
Friday, April 15, 2022

A Woodland Walk and New Plants.

 We went out for an early morning walk in the local woods this morning before popping to a nearby garden centre.  Compost and horticultural grit were needed for various jobs around the garden.  We hope to spend time in the garden over the weekend if it stays dry.   The forecast seems to imply that it will.  Fingers crossed.

Hem Heath Woods belongs to the Staffordshire Wildlife Trust and is well maintained by volunteers.  In two or three weeks time the forest floor will be covered in bluebells but for now it was a pleasure just to walk under the greening trees and listen to the birds.

After our walk we headed to the garden centre for a cup of coffee before making purchases.  A few plants fell into the basket as well.

Two Courgette plants as both lots of seeds we planted haven't germinated.  The Primulas will add colour near the pond.  The other plant is a Lavender, you can't have too many of those.  This one is called Vera.

At home, in the garden there is quite a bit of white around.

I'd forgotten about the Narcissi bulbs we planted in a pot.  They are delicate and white and have three heads.  Some of the Wood Anemones we bought on-line as small plugs last Autumn have flowered.  The Spirea Bridal Wreath is in full flower as is the Amelanchier.  We have bird feeders close to the Amelanchier and both Long Tailed Tits and Blue Tits sit in it before launching themselves at the fat balls in the feeders and then swooping low over the grass to disappear in the Holly hedge at the top of the garden.  I love to sit in the conservatory and watch them.  Sometimes they are joined by a Robin and a Coal Tit. Dunnocks peck around underneath to pick up the bits that fall to the ground.


 All for now.  

I hope you all have a lovely weekend.





  1. Lovely. I love the delicate whites, it's a real bonus to have 3 heads in one bulb. Before we know it, it will be bluebells everywhere, there are a few about in sunny spots but not en masse yet. It's a gorgeous day here, I hope yours is just as good. 😊🐣

    1. We had three bulbs each has three heads so nine flowers. I'm looking forward to bluebells. Very sunny here over the last day or two:)

  2. It looks a lovely wood to walk round and the ducklings are rather cute :) So pleased your wood anemones are doing well - ours are flowering too here and Spirea is just about to! Thanks for reminding of the name of the Amelanchier blossom as I had forgotten what it was called!!!! The weather has certainly been lovely here today with 3 new butterfly species for the year and Bee Flies! :) Have a lovely Easter.

    1. It is a lovely wood and stretches from the Trentham Road to the Wedgwood Museum and Factory. Most of the bluebells are at the Wedgwood side of the wood. I keep trying to get a photo of an LTT in the Amelanchier as they look so pretty in there. Hope you are having a good weekend:)

  3. I've seen a few bluebells already in the woods near here and I suspect that the "main show" might be a bit earlier this year. I try to keep away from garden centres at this time of year, otherwise I end up with more plants than I have room for. Enjoy your Easter weekend.

    1. I guess your local bluebells will be a little ahead of ours. Having said that the ones in our garden are showing flower buds now. Garden centre are far too tempting. Have a lovely weekend:)

  4.'s all looking gorgeous as we have leaves falling & gardens going to sleep, but my freesias are already peeping through & the sasanqua camellias flowering & the others with fat buds. I love your white flowered shrubs and love hearing about your birds. Your bird names are quite unfamiliar for me, so I look in my English bird book to see which ones they are. So far this morning I've heard our butcher bird, magpies, wattlebirds, blackbirds & a cooing dove. Thanks for sharing, take care & hugs.

    1. I've just looked at a photo of the sasanqua camellia you mentioned - how beautiful it is. Glad you have a British bird book as I haven't taken any photos of the birds I listed, I'll try to do that for next time. Your birds sound wonderful, I've just googled both wattlebird and butcher bird - how different they are. Take care:)

  5. What a wonderful place to walk. I'm amazed how well maintained it is for so few volunteers having worked on it. They are to be complimented for sure. I got a good amount of walking in the past 2 wks while out of town where it was back home to cold, ugly, and wet. So, won't be getting any good walking in, sadly. Too soon for me to hit the garden stores, but hopefully not too much longer. With all the rain we've had it's super green here, so at least it's no longer the ugly gray of winter; but we're a long way from all the beautiful color you have. Have fun working in the garden.
    Sandy's Space

    1. Thank you Sandy, the Wildlife Trusts have lots of willing volunteers. Weather here has been warm and sunny, just a few showers in between. Lots of gardening has been done:)

  6. Me popping in again, as I make my blog rounds. Waving hello.
    Sandy's Space

    1. Hello Sandy, I'll pop and visit you soon:)

  7. A gorgeous place for a walk, Rosie! Thanks for taking us along.

    1. Thank you Amalia, it was a lovely walk:)
