
Friday, April 16, 2021

In the Garden

 How lovely the weather has been this week.  Walks have been taken and gardening done once the early morning frost has disappeared.

Flowers are appearing on the Amelanchier tree.

On the bird feeders we had a visit from a Siskin

This is a rare occurance.  Apologies for the not very clear photo it was taken through the window.

Last evening both male and female chaffinch visited spending time in the Tamarisk tree.  Only the female allowed herself to be photographed, the male hid away although I could spot his pink chest between the branches.

In the greenhouse Freesias have appeared.  We set the seeds last year and forgot about them so it was a surprise to see so much colour suddenly appear.

Also in the greenhouse Yellow Rattle.  Again we planted seed last year not knowing if they would be successful.

I've been checking the leaf shape against the  drawing in the wildflower book.  It seems they are Yellow Rattle.

Next week we have a skip arriving so we can clear the top of the garden of unwanted debris from the last of the Leylandii trees, old pieces of wood and logs.  We'll be keeping a few back to make a log pile for frogs, newts and other creatures, the shed will eventualy be taken down and a new one placed in a different part of the garden closer to the house and a meadow area under the small birch tree will be made including the yellow rattle and wild garlic that is already there.
Lots of work to be done.  Let's hope the sun keeps shining.


  1. Oh what a beautiful green bird! Never have seen. Probably is not native to my Country.

    "A meadow area will be made" What lovely words!!!!

    I love the term "skip." Much nicer than our terms for that which one can deposit refuse of all kinds, into. One is coming next door, to our son's home, and we are to make use of it too. -smile-

    Beautiful flowers and other growing things. Happy Spring!


    1. Thank you, yes we too will put some of our next door neigbour's tree cuttings in if we have room left, once everything is clear we can plan the wild area with meadow plants and a new log pile. We have a birch sapling grown from a small shoot that will stand in the top corner and give dappled shade:)

  2. Very good company around the house.

    1. Thank you William. Yes, it's lovely to have lots of bird visitors:)

  3. Love the birds & as for the freesias, I could give you dozens of the good old-fashioned variety which are nearly a weed in our garden & are already appearing now ready for their appearance in early Spring with their heady perfume. I don't think the coloured ones have much fragrance at all, but they do come in a lovely colour range. Look forwrd to seeing your garden makeover coming along. Ours needs one desperately too, but our block is so steep, we don't know where to start. Take care & hugs.

    1. Thank you Susan, the freesias were a complete surprise I'd forgotten we'd had some seeds. You are right the bright coloured ones don't have much of scent but are pretty to look at. It's just the top corner of the garden where there used to be a row of Leylandii trees but it is amazing how much space we created taking them down. Take care:)

  4. I'm looking forward to seeing your meadow and it looks like the buds are on the tamarisk tree which is always a treat to see. Freesias have a wonderful scent, I have some in the latest bouquet and it's just filled the room. Isn't the siskin colourful how lovely to have him visit. πŸ™‚

    1. Thank you, it is going to take time through this year as the shed has to be cleared and taken down and a new one put up for the contents mostly tools and mower etc, then we can plan the corner. Wild flowers under the one birch tree which will give dappled shade and maybe a small seat to enjoy it. Siskins are rare visitors so it was good to see it:)

  5. The weather has been lovely this week. Well done on the Siskin a great sighting on the feeders and you managed a photo - I didn't!! Your meadow sounds as if it will be lovely. The seedlings do look like yellow rattle we have some here and they are good at suppressing grass :) I look forward to your photos later in the year. Bees love the yelllow rattle flowers too. Take care.

    1. Thank you RR. It has been lovely although cold in the mornings. The Siskin stayed awhile, enough time for me to run upstairs for my camera,switch it on and focus. It was warm enough yesterday to empty the greenhouse and wash the windows inside. I hope we can have a wild area in the top corner of the garden as quite honsetly it is getting too much for us now so we could leave that area to get on with it. You too take care:)

  6. Lovely to see how your garden is doing and well done on the Siskin. Lots of bird nesting here at the moment. It’s good to see the sunshine. B x

    1. Thank you, yes lots of birds nesting we keep seeing sparrows collecting the little white feathers that come from the wood pigeons. I hope you are enjoying a sunny weekend:)

  7. Fantastic to see the Siskin, the weather is looking good this week so far!

    1. Thank you Pam, it was a treat to see the Siskin:)

  8. How lovely that you have grown Freesias Rosie! I bet they smell wonderful. :)

    1. Thank you Simone,I'd forgotten we'd planted some seeds. The white ones have a lovely scent but the others don't have any fragrance at all:)

  9. I too have seen siskin recently, though it was on our walk in Sedburgh. Maybe they appear mostly in Spring. Lovely that you are growing Yellow Rattle, a flower of countryside meadows.

    1. I've only ever seen siskins in a large group before so it was unusual to see a lone one. I hope that the seeds from the yellow rattle in the pot can be sown in the garden for next year:)
