
Friday, March 03, 2023

Five from the last few days

Last Thursday we went up to Ford Green Hall and Nature Reserve to see if we could spot the green or ring-necked  parakeets  that have been seen there.  Paul saw one fly across the pool but I missed it as I was taking a photo of a swan on the water.  We may go up there again soon to see if we can see them. 

We'd visited the reserve ages ago (well before Covid) and it has been much improved since then with lots of paths and boardwalks.  I suppose lots of us ask now 'was it before or after the pandemic?' as a judgement of time.

You can walk right around the pool now with many new paths off the main one to explore.

Ford Green Hall is a seventeenth century farmhouse and probably one of the oldest buildings in the city.  It used to be run by Stoke City Council but is now run by a charitable organisation led by volunteers. We'd hoped to go inside as it was a day on wich it was supposed to be open but there were notices up to inform visitors that it was closed for a wedding that day.  We will return soon and hopefully go inside and also see parakeets at the reserve too.

On Sunday we walked at RSPB Consall nature reserve and walked down through the woodlands and over the river to the canal and railway.  The Churnet Valley Railway was working as it was half-term so we saw one of the steam trains pass by. Lots of peole on board enjoying a late breakfast or early lunch.
On Tuesday morning we walked around the lake at Trentham.  It was quite cold but there were lots of delicate Spring flowers to see.


Wood Anemones

Yellow inside and out.  It's good that the £1 bunches of daffodils are back in the shops.  They last such a long time on the kitchen window sill and its something cheerful to look at whilst washing the pots.

Daffodils are opening up outside as well.

The pot was kept in the green house over winter so these daffodils have flowered before the ones in the garden which are just begining to open now.
We spotted a new bird seed feeder at the garden centre marked down to nearly half price.  I thought it was pretty and quite sturdy but the birds seem to prefer the older feeders.  A few brave Goldfinches have tried it out so hopefully it will soon be accepted.
  We have two pairs of Bullfinches visiting at the moment, it's great to see them.
A few more Sparrows too.

Photo taken whilst out and about.


  1. I love your 'Nelson's inhaler' flower vase. When I was training to be a nurse in the early 1980's we were still taught how to use them, although they were gradually being replaced by nebulisers. I see them occasionally in antique shops and feel very old!

    1. Thank you for your comment. How interesting that they were still in use in the 1980s. Ours is a replica one from the shop at Middleport Pottery, bought a few years ago, they don't have them now. I couldn't resist it although it is difficult to store easily because of the spout, I like the daffodils in it:)

  2. Another lovely post, especially with us coming into Autumn. Are the parakeets of the Australian variety or another place? Look forward to seeing the house when it opens for viewing. Have a great weekend, take care & hugs.

    1. Thank you Susan. Not sure about the parakeets but they have settled and spread in this country mainly in the South and especially London but are drifting north now. We've been in the house before but not since it belonged to the council so it will be interesting to see the changes, Take care:)

  3. Great picture of the steam train; they come through here from time to time but the overhead wires rather spoil the effect. Daffodils seem very indecisive about when to open this year - I may add some to my supermarket order.

    1. Thank you John, the smell of the smoke took me back to childhood. The line is a heritage railway so not so many modern distractions. I love the sound and smell of the engines. I hope you add some daffodils to your order:)

  4. It's good to hear you're out and about a lot, best to take advantage of a nice day at the moment. Ford Green Hall looks a lovely place for a wedding. 😊

    1. It has been good getting out and about, it feels a little like normal. I wonder if they had modern wedding attire or period costumes? There were loads of Snowdrops outside in the gardens for photographs if it wasn't too cold:)

  5. I do hope you manage to see the parakeets and go inside the house Rosie. Lovely photos of the Spring flowers. I asked my son to buy me a bunch of those daffodils recently. Soemthing I miss with online food shopping!

    1. I know you have them visit sometimes, I'd love to see them. I've seen photos on the Staffordshire bird forums. I do love a bunch of daffodils around at this time of year, especially on the dark, grey days, can you put them on your order?:)

    2. Good luck with seeing them Rosie. I don't think you can buy small bunches of flowers with Morrisons online just perhaps one of those huge boquets that cost the earth and has a large carbon footpring :(

    3. Oh, that's a shame, I've seen on one or two blogs people ordering flowers on their supermarket order, shame Morrisons only do bouquets. I only buy flowers that have been grown here, well daffodils are probably the Scillies or Channel Isles sometimes Cornwall, tulips tend to be Lincolnshire. We will pop up to Ford Green again soon - after the cold spell espect this week. Stay warm:)

  6. The black and white structure of the Hall is attractive. I hope you can visit again soon and go inside. Your blog posts are always interesting.

    1. Thank you Linda, It is a lovely building and stands out along the busy street it is on. We will return at some point and hopefully get inside, it's been a while since we last visited:)

  7. The hall stands out beautifully.

    1. It is a lovely bulding set amongst more modern ones along the street:)
