
Saturday, July 16, 2022

In the Garden

It has been so warm over the last week and more expected next week too.  We've stayed in and around  home with a couple of early morning outings for a short walk, well a very slow stroll in my case as the heat earlier in the week affected me quite badly.

In the garden some plants are struggling with the heat, bird baths and feeders need refilling every day and the pond is getting shallow and it will soon have to be topped up for the newts. The water butt is emptying fast. The lillies love the sun I like the way they open up during the day and fold up tight again in the evening.

Other flowers opening up this weeks are



and Dahlias.
 The Sweet peas are still doing well 
so are the Cosmos flowers
A lone Hollyhock has appeared near the fence probably self seeded.

In the green house and raised beds vegetables seem to be doing well.





We had an unusal moth settle on the window.  It stayed for ages warming itself in the sun.  Paul thinks it is a Box Tree moth which could be bad news for people nearby with any Box hedges or trees.  More - here -from the Butterfly Conservation site.

All for now.  I'll get around to reading your new posts over the weekend.




  1. Lovely flowers and you have tomatoes ripening, ours are still green. We are watering the pots every other evening and that seems to be ok at the moment.. but too hot for the flower beds, and some are drooping.

    1. Thank you Chris. The tomatoes seemed to take ages to start ripening but they are doing well now:)

  2. The flowers and veg are looking good. Looks like you might have some tomatoes affected by sunscald though - not surprising with the fierce sun we've had this last week or two.

    1. I'm sure you are right, John. The tomatoes are at the end of the greenhouse, which is south facing so get sun for longer spells than other plants in the greenhouse and garden:)

  3. Lovely flowers. I don't do well in the heat, so this time of year I have water with me.

    1. Thank you William. Yes, always have access to water to stay hydrated, especially if out and about:)

  4. Your garden is looking lovely and do hope the heat doesn't do too much damage to it or you. Make sure you keep hydrated as much as you are giving your garden. Take care & hugs from a cool, very windy down under.

    1. Thank you Susan, cool and windy sounds wonderful at the moment. We are not going anywhere for a few days. Blinds and curtains are closed against the sun and to hopefully keep the rooms cool for as long as possible. Take care:)

  5. Lovely photos of the flowers in your garden and vegetables!! I bet the whole garden is full of colour :) We didn't grow any cosmos this year and I do miss it. Hope you manage to stay cool as it is so horribly hot and worse to come!!!

    1. Thank you RR. Some areas of the garden are more colourful than others, lots of browning dry areas too in this heat. The Cosmos and sweet peas have been wonderful this year. I'm not looking forward to the heat today and tomorrow and I'm already struggling a bit with beathing etc. Take care:)

  6. Gorgeous! Sunflowers are such cheery plants. I hope you weren't up a ladder taking the photo! It's been too hot for me but like you, I have done a couple of quick walks but everything looks so parched. Have a good weekend. 😊

    1. Thank you CK, the yellow sunflower was a surprise as the seeds were from a packet of the darker ones we grew last year. All windows, blinds and curtains are closed now against the sun, no walks today:)

  7. Your flowers are doing so well Rosie! Our water butts have run dry here and I am having to water the plants twice a day in this extreme heat. The house is so hot that I have this morning taped brown paper all over a south facing upstairs window that has no curtains! My garden is full of gatekeeper butterflies - dozens of them! I think they must have come from the grasses and found the marjoram which is in full flower. I like your moth. We had a jersey tiger moth in the garden yesterday. Your vegetables are doing well too and it looks like you will have a lot to harvest over the coming month. x

    1. Thank you Simone, how wonderful to have all those butterflies and the moth too, I will look it up to see what it looks like. We have just a few white ones at the moment. Such a good idea to block your window with brown paper, that should absorb some of the heat. Very hot here now aout 35 degrees outside and 28 in the house. Take care:)

  8. Your flowers and veggies all look great. YOu must be a good gardener dispite the temps. You're smart to take your walks before the heat gets too bad, safer and easier on the body for sure.
    Sandy's Space

    1. Thank you Sandy, husband does most of the gardening now as I can't cope with it all, I still trim, pull weeds and dead head flowers but the heavy stuff is beyond me. I just enjoy the flowers and eat the vegetables:)
