
Friday, October 29, 2021

Fungi Five

 So many different varieties of fungi on Wednesday morning's walk, I think there are definitely five different types below.

So many seasonal delights around at the moment. 

All I have to do now is try and identify some of them.  I think there are some kinds of honey fungus, antler fungus and parasol fungus there.

Perhaps the fairy knows.


  1. Such beautiful colours too. Wish I could tell the difference as I love mushrooms particularly in risotto. Have a lovely weekend. B x

    1. Thank you B, they are rather beautiful. P likes mushrooms more than me, especially on toast for breakfast, I like a risotto with peas and cashew nuts. Have a lovely weekend:)

  2. The weather seems to have been perfect for them lately and you certainly found a good selection.

    1. Thank you John, there were masses of them which I'm sure weren't there the week before, we obviously visited at the right time:)

  3. What a lovely lot of fungi that are different shapes and colours! It must have been an interesting walk to see such a variety.

    1. Thank you Linda, they were all fascinating and I enjoyed taking photos of them. I expect by the time we walk there again they will be going over or completely gone:)

  4. Goodness, what a stunning collection! Have a great weekend 😊🍄

    1. Thank you CK, it was lovely to find and photo them. Have a lovely weekend too:)

  5. What a great selection and the ones in the first photo look as though they belong to fairyland :) I find them hard to id though just trying to id two species found in the garden - have two ideas but I've put photos on twitter in the hope of some confirmation!
    Have a good weekend and take care :)

    1. Thank you RR. There were so many of them in the woodland and on the old fallen trees and logs. I hope you find out what your mushrooms are, there is usually someone on line who knows and will help. Take care and have a lovely weekend:)
