
Friday, March 25, 2022

Butterflies and Spring Flowers

 The warmer weather has brought butterflies to the garden.  

The only one I couldn't seem to photograph was a Brimstone.  They just never stop flitting around.
There are Spring flowers everywhere now.  Bright golden daffodils along the verges, in gardens and on street corners.  Shops are full of both daffodils and tulips ready for Mothering Sunday this weekend.  
When we had coffee in Waitrose one morning there were tulips decorating the tables.
Later in the week I bought a bunch of many colours for home. 
On our walk this morning there were Lesser Celandines everywhere.

Also signs of Sorrel, Dog's Mercury, Wood Avens and Wild Garlic.
In the garden the Fritilary (Fritilaria Uva Vulpis)we purchased recently has flowered. I don't know if the flowers will open out any more.  It will be interesting to see.
It's quite beautiful.  Also flowering are...

Grape Hyacinth or Muscari 


Lungwort or Pulmonaria
and in the pond Marsh Marigolds.
There are also the first signs of
Wood Anemone from the plugs we bought last Autumn.

and the Wild Garlic or Ramsons which grows along the hedge at the top of the garden.
All for now.  Take care.




  1. It is lovely to see signs of Spring .Do you ever see coltsfoot?I can’t remember when I last saw it.

    1. I can't think that I've seen coltsfoor for ages, must look out for it. It is good to see the first signs of Spring:)

  2. Beautiful to see all the signs of spring; we don't have to go walking to see celandines, they grow in our lawn, no not lawn, can't call it that its just weedy grass, but pretty!

    1. Your lawn sounds like ours it's full of other things, we also leave an area unmown through the summer and it's amazing what is in the mix, no Celandines though we do have Hawkweed on the fron lawn:)

  3. How beautiful. Your new fritillary is looking rather splendid, quite different from the Shakespeare type, I wonder if it will open up more. What a good combination of coloured tulips, so cheerful. Have a good weekend. 😊

    1. The fritillary hasn't open out much further yet. I hope it will be safe if it goes cold again next week. The tulips are really cheering:)

  4. Beautiful. We're weeks away from that.

    1. I've been enjoying all your ice and snow photos, William:)

  5. No wonder you have all those butterflies with all that garden colour. So far only seen Small Tortoishell but hoping for more sights today. Your fritillary look beautiful and maybe I need to treat myself to a bunch of daffs or tulips. Enjoy today's sunshine. X

    1. There were lots of butterflies around yesterday. Yes, treat yourself to a bunch of flowers they are always cheering:)

  6. Lovely to see so many butterflies at the moment. This last weeks sunshine has been just what we all needed. Have a lovely weekend. B x

    1. It is good to see the butterflies. Hope it doesn't get too cold again next week:)

  7. What a lovely Spring like post and wonderful to see all the butterflies and flowers. Your garden must be looking so pretty. I noticed Pulmonaria and Grape Hycacinths are flowering here too. Love the bunch of tulips. Reminds me of the days when my son worked in an office rather than from home and he used to buy me what he called a rainbow of tulips on his way home. I hope your leg is a lot better now Rosie. Take care.

    1. It is lovely to see the butterflies and flowers, I love all the colours of tulips, how lovely to have them as a gift, they are so cheerful around the house. Leg still sore at times, it also goes stiff if I sit too long so I try to keep moving:) Take care.

  8. I love spring and the flowers that arrive after the winter to brighten our days. I spotted my first butterfly of the year today too! xxx

    1. It is great to have all the lovely colour after a dull winter and it's good to see the butterflies again:)

  9. Beautiful flowers. My Daffodils in the front have started to bloom, but then winter came back. Was only 26 degrees this am with snow flurries. Groan! We've had 5 straight days of ugly, cold, gray, windy weather. I want real spring with sunshine and flowers, so thanks for posting yours.
    Sandy's Space

    1. I hope your Spring comes soon, Sandy. The warm weather here is set to disappear and cooler weather is coming back this week, it was nice while it lasted:)

  10. This is a lovely post, so much colour, it's good to see the Butterflies out and about isn't it :)

    1. Thank you Pam, yes it is lovely to see all the signs of Spring in the garden:)

  11. I haven't spotted any butterflies in our garden yet, but the bees have been appearing on these warmer days. I like to see celandines. Your marsh marigolds must shine in the sunshine. A pond is a good way to bring wildlife into the garden. I wish you both a good week.

    1. Thank you Linda, we inherited the marsh marigolds in the pond when we came here 25 years ago and they still flower every year, they are much paler than the native variety. I hope you too have a good week:)

  12. It certainly looks very springlike! I saw Lesser Celandines along the edge of the local park the other day but didn't know they were called that until I saw this post! We get a lot more diverse flowers since the council let some areas of the park go a bit more wild. A few weeks ago a couple of beavers were introduced to the borough. I hope they breed! We are due to have cold weather from tonight so I have bought in anything tender from the garden or greenhouse. Hope it stays springlike where you are Rosie! :)

    1. The celandines are very cheerful. It's good that your council are allowing wild areas in the parl. I hope the beavers do well. It turned cold and rainy today and now we have sleet. Take care:)

  13. I'm late due to a quick trip to Sydney, but your garden & surrounding countryside certainly is looking Springlike. Love those fritalary, such an unusual colouring. Our freesias have poked through, a sign winter is on the way here. Thanks for sharing, take care & hugs.

    1. Things have been very Springlike until the last couple of days when a spell of winter weather has returned. I hope you enjoyed your trip to Sydney. Take care, Susan:)

  14. Making blog rounds and waving hello. Hope your return to winter didn't last very long.
    Sandy's Space

    1. Thank you Sandy, still cool and blustry here and very showery too, April showers with a wintry sleet:)
