
Saturday, May 21, 2011

Back to Reality

We are now home after our two day trip to see 'The Merchant of Venice' in Stratford-upon-Avon.  My head is buzzing with images of all we have seen and done.  We have walked where two ancient roads met and crossed at the place once called Venonis (the place of the poison plants), eaten wonderful food in a rooftop restaurant, seen a strangely surreal (but quite entertaining) adaptation of the play mentioned above set, not in 16th century Venice, but in present day Las Vegas and wandered around a mediaeval, moated manor house.  I'll be back to report on all later.

Meanwhile I'll leave you with a photo of a swan on the Avon - not the Sweet Swan of Avon - which was the playwright Ben Johnson's name for William Shakespeare - but one of the many seen on our early morning, pre-breakfast, walk along the riverside.

And also one of a living statue seen on our after breakfast stroll around the town centre!


  1. It all sounds so wonderful Rosie. I wonder what the poison plants were? The swan photo is beautiful and tranquil - not so sure I would like to see the 'living' statue!

  2. I heard so many times my teacher talking about Shakespeare and Stratford-upon-Avon during my English lessons! Looking forward to seeing your pictures!

  3. It sounds like fun, and you packed a lot in! looking forward to seeing your photos.

  4. Rosie, we live similar lives, one day we will bump into each other. Stratford is lovely,especially when a theatre visit is added. How weird that you named you last blog post "In and out of the garden" - synchronisity!

  5. It sounds like an actioned packed couple of days and just my cup of tea. Can't wait to hear. XXXXX

  6. Oh I haven't seen a Shakespeare play for ages. David Morrisey is playing Macbeth in Liverpool as we speak, and I couldn't get tickets for love nor money.I really fancy going to one of the plays done outdoors in the summer. I love Stratford .... it's so ancient! I'm looking forward to your next post.

  7. So glad you had a lovely time away ~ Very much looking forward to hearing all about your trip ~ sounds absolutely wonderful! Love Brenda

  8. Glad you had agood time, looking forward to hearing all about it especially the moated manor house.

  9. I look forward to reading all about this wonderful trip!

  10. It's years since I visited Stratford. It sounds like you had a really good time. You certainly filled your days!

  11. Hi Rosie :)

    Sounds like so much fun! Just wanted to drop by and say hi and see your lovely blog again!

