
Saturday, March 21, 2009

In the Garden

There are definite signs of spring in the garden now. Over the last couple of days I've managed to get some of the grass cut. The mower came out for the first time this year and the front, top and bottom side lawns were cut.

I avoided cutting the grass towards the shed, round the raised beds and near the pond so I wouldn't disturb the frogs. The entire pond is heaving with them at them moment. When you walk up to it the surface quakes and moves as frogs scatter to avoid detection.

Something has been pulling the frog spawn out of the pond. Our next door neighbours have seen a young badger in their garden. Could this be the culprit?

The rhubarb is growing taller and is nearly ready for picking. It will soon be time for the first rhubarb crumble of the year.

Also growing happily in their pots are the lupins, placed there last year to try and keep the slugs and snails from destroying them before they had a chance to flower.

On Thursday it was so warm I spent most of the day outside in the garden tidying up. Magpies are nesting high up in a tree just over the hedge and I saw a bumble bee and a butterfly - the first this year.


  1. I've just come in from the garden..had a good tidy up in the to buy some seeds!!
    I love rhubarb!! ;-)

  2. Your garden is certainly springing in to life! I must have a look at my rhubarb and see what is happening! I cut the grass for the first time this year last weekend, but beware because this morning there was thick frost all over the lawn and it is meant to be getting colder over the next few days.

  3. For me, the most exciting first sign of spring is Frogs Spawn - It takes me right back to being at Junior school. We were a C of E school, and traipsed across the the church on the morning of Ascension Day along a path that had a stream brimming full of the stuff. Sadly this is no longer there - it's been replaced by the M1 motorway !! We always had a jar full on the window ledge too. I hav'nt spotted any at the moment - and I have benn looking.

  4. You have a pond? I'm seeing green with envy :) Your yellow flowers are gorgeous! I can tell you love your yard. Happy spring gardening

  5. Aren't these first few days of Spring wonderful? I am trying hard not to be seduced into planting flowers just yet, however. I have had my hands smacked by a early spring frost too many times!

  6. Most of our froggie places in South Australia have dried up with the drought. I've had much catching up to do with your posts Rosie, and enjoyed every minute.(I would love to see a badger,-I've only ever seen pictures.)

  7. Wasn't it wonderful..this first "warm" springday..I planted some flowers..and we made a little country walk..
    I love rhubarb..great when you can get it from your own garden.
    And how nice Mr Badger came to visit..:)

  8. I'm glad you have bumblebees in your garden. My friend has badgers in hers and although I love to see them they are very destructive in the garden being such expert diggers.

  9. Beautiful spring photos!! I'm a cold weather person, but those fresh colors are enough to make even me enjoy Spring!

  10. Lots of lovely spring activity in your garden, your rhubarb is further on than mine! It would be nice to have some nice warm weather again to go with all the spring flowers but it looks like we're going to have March going out like a lion this year.

  11. Thanks everyone for your comments. Well, the weather has certainly changed this week; as I write this rain is lashing against the windows and the wind is howling around the house - luckily the flowers are in a container so they can be brought inside for a while:)

  12. I'm glad to hear that your weather is getting warmer, even though some days my be a little blustery and wet. 'unto each life a little rain must fall'... but that can be a good thing :) wishing you sunshine, Pam
