
Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Laburnum and Garden Visitors

The Laburnum Arch at the Dorothy Clive Gardens is looking splendid at the moment. 

We visited yesterday morning, thank goodness, as it's pouring down with rain today.

Tomorrow morning we have an engineer coming to sort out the central heating, half of the radiators had been heating up even though we'd turned the temperature down so they shouldn't have come on.  The only way to cool them down is to turn the water part of the system off to stop them heating.  Apparently it's a valve problem.  The engineer popped in to assess the situation on Monday so I'm hoping it can be sorted.

I'm struggling a bit health wise at the moment.  I'm still waiting for the results of a bone marrow biopsy I had on April 23rd.  Also the GP's surgery, concerned about my blood pressure, which I didn't think was unduly high, gave me extra tablets to take and they have given me a dreadful cough.  The nurse said that they would probably give me an irritating cough but this one is way beyond just irritating.  I've changed the tablets now but still have a cough which wears me out. 

Still, things could be worse.  It's a case of keep on keeping on.

Back home in the garden we've had both foxes and badgers visiting.

We saw a fox cub a couple of evenings ago. I took several photos of him but he was so quick running around and looking all over the place I only seemed to be able to capture him from behind.  He looked very healthy.

Mum sat and watched him to make sure he didn't get into any trouble.

Later in the evening, just as dusk was falling the badger appeared. He or she spent ages rooting around for worms.

All for now.  Take care.


  1. Oh, Rosie, so sorry about the health issues. I think I know what medication gave you the cough. That seems to be a side affect for many people. I do hope things settle down for you.
    The arch is just stunning. I would think I was in heaven walking through that!
    And a badger! How very cool. The foxes are lovely too. We seem them very rarely, although we do hear them barking in the woods.

    1. Thank you Granny Sue, it's called Ramipril over here,I expect probably the same with you. I look forward to seeing that arch each year, there is an even more splendid one in Bodnant Garden in Wales, they are just so beautiful:)

  2. That Laburnum arch is stunning! No wonder we don't have yellow wisteria when we have such a display from the Laburnum! Your fox looks very healthy. The local foxes have been quite annoying lately. This week they have left various items in my front garden: a ball of twine, a trainer, a dog toy, a bag of Turkish nuts and an uneaten artisan loaf! I wouldn't mind so much but they usually defecate on or around the items too. I am so sorry you are unwell Rosie, it must be a worrying time. I hope things get sorted out for you in a timely manner. Take care. X

    1. Thank you Simone, things are a bit worrying but I'm trying to distract myself, sometimes not very succesfully. I know foxes like toys and anything they can collect and play with. We sometimes get dog toys from next door if their dog leaves them outside. I think the foxes are leaving their mark of territory, just as cats and dogs do. Take care:)

  3. Sorry to hear that you are not feeling well and that you've had a long wait for your results, that can't help either. At least you are warm and cosy with the heating playing up! Isn't there always something to sort. 🙄 the laburnam looks fantastic in the sunshine as does Foxy. 😊

    1. Thank you CK. It is a pain waiting to know what comes next. It's gone from being too hot to a bit cold this morning, extra layers are out again. The laburnum is wonderful and so cheerful:)

  4. I am so sorry you are still feeling unwell Rosie. It must be worrying for you and that is a very long time for you to have to wait for results. BP tablets all seem to have some sort of horrid side effect. Hope you can get them changed again if cough continues. Thinking of you and hope you get results soon.
    The laburnum arch is so beautiul and lovely photos of your fox and badgers. Do hope you can get your heating sorted out. Take care Rosie.

    1. Thank you Caroline. They have changed the BP tablets and the cough is gradually subsiding, thank goodness but I have to go through the blood test and BP test again which I'd just had for the first prescription, it seems to me like going round in circles. The Corgi man has just been and sorted the heating out and things seem to be back to normal. Badger visited in pouring rain last night and spent ages in the garden, didn't see foxes - perhaps they were staying where it was dry:)

    2. So glad the cough is finally subsiding - I know that dreadul circle of blood tests and bp monitoring. When they call me in I take my bp at home for a week where it is much lower as I know it will be sky high when nurse takes it. Usually that shuts them up!!! Or it did last time! So pleased the heating is now sorted. Amazed badgers came out in all that rain - they must have been hungry!!! Foxes had more sense. Take care Rosie.

  5. I'm very sorry to hear about your health. There's always some health issue for us too. We had to measure our blood pressure in diary form. Mr P's is fine, but mine is high so I'm on a higher dosage. I'm glad that your heating has been sorted. We watch quite a lot of television but our tv recording system is not working and we've called out a specialist engineer. There's always something to think about. Enjoy the wildlife in your garden. The laburnum arch is spectacular.

    1. Thank you Linda, yes health does become an issue as the years roll on. Especially blood pressure, I too have had to have a second pill which has caused the cough. I hope you get your television fixed soon, yes, there is always something needing work. The arch was wonderful especially in the sunshine. Take care:)

  6. Hope you are feeling better very soon. Wonderful photos of the laburnum arch. A glorious sight. B x

    1. Thank you B. The arch was looking lovely in the sunshine:)

  7. I'm sorry you've not been feeling well lately and hope things get sorted quickly.
    It's been a while since we last visited the Dorothy Clive gardens but I enjoyed the visit. The laburnum arch looks stunning.
    Lovely to see the foxes but we have not seen badgers for a few years now.

    1. Thank you Beverley, the garden is lovely and we always enjoy a visit at this time of year. The same badger, a male one with pale markings comes each evening and there are now five fox cubs visiting too:)
