
Monday, May 24, 2021

Rain and More Rain

It's rained everyday since Thursday.  It seems to have been continuous but there have been one or two dry half hours here and there when dashes out into the garden were possible to do a few small jobs that needed doing.  The lawns which haven't been mown are covered with daisies, buttercups and dandelions.  The birds have been busy at the feeders especially the Robins, Goldfinches and Bluetits. We've seen young bluetits and sparrows being fed by their parents. Blackbirds sing out their familiar, territorial songs from  early morning until dusk and both Robins and Dunnocks have been joining in. We've been visited by the Vixen and one of her cubs in daylight, also by the pale grey female badger and the dog fox spotted on the wildlife camera.  Larger bird visitors have been wood pigeons, crows, magpies and herring gulls.


Early yesterday afternoon during a dry patch I went out into the garden with my camera to capture a few images of the flowers before they are dashed by the wind and rain.

It's Aquilegia time, they take over most of the flower beds at this time of year.

The Rhododendrons are begining to flower.

Peonies are covered in buds ready to burst open.

Alchemilla Mollis

Chives in bud

Bistort by the pond

Clematis Montana

Perennial Cornflower


Lily of the Valley


Solomon's Seal

Wild Garlic.

In the raised beds and greenhouse tomatoes and vegetables are growing well. 

At the moment it isn't raining but the sky looks grey and watery.  Time to nip out for a walk before the heavens open yet again.


  1. I love aquilegia.You have some lovely plants in your garden.

    1. Thank you Barbara, I like the Aquilegia too but they have taken over almost every bed in the garden over the last few years so some of them will have to go later this year:)

  2. The rain is doing wonders for your garden and all the wildlife too. I keep getting previous years' photos brought up by Google Photos which just demonstrate how behind our garden is this year, no rhododendrons at all yet whereas this time last year they were fully out. Hopefully by the end of the week the sun should be out and so will we. I like the sound of your lawn. 😊

    1. Thank you Karen, yes the rain is good for the garden. Even if we weren't following 'nomowMay' we wouldn't be able to mow the lawns anyway as they are too wet. This time last year the yellow flag iris were out in the pond, this year the buds are only just appearing. The sun pops out for a short while then disappers behind watery clouds:)

  3. Everything looks lovely...

    Do hope the flowers do not get denuded by the rain...

    You have too much, and some areas over here, are parched.


    1. Thank you, the flowers are holding on but the garden and grass are very wet. It's a shame we can't have an even distribution of rain and sun everywhere:)

  4. Your garden is looking so lovely and full of colour :) The rain every day is getting rather depressing but the rest of this week is looking better.

    My son was upset at the weekend as we needed some chives from the garden and he didn't like cutting off the flower buds! I think about half are left. Our clematis is in flower too - not sure about the lilies of the valley or the peonies I will have to go and check!

    1. Thank you RR. The flowers are looking good at the moment, hedges and lawns less so but grass is too wet to mow as yet, lots of grass in the beds which I can't pull out easily. Let's hope it gets warmer soon. Further down the road the chives are in flower in some gardens, we always seem to be later than elsewhere being further up the hill. You will have to have a chive plant for eating and one for the flowers. I'm sure once the weaher gets a little warmer the peonies will open:)

  5. The rain keeps the garden looking lovely. Hose-pipe ban by August???

    1. Thank you John, yes that will probably be the next thing - water shortages!:)

  6. OMG, I have garden envy. Rain certainly helps to keep it lush, but is hard to work in to keep it looking good. We've already had 3 frosts, but it has dawned warm today, but ever so windy with 3 rain expected for the next 3 days. We've had so much cloud, my veg (and other peoples too), were woeful this year so hopefully we'll have somewhat better Spring/Summer later in the year. Thanks for sharing, take care & hugs.

    1. Thank you Susan, the flowers do look okay at the moment, lawns and hedges need attention but it is too wet as yet. Seems funny you mentioning frosts, I think ours are all over now, I hope. Just as you go into your winter our summer will hopefully appear. Take care:)

  7. Pretty flowers! We could use rain here.

    1. Thank you William, wish you could have some of ours:)

  8. It was interesting to hear about the wildlife that come into your garden. The weather continues to be cold although no rain today. I hesitate to go out for a walk. Instead I will take a stroll around our garden and hope warmer days return.

    1. Thank you Linda. Yesterday was rain free and a little sunnier than of late but today we are back to grey skies although no rain as yet. We have just had a walk at Trentham and it was cold sitting outside with a coffee halfway around the lake. I hope you can get out for a walk soon:)

  9. so much to enjoy in your garden. Its a shame we cant sit out and enjoy it at the moment. Lovely images. B x

    1. Thank you Barbara, yes it is just a little too cold to sit out for any length of time, I do hope it warms up soon:)

  10. Oh my gosh😱😱😱 , ALL those lovely flowers in your garden. How beautiful. The blue bell like ones are my favourite even though they are small. Rhododendruns are beautiful. I have never seen chives with pink buds even though I love chives in my omlette and noodles. Our species of chives here have white buds. I have about 4 types of flowers in my garden only. Ohhh... how I wish for ALL your flowers.

    1. Thank you Kestrel. Glad you like the flowers, we have a clump of small blue bells and then some larger ones too. I assume you can eat the flowers as well as the stalks of chives, I like them chopped into potato salad:)
