Five happy moments over the last few days captured by my camera.
First butterfly visit this year to our garden, well the first I've spotted. I think it is a Comma. It was sharing the heather with all the bees.
A couple of hours later the second butterfly appeared. I think it's a Small Tortoiseshell.
Tuesday was Shrove Tuesday and also Pancake Day, We had pancakes for lunch and squeezed orange juice all over them.
The Asian Short-Clawed Otters at the Peak Wildlife Park have a new compound with two lakes. It will mature with time and be a lovely new home for them.
They are beautiful creatures.
Wednesday we visited Kedleston Hall near Derby. We had a lovely walk in the grounds, there were lots of wonderful views of both countryside and the hall and church.
More on this visit in a later post.
Suddenly Snowdrops are disappearing and Daffodils are popping up everywhere with their bright yellow cheerfulness.