
Monday, January 23, 2023


There was a beautiful sunrise yesterday morning.  The sky changed from pink to apricot and then gold in just half an hour.  It was still very cold outside with traces of snow and ice still across the garden and on the road.

I took these photos from the bedroom window.  You can just see the school building through the trees. 

I wasn't sure if I could capture the intensity of colour and light in the sky on my little camera.

It didn't do too badly.

Mr Fox visited later in the morning.  He was looking for a break in the ice on the pond so he could have a drink.  Paul had his camera handy and snapped a few photos of him.  He's still limping slightly as if he has a leg injury of some kind.  He still looks very healthy though.

A little later I saw the Great Spotted Woodpecker in the Tulip Tree and on the fat ball feeder, this time I was the one whose camera was to hand.  I just managed a couple of photos before he flew away.

We've seen him in the trees over the hedge in the school grounds.  It would be nice if he visited over the weekend at the time of the bird count, but it's extremely unlikely.


  1. You never know, he might pay you a visit, fingers crossed. What a fantastic sunrise, so many pretty colours. I must get up a bit earlier! 😊

    1. Thank you CK, weprobably won't see him again for ages. Fog this morning so no lovely sunrise today:)

  2. Woodpeckers are strange visitors - they seem to come for a while then, just as suddenly, disappear from the scene. To capture the colour of the sky you need to include a lot of it in your photo, as you have here. If you have a lot of the ground in the picture the camera will try to adjust for that and the sky will be washed out. Smashing photo of the Woodpecker.

    1. Thank you John, yes,it did seem that the more I closed in on the sky the more colour stayed in the photo. I can see that in the first photo the camera is focusing on the icy lawn rather than the sky. I find it fascinating. The woodpecker pops in and out every few months or so, it's good to see him:)

  3. Busybeejay
    Superb photos.Barbarax

    1. Thank you Barbara, I hope you are well again now:)

  4. Lovely to see the woodpecker and your shots of the sunrise are beautiful. B x

    1. Thank you B, it was such a lovely sunrise I couldn't resist taking the photos even though it was freezing with the bedroom window open:)

  5. Just beautiful! Your spotted woodpecker looks very like our downy woodpecker.

    1. Thank you Granny Sue, I will google downy woodpecker to see what it looks like:)

  6. What a beautiful sunrise and lovely photos Rosie. Great news about the GSW - we have had one visiing too and the occasional Chaffinch visit. It will be interesting to see what everyone sees during the Garden Birdwatch this weekedn.

    1. Thank you RR. It's a joy to see the GSW. We had a pair of bullfinches visit when it was snowy and the robins are still around too as well as blackbirds. We'll see what turns up this weekend:)

  7. You have captured the start of a new day beautifully Rosie. That sunrise is amazing. Great to see the woodpecker out and about again too.

    1. Thank you Beverley, it was a most beautiful sky and great to see the woodpecker in the garden too:)

  8. Lovely sunrise & your bird and fox photos are great. Hope the bird count goes well over the weekend. Take care & hugs.

    1. Thank you Susan, I'll report back on the bird count. Take care:)
