
Monday, October 17, 2022

Blogtober - Day Seventeen

It's a beautiful sunny day today.  We were up early this morning to collect a prescription from the chemist, followed by a quick whip around the nearby supermarket for a few needed items and then home for coffee and the crossword.  We do half at coffee break and finish it during lunch.  Washing is drying outside and Paul has mown some of the grass whilst I've cleaned the inside windows and mirrors upstairs.  We are trying to do as much mowing and trimming in the garden as we can as next week is the last garden bin collection until next April.

Some of the grass is mown.  The grass at the very top of the garden is too wet to mow at the moment.

The garden is looking Autumnal now.

The drying and fading Hydrangea heads are such a lovely soft colour now hard to imagine in Summer they were bright blue.

A few Cosmos flowers are still bravely waving in the breeze.

and a lone Nerine has decided to flower at the last minute.  The others never flowered this year.
I'm going to settle down now and read a little, hoping not to drop to sleep even though the book I'm reading is quite gripping.  I will write about books I have been reading in a few days time.


  1. It's a good day for hanging out the washing. There's a slight breeze here so I'm sure clothes will dry well. We're continuing with gardening too. We're making the most of the good weather to get outside work around the house done. Your nerine is pretty and so are the cosmos flowers. Hydrangeas are attractive even as they get paler at this time of the year.

    1. I had to put extra pegs on the sheets and duvet cover to hold them down as the wind was so strong. I wish more of the Nerines had flowered but I think the heat of the summer got to them:)

  2. Your grass looks nice and plush Rosie! I don't think I have ever grown a Nerine - is it scented? Hope you got a good bit of reading done. x

    1. The grass does seem to have bounced back especially where we didn't mow all summer. All the yellow has gone. No the Nerine isn't scented. I read a few chapters before I felt my eyes closing:)

  3. It's lovely and sunny here too, such a treat. Your garden is looking very neat and tidy, it's good to hear the nerine made it in the end, they are such unusual plants. It sounds like you've had the perfect day. I had a go at making your Devon apple cake and even though I didn't have the precise ingredients, it still tastes delicious! 😊

    1. Great you have sun where you are. I think the heat got to the other Nerines but that one was determined to flower. Glad you made and enjoyed the cake:)

  4. Your garden is looking lovely Rosie. It was a lovely sunny warm October's day here in Herefordshire too.

    1. Thank you RR, good to see that you are in Herefordshire again. Hope you have a lovely time there:)

  5. Your garden looks lovely Rosie and sounds as though you've been very busy inside too. Our weather was nice yesterday & supposedly today, but then the rain arrives again with more flooding in areas that are so saturated already. Scary! Take care & hugs.

    1. Thank you Susan. It's the most I've done for ages inside as I begin to feel able to do heavier work again. So sorry to hear of the floods and more rain on the way too. Take care:)

  6. Cosmos are so lovely to have at this time of year. It’s hard to believe the colours hydrangeas change from. Such a versatile plant. Oh to have kerb side collection. We have to drop off all our garden waste at a facility about two miles away. B x

    1. Cosmos seem to go on for ages and colours change too. We are lucky to have the collection for a few months, if we want winter collections we have to pay a small fee to the council. We usually manage without and take things to the Council recycle and waste facility if need be:)
