
Saturday, October 22, 2022

Blogtober - Day Twenty two

We were late getting up this morning after a restless night.  We gradually got moving and decided to go for a woodland walk after morning coffee at the garden centre.  On the way back I called at the library to collect one of the books I'd had reserved and which had become available.  That's about it really nothing more has happened today.  Below are a few photos taken during our walk in Hem Heath woods.

We heard a Woodpecker tip tapping and the sweet song of a Blackbird. It was good to be out in the fresh air.

I'll be back tomorrow.


  1. It's good to get out and about even just for a short while to blow the cobwebs away. x

    1. It was a short walk but a lovely one in the dappled sunshine:)

  2. It still looks a lovely walk Rosie and your photos are lovely. Interesting fungi in the last picture :) Hope you sleep better tonight.

    1. I took the last fungi photo from a distance and cropped it down,I've no idea what it is, I'll get the books out and see if I can find out. Slept right through last night after a horrible night the day before:)

  3. Great to get out for a walk, as it isn't happening here with all this wet weather lashing the eastern states of Australia, but we are lucky to not be in one of the flood prone areas. Maybe we'll get in one today if we are lucky. Loving the fungi & leafy carpet snaps. Thanks, take care & hugs.

    1. It's so wet herre this morning so I'm glad we went for a walk yesterday. Glad you aren't in the areas that flood. We are near the top of a hill, just twice water over the years has rushed through the garden and down the street taking gravel from the paths and newts out of the pond with it. Not near the house thank goodness. Take care:)

  4. How green it still is! Very autumnal here in West Virginia, but quite warm today. I wonder what kind od mushrooms those are?

    1. There is still a lot of green. I've no idea on the mushrooms but will look to see if I can identify the big one in the last photo:)

  5. The mushroom in the last photo is most unusual. Looks like a natural bird bath! :)

    1. Yes, you can imagine it filling with water, I keep meaning to look it up and keep forgetting:)
