
Sunday, April 02, 2023

This and That

Lots of little things this week.  I had a hospital appointment on Tuesday and we've done a lot of pottering about here and there. A bit of painting to complete the decorating of the hallway, stairs and landing.   It's been too wet to do much in the garden although seedlings in the greenhouse and conservatory are doing well.  




Last Sunday there was a carnival down in the town.  A parade was held to commemorate an historical event which happened around 1866 when the Mayor of Longton, potterJohn Aysnley was trying to raise money to create both a park for the people of the town and also a cottage hospital.  He persuaded the Duke of Sutherland from Trentham Hall to donate land for both and raised money in various ways including a wager in which he undertook to drive a pig through the streets to the market.  He completed the task.  Queen's Park and the Longton Cottage hospital are still there and still used by locals and others. 

It was a very jolly parade with lots of music and dancing too

I didn't take many photos as there were so many people and children.

The Centre of the Longton Exchange Shopping Centre

Two other unusual things this week.  What, more unusual than a Puppet Pig Parade I hear you ask?

We had some unexpected visitors to the garden on Wednesday.

A pair of Mallards decided they liked the look of the garden.
They stayed awhile looking around but after about ten minutes they had seen enough and decided to move on.
On the Brampton in Newcastle under Lyme where we went for morning coffee at the museum after the hospital visit,  the sculpture of the WWI VAD nurse, based on Vera Brittain who lived nearby and is most famous for her book 'A Testament of Youth' had been yarn bombed.
 She was decorated with lots of huge pom poms.

All for now.


  1. Lovely post, Rosie. I would certainly have enjoyed that parade. What fun!
    We had a chocolate festival here in our nearest town, complete with a parade and the arrival of the Easter bunny, but we didn't go as I was having trouble with my gall bladder again, and for the first time in years spent tbe day in my chair, doing nothing at all except feeling bad. Much rather have been where you were!

    1. Thank you Granny Sue, the Easter bunny parade sounds like fun. Sorry to hear you have been feeling unwell. Hope you feel better soon:)

  2. What an unusual week, full of the unexpected right down to the large pompoms! 😊

    1. It was quite an odd week one way and another:)
