Enjoy your play. Ive not been to Stratford for ages. Your garden is looking lovely. xxxx

  7. Your garden looks great. Enjoy Stratford! I envy you. Abby x

  8. My irises have failed dismally this year. So I'm jealous of yours!

  9. Plenty of activity in your garden and the photos are lovely. Enjoy Stratford and will see you later.

  10. Lovely photos. I too have been commenting and not blogging, too much to do and not a lot to say I guess. I think I have some Irises on their way, I do love them. I have a print of Stanley Spencers Irises to keep me going when they have long faded.

  11. What beautiful photos! Such a pretty garden you have! Hope you have a lovely time away, Love Brenda

  12. The first strawberry or whatever fruit is always so exciting when it comes out!

  13. Dimmingsdale is beautiful. I walked all round there last year with a friend.

    Your garden is looking great :)

  14. The flag iris are so cute! Have fun on your travels, Rosie!

  15. My two love rolling on the path and in the pea-shingle - I think it gives them a bit of a massage!

    Your garden looks lovely Rosie, you have quite a large plot there.

    I have been neglectful of my blog and visiting others as well Rosie - when not working, the weather has beckoned me outside rather than sitting at the computer.

    Enjoy Stratford and the play!


  16. Lovely photographs. I love your flower arrangements. I love to bring the garden into the house.

  17. Lovely photographs. I love your flower arrangements. I love to bring the garden into the house.

  18. I swear, you live in one of the prettiest places in the world! Lovely photos!
