
Tuesday, August 01, 2023

Matisse and Crocosmia

Another small break was needed away from all the work so we visited nearby Newcastle-under-Lyme and popped into the museum on the Brampton for a coffee and a look at the new exhibition.

Drawing with Scissors is a touring exhibition exhibition from the Hayward Gallery at the South Bank Centre.  It features thirty five prints by Henri Matisse (1869 - 1954) which the artist produced in the last four years of his life.

Almost bedridden and no longer able to paint or draw Matisse used coloured paper and scissors to create his works.

Meanwhile out in the grounds and gardens there was a riot of Crocosmia.  So bright and cheering on a grey day.

There were also many other plants and flowers blooming and lots of bees and butterflies were enjoying them.

All for now.


  1. Interesting re Matisse and the cut outs! I always thought that his art was wonderful to study with primary school children as you could create so much, ‘In the style of…’
    My huge Crocosmia is going to have to have a good talking to…it’s taken over a good chunk of my garden and although it’s been magnificent, it needs culling asap! 😁

    1. I can see how the cut out works would be attractive to children. I remember learning about Matisse and the Fauve movement when I did A level Art History a long time ago now. We have a small, orange Crocosmia in the garden. The larger red ones are magnificent aren't they?:)

  2. I think I can spot a Matisse Snail on the gallery wall, which takes me back to working with the children many years ago, coloured paper everywhere! We lost our crocosmia over the Winter so it's good to see all those colourful blooms in that lovely garden. 😊

    1. Yes, one of snail works is there. It's a shame you lost your crocosmia, we have a small orange one but the larger red ones are quite striking when there are lots together:)

  3. An interesting exhibition Rosie and the gardens there look very pretty. Its lovely to start seeing more bees and butterflies about - the latter just in time for Big Butterfly Count :) I hope the work on your room doesn't continue for too much longer.

    1. The gardens are pretty and there is a rose garden and a sensory garden as well as a play area. We visited friends in Nottingham yesterday and their garden was full of butterflies mostly small brown and orange ones (too quick to identify) they also had a couple of dragonflies buzzing around their pond, Not so many butterflies here:)

  4. Interesting about Matisse and his cutouts, something I never learnt about. Love the abundance of flower snaps and we have masses of crocosmia along our roadside verges in summer. Thanks for sharing, take care & hugs.

    1. Yes, I knew about his earlier work but hadn't known too much about his cut out work. The crocosmia was quite stunning and covered quite a huge area:)

  5. I would have enjoyed the Matisse exhibition and then a wander in the garden afterwards! I like the white spiky flowers! x

    1. I thought of you Simone as we were walking around the exhibition and thought you would like the exhibition. The garden was lovely in the sunshine:)

  6. Oh the flowers! So lovely. I ywarn for a bed of crocosmia but have only managed a few measly blooms.

    1. There were so many crocosmia plants there, they must enjoy growing in that environment/soil type, I'd never seen so many all together:)

  7. Replies
    1. Yes, it was a surprise as I only knew of his earlier work:)
