
Wednesday, October 26, 2022

Blogtober - Day Twenty Six

I woke in the night to hear the wind whistling through the trees and around the window gently swishing the curtains.  I felt the breeze across my face as we always sleep with a small window open unless it is very, very cold. 

Leaves were strewn across the top lawn this morning.  Now as I write this the wind is quite strong again and they are blowing all over the garden.  They will have to be collected and composted.

The leaves across the lawn are mostly from the Tulip Tree (Liriodendron) which has grown so tall now.  We bought it about twenty years ago and brought it home from the garden centre sitting in the back of the car.   It stayed in its pot for a year or two before we decided where to place it.
 Hard to believe it was so small.  It hasn't ever flowered yet.  I hope it will. Apparently it takes twenty to thirty years to flower.  I guess the weather conditions have to be right too.

At the top of the other side of the garden a ring of fungi has appeared around the birch tree we planted last year.

You can just about see them in the photo above.
A variety of birds are returning to the garden
 .  As well as Goldfinches this week we spotted a Greenfinch and a Chaffinch.  Also Great Tits, a Robin and a Dunnock. We regularly have seven Collard Doves call in the early morning for food.  They wait, sitting along the top of the greenhouse roof, eyes on the back door.  Blackbirds seem for the moment to have disappeared. I hope they return.


  1. Beautiful autumn colours on your lovely Tulip Tree Rosie. We had lots of birds coming to feed a few weeks ago but numbers seem to have decreased this week. I did see a Sparrowhawk flying to the bird feeders this morning but there were no birds on them!

    1. Thank you RR. When a Sparrowhawk comes over the garden the birds go as quiet as they did during the eclipse:)

  2. Definitely looks like autumn with all the leaves and a few near naked trees. Love seeing & hearing about your birds with so many different from ours, though we do get blackbirds, sparrows & doves. We also sleep with our window open a little all year too, as I like the fresh air. Take care & hugs.

    1. Thank you Susan, it's fascinating to hear about and compare our different birds. Can't bear the window closed but sometimes it has to be if heavy rain or snow falls towards it we can end up with pools of water on the windowsill:)

  3. Tulip trees have such easy to recognise leaves and they are certainly giving a great display in your garden. How nice to have a greenfinch calling in, the birds seem to be hiding down here at the moment. 😊

    1. There was a flurry of birds earlier this week. Ten collard doves today so far. The greenfinch was spotted once. All the birds will turn up when it gets cooler:)

  4. A very atmospheric post . I can almost hear the wind howling. Is a tulip trap the same as a magnolia? I always get confused.

  5. Thank you. Although it is different to magnolia trees it is of the larger magnolia family:)

  6. This was lovely, Rosie. I only wish October didn't go by so quickly.

    1. Thank you amaIia, it is quite a lovely month:)
