
Wednesday, March 25, 2009

I'm 6.49a.m.

I borrowed this quiz from The Duchess - I hope she doesn't mind. I know I'm very much a morning person so I wasn't surprised by the result.

You're 6:49 a.m.

You're the time of day right around sunrise, when the sky is still a pale bluish gray. The streets are empty, and the grass and leaves are a little bit sparkly with dew. You are the sound of a few chirpy birds outside the window. You are quiet, peaceful, and contemplative. If you move slowly, it's not because you're lazy, it's because you know there's no reason to rush. You move like a relaxed cat, pausing for deep stretches that make your muscles feel alive. You are long sips of tea or coffee (out of a mug that's held with both hands) that slowly warm your insides just as the sun is brightening the sky.

Here is a Link to the quiz - so, what time of day are you?

I love to be up and about early; I enjoy the quiet of early mornings when I seem to have the world to myself. I love the feeling of the promise of the day to come, the worries of the previous day forgotten in the fresh, newness of the morning. If I'm going out I like to start out early and get to wherever it is I'm going before it starts to get busy, crowded and uncomfortable. My worst time of day is that stretch between four and six in the evening; I feel tired and listless by this time and anxieties start to creep in to my mind. Someone once told me, or perhaps I read it somewhere, that you tend to feel like this around the time of day you were born - I was born at four o'clock in the afternoon - so this holds true for me. I wonder? Do you have a time of day you love and one you don't?


  1. I did the quiz and I'm 6.49 am too. Like you I'd have expected that as I'm definitely a morning person. I was born at 7.20am though so don't fit the other pattern.

  2. Hi Rosie, I did the quiz and found out that 3.15pm is my time. Very Strange, but it really is. I can do more at that time than at any other time of the day.
    Rosie x

  3. I was 6.49am too! I am definitely a morning person. I love the start of the day - a new beginning. I really dislike afternoons from about 2.00pm - 5.00pm. I have no energy. I was born at sunday tea-time whatever that time was!

  4. Hi Rosie, I tried this quiz and as it turns out I an the same as you, 6:49. I enjoy the early mornings too. Its the best part of a new day!

  5. I'm a 3:15 pm girl. "When the last bell rings and school is out for the day"! Boy, they have me right!!

  6. That is an interesting theory, as I get older I find that I am more of a morning person.

  7. I have just done the quiz. I am most definitely a morning person and I am 6.49 am too! Our alarm goes off at 5.45 am, so this gives me an hour in bed watching BBC Breakfast and plenty of time to drink my mug of tea! x

  8. I was 6:49 am too! Had fun with that. I posted a link to your blog on my blog so anyone reading it could take the quiz if they'd like to.

    Thanks for sharing!

  9. 6:49 am, me too. I like it most when everyone else is asleep and I have the house, computer and coffee to myself! LOL

  10. I was "twighlight" (no set time as its different everyday - and its true, I do wish upon the first star every night (and I have done since my mum bought the single "Starlight Starbright" by (i think) Hayley Mills (it has Cobler Cobler mend my shoes on the B side and Ive still got it somewhere!!. I also love to share a decent sunset with my family, and if we are not together and we spot one, we ring or text each other. Good quiz.

  11. This was fun..I was born in the middle of the night..and still a bit of a night owl:)
