
Wednesday, February 21, 2024

Between the Raindrops

Gosh, what a lot of rain we've had.  It hasn't been possible to get out into the garden although yesterday was dry until late afternoon so I was able to nip outside and sweep up leaves that had gathered on the paths and steps and take a few photos.  Everywhere is so wet.

At the top of the garden the Wild Garlic is in leaf and spreading everywhere.  There are several clumps like this.

The rhubarb is doing well.  A few days ago we used the final bag of rhubarb we'd frozen from last year to make a crumble.  There's just one bag of frozen plums from last summer's crop left.  Perhaps that will make a pudding for lunch when friends visit next week.

I seem to remember a song from my childhood about a lonely little Petunia in an onion patch.  Perhaps it used to be played on Uncle Mac's children's favourites along with songs like Tubby the Tuba, Sparky's Magic Piano and The Runaway Train.   We were talking the other day about radio shows from the 1950s and remembering things like Toytown and Larry the Lamb on the wireless and Patience and Prudence Kitten on the television.  Anyway we don't have a lonely Petunia but do have a Crocus amongst the Snowdrops.

The Snowdrops have been in a large tub close to the house for a few years now, I remember buying a couple of plants at Leek Market just before lockdown in 2020 and they have spread and will need splitting this year but there was never a Crocus amongst them until now.  Where did it come from? I hope it isn't lonely.

Also coming along are the Tulips we planted in the Autumn.  I think there are a couple of layers of them so they will flower at different times.

Indoors we have little seedlings of tomatoes
  and sweet peas.  

 Not many of these have germinated so we may have to sow some more seed or buy a few plants later.  I do like to have sweet peas in the garden.
It's windy and raining here today.  I know lots of you here in the UK are experiencing very wet weather and local flooding. How is the weather where you are?  


  1. Hasn't it been miserable, bar the odd nice day. It's good to see your wild garlic and rhubarb, with tomatoes and sweet peas on the way again. We'll have to make the most of the snowdrops plus there seems to be quite a few violets out down here too. Do you remember Sing Simething Simple and the Forces radio show with all their BFPO numbers, Cliff Mitchell ore. They take me right back to my Mum's kitchen! 😊

    1. Today has been very windy and rainy, now the sun is out but the sky looks ominous. Yes, I remember Sing somethig Simple as well as Friday Night is music night. I remember Forces Favourites too, we generally listened as we ate Sunday lunch. Also loved the programmes that came after. I think The Navy Lark and Round the Horne. Those were the days:)

  2. I just had a look outside. Guess what? It's raining again!
    Radio 5 still uses the same tune before the football results on Saturday - takes me straight back to sitting at the kitchen table, writing down the scores in the newspaper so Dad could check his coupons.

    1. I wonder if we will have a few dry days all together, two or three would be nice. I remember my Dad taking down the football results against his coupon and his paper I think called 'The Green'Un' being delivered. We had to be quiet as mice and not speak until the results were over, he wasn't pleased if he missed a score. Usually every Saturday tea time, I remember his kippers in a jug on the table:)

  3. Hello Rosie, I am visiting from Linda’s blog at A Rich Tapestry. Thank you, I have enjoyed your blog posts very much.

    1. Hello Denise, thank you for visiting and I'm glad you enjoyed my posts:)

  4. Monsoon conditions all day so we’ve stayed cosy by the fire. Well done on your seed planting. I really must get started. B x

    1. Woken up this morning to the lower half of the garden almost standing in water. Good to stay cosy by the fire in wet and windy conditions:)

  5. My mother taught my sister and I that song, "I'm a Lonely Little Petunia in an Onion Patch!" I can remember lots of songs from my childhood and teen years. But now that I'm lots older I forget how to sing the current choir song, or I run out of breath every other measure.

    1. Hello Ruth, know what you mean about remembering way back more easily than just a few days ago. I don't listen to radio or music like I used to. Maybe because my hearing has deteriorated and because of the tinnitus. Thank you for visiting:)

  6. There has been the occasional dry and/or sunny day here but otherwise its just rain rain here too Rosie.
    I am always so envious of your wild garlic - lovely to have some in the garden. My son planted some rhubarb at the caravan and it will be interesting to see how its fared. Oh memories of 1950's radio and tv - I remember that request programme on Saturday mornings and that song "There are the stairs - Where on the stairs..........." And also Andy Pandy and the Wooden Tops!

    1. We just managed a walk this morning before it started to rain again. Wish I could pass some wild garlic on to you. Hope the rhubarb does well at the caravan. A little mouse with clogs on - where on the stair, right there:) Apparently I used to cry when Teddy went into the basket with Andy Pandy and Looby Loo (sp?) I've always loved teddies. My favourite was Rag, Tag and Bobtail:)

  7. What a great patch of Wild Garlic! I have high hopes mine might spread a bit but it's still fairly small! It's super wet here. I have been drenched in the rain on my bike for four days running on my way home from places.

    1. I hope your Wild Garlic spreads, our has been here about ten years now and it has spread all over here and there across the garden. Oh dear, I do wish it would stop raining for just a few days:)

  8. P.S. Your rhubarb is looking magnificent!

    1. They have always been good plants, most of which we inherited when we came here:)

  9. So glad you were able to get there even if just a short time. Playing in the dirt, seeing things grow is so therapeutic. I've never planted wild garlic, might look into that; as I don't know how anyone cooks without garlic.

    1. It was good to get out into the garden even if just for a short while:)

  10. Your plants are doing well Rosie despite all the rain! I have not been in my garden since the autumn as when we have a lot of wet weather the wooden conservatory door swells up and if opened can't be closed again. I am sure the deluge of rain has helped your rhubarb (and the snails too!) I feel like it has rained forever and the sun seems to be hiding too. I have containers in two rooms just to catch the rain when it comes in through gaps in the roof. Not long for spring now. x

  11. We had a little sun today and for once no rain. Sad that you can't get into the garden let's hope that warmer weather will come soon so that you door can be opened again. We have a small leak in our conservatory roof too, it needs sorting out, seems to be when the rain is in a cetain direction. Paul has been up and sealed some of it but now we've found another spot. Take care:)

  12. It has been very wet here too. Not much is possible in our garden yet. A few things started in the greenhouse but I need to sow some Sweet peas and think about what else I want to grow this year. I did have daffodils in the greenhouse and they did really well and have not been spoilt by the rain. Lets hope we can have some drier weather soon.

    1. Only one or two daffodils this year, many haven't appeared I guess the bulbs may have rotted in the wet soil. The badger took some of the tulips bulbs even though we'd protected them. Yes, let's hope for drier weather soon:)

  13. Plants here are waiting on spring.

  14. Waving hi as I make my blog rounds, and hoping you're not here for a couple of weeks means you've found more time to play in the dirt!

    1. Hi Sandy, no chance of getting into the garden I'm afraid as it is still far too wet. Also not the best of health at the moment hence the lack of posts:)

    2. Hi Rosie, Just popping by as I noticed you haven't posted in a while. I've just read your response to the above comment and wish you well. I don't think it has stopped raining since November! Roll on Spring and maybe we will all feel a bit better! Take care. x

    3. Thank you Simone, Good to hear from you, you too take care and let's hope for a bit more dry weather and hopefully sunshine soon:)
