
Friday, April 26, 2024

Five for Friday

 Seems ages since I did a Friday five so here goes.

Tulips - this bunch of Tulips has lasted for ages.  I love the different colours together.  A bargain from Aldi for days of visual delight.  They have gone all gangly and sculptural now and some petals are dropping. It will soon be time to say goodbye to them.

Foxes - We popped up to the Peak Wildlife Park to renew our membership and went straight to see the Artic Foxes.  There are four of them now and all in their winter coats. I like the way that they always seem to be smiling.

At home Mrs Fox is a regular visitor to the garden as she takes time out for a rest from guarding her cubs.  Not a great photo as it was dusk and she was right at the top of the garden.

Talking of Mrs Fox - Signora Volpe is a series I have been watching on UKTV with Emilia Fox in the title role.  It is, of course, much like Murder in Provence or the Madame Blanc Mysteries, a tad unbelievable but visually delightful and takes you away from reality for a short while.

As does reading and I've been doing a lot of that.  I've just started the latest Elly Griffiths book set in Shoreham-on-Sea with the usual trio of characters we met in The Postscript Murders and Bleeding Heart Yard.  Natalka, Benedict and Edwin are searching for the killer of local authors with the help of their detective friend DI Harbinder Kaur. 

We popped back to Hem Heath woods to see if the bluebells were in flower.

 They were.  More on these in a later post.

The pond desperately needed cleaning up it is being done a little at a time so its inhabitants aren't too disturbed.  The Marsh Marigolds are in flower and the Flag Iris are coming along.  Lots of newts were found, all smooth newts. 
Also two dragonfly larvae and quite a few snails.

There's still a lot of clearing to be done.
Wishing you all a good weekend.


  1. Those foxes are beautiful. Your garden must be a wonderful place, Rosie.

    1. We had a fox visit last night and two badgers as well. The garden is a nice shape and structure but is suffering at the moment from the heavy rains and lack of maintenance from us:)

  2. Beautiful foxes, how lovely to have them visit your garden.

    1. It's a joy when they bring their cubs to visit, they play and chase all over the garden:)

  3. That's a great five Rosie! Your vase of tulips looks so colourful. I bought some from the Co-op which have been lovely but they have faded to very pastel shades now. The Arctic fox looks so fluffy! I haven't heard of Signora Volpe but Emilia Fox usually does a good job in her roles. The bluebells have been splendid this year and what a treasure trove your pond is, fantastic. 😊

    1. I thought I was struggling for five and then suddenly there they were. I love tulips as cut flowers as they last so well. I wonder if we will see a dragon fly emerge from the pond this year? A few years ago I saw one fly up in the air from the pond - it was quite magical:)

  4. Your tulips look so pretty - when my son was at work he often used to buy me a bunch just like that. I've read the Postscript Murders but not the other two books in the series by Elly Griffiths so thanks and I will look out for them :) Look forward to more bluebell photos and have a good weekend. Take care Rosie.

    1. I think Tulips are my favourite bought cut flowers as they last so well. When we lived in Spalding many years ago we were surrounded by fields of them. I'm enjoying the Elly Griffiths book, her books never disappoint. The bluebells were gorgeous as always, it's such a lovely atmosphere in the woods. Have a good Sunday:)

  5. The tulip is a favourite flower in our home. I often buy a bunch during the tulip season. Going for a walk where you can see bluebells must be a pleasure. I shall have to go look for them in our area before they go over. It was good to know that the foxes are still visiting. I'm glad you saw the Arctic foxes at the Wildlife Centre.

    1. There is something very special about tulips, the colours and shapes. I hope you are able to find some bluebells to walk amongst before they are over, it's such a special time of year. We had a couple of badgers last night as well as the fox, they visit a bit later than the foxes:)

  6. Looking forward to reading that Elly Griffiths novel. I have it waiting on my kindle. B x

    1. I think you will enjoy the book, I'm about halfway through now and really enjoying it:)

  7. The foxes are a real treat to see both the Arctic fox and your own Mrs Fox. We have the pleasure or not, of clearing out our pond this year as well. Not a job I am looking forward to!

    1. We saw three different foxes last night, our fox couple and one we hadn't seen before. The pond takes ages to sort out doing it a bit at a time:)
