
Tuesday, June 06, 2023

Around Home

Just popping in to share a few garden photos. Some of the flowers in the garden are looking lovely at the moment.

Above sweet peas and foxgloves



More foxgloves in the no mow area at the top of the garden

Flag Iris in the pond



Damselfly - I see from Ragged Robin's Nature Notes this morning that it is probably a Large Red Damselfly.

A small posy from the garden - washing drying on the rotary dryer through the window.

The first strawberries.

 Last night, around midnight we heard the most unearthy sound and then loads of yelps and squeals from the garden.  I'd heard that noise just once before so we thought it might be a hedgehog.  A badger had cornered it just near the greenhouse.  As we opened the back door the badger ran off but the poor hedgehog was still groaning and squealing.  
Paul gathered it up in a towel and placed it in a small trolly type wheelbarrow with some bird nibbles and water.  We left it in the greenhouse with the windows open.  At about 5.30a.m. we went out to see if it was okay.  It had eaten the nibbles and drunk some of the water so we wheeled it to the top of the garden and put it under the shelter of a shrub.  We left it until about 9a.m. to go and check - it had moved on.  I do hope it will survive as there are lots of badgers around here in the early hours and I know they are partial to a hedgehog.  Sometimes nature seems cruel.

All for now.


  1. Ooh, your garden is sure looking good. Mine is absolutely atrocious at the moment & we need to sort it out and make it more use friendly for my back in general. Hope the hedgehog will be OK.....poor little mite. Take care & hugs.

    1. It is good to try and make the garden easier to work in, we need to do the same as I struggle now so Paul does most of it but the day will come when we have to find a smaller garden. Take care:)

  2. Don't those strawberries look delicious! Such pretty flowers too with plenty more to come no doubt. Poor little hedgehog, it's a tough world. Springwatch has been a catalogue of predation this time, it's a wonder they have any nests to show us left with the jays doing the rounds! 😊

    1. Oh yes, still enjoying Springwatch but it has been quite brutal at times, each day I wonder what will happen next:)

  3. Such lovely flowers in your garden Rosie. Thanks for naming Astibe we have some of that and I had no idea what it was called. Thanks so much for the mention. Lovely to see the ripe strawberries and your sweet peas look such a pretty colour. I hope the hedgehog is ok as you say nature can be cruel at times and upsetting to see.

    1. It took ages to find out what Astilbe was called so that we could actually find a plant, it has spread quite a lot over the last two or three years. The sweet peas aren't doing as well this year as last. They were grown from last years seed. I'm hoping the hedgehog keeps out of the way of the badger:)

  4. Lovely! All of my favourite flowers! We are desperate for rain, here! The ground is so dry! We too have hedgehogs calling each night! Lovely to see. No badgers as yet! 😁

    1. BTW That was Sal of Sal’s Snippets!

    2. Thank you Sal, rain needed here too, the pond is low again and some of the plants are struggling but others are doing well. Good to have the hedgehogs in your garden:)

  5. beautiful pictures.. what a fun post, thanks for the sharing..

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  6. Such beautiful flowers! Some that are new to me. Badgers and hedgehogs! Wow. We have neither here.

  7. The garden is looking good for flowers at the moment. Badgers and hedgehogs do not live easily side by side. It's unusual to have both in a garden:)
