
Monday, December 28, 2020

Snow Day

This morning we woke up  to the muffling silence of snow.  The garden was snuggled under a brilliant soft white blanket.

People are out on the street.  A mum is pulling her two girls along on a sledge.  A  mum and dad are walking along with their little one who is wide eyed at the first snow he has probably ever seen.  I can hear squeals of delight as I'm typing.  Each family is keeping their social distance but smiling and waving to all who pass by or call encouragement from their garden gates.

 Four young male blackbirds were clamouring around the feeders waiting for nibbles so a path was made to the bird feeders.  On the hanging feeders it was finch time as we saw a bullfinch, chaffinches and goldfinches.

There are two snow caused casualties in the garden. 

The Hebe is down but hopefully may bounce back

The netting cover constructed last Spring to protect the vegetables and fruit from badgers and birds has completely collapsed and stands no chance of bouncing back.

What to do on a day like today?  I have a basket of ironing , that will keep me warm.  I have a good book on my kindle to curl up with later.  I'll write a post about my recent reading soon.


  1. How lovely to have real Christmassy snow. Sorry about the casualties but it does look so pretty. Just hail and cold here at the moment. Stay cosy. B x

    1. It does feel quite Christmassy still, more snow this morning, good job we have provisions for a few more days. Take care:)

  2. We didn’t have any snow here in North East Wales.I am sure there will be some on Snowdon.It looks so pretty in your garden.

    1. Oh yes, I bet Snowdon has a good covering of snow, the garden always look okay in snow,it hides all the scruffy bits. Take care:)

  3. Lovely snowy pictures - your garden looks magical. We only had a sprinkling here and nowhere near as much as you. Good bird sightings on the feeders :) Look forward to a post soon on your recent reading - as you know you give me so many ideas for good authors to try.

    1. Still snowing today, Paul ventured down to the Co-op for newspaper and milk. I've been reading lots of 'light' books over the last few weeks some more entertaining than others. Have seen Siskins and Greenfinch amongst the usual visitors this morning:)

  4. It's looking so beautiful in your snowy garden today. I'm glad you're nice and cosy inside with your book, watching all the birds outside. ☃️

    1. We've had quite a display of bird visitors this morning, I put out an exra tray of food for them and they seemed to come in from all over:)

  5. You and Paul waking up to snow and us, 40 miles away, see none of it! That is what I love about snow, to quote your opening words: 'The muffling silence of snow'. Once I would have been out in the snow, now on the few occasions I see snow I stand and look, still amazed by its magic. Take care.

    1. Snowing again today, someone had built a snowman outside the Co-op and put a mask on it no photos as Paul didn't take a camera when he fetched milk and a newspaper. I love snow if you don't have to go out anywhere:)

  6. Wow, that is a big fall of snow. Long time since we awoke to that sort of silence having lived in Tasmania for a time & the foothills of the Snowy Mountains where we did get the odd good fall of snow in winter. I'm sure the hebe will bounce back & you can have my blackbirds to feed as they are causing some trouble trying to get into the blueberry enclosure. One succeeded while we were out yesterday. More berries to pick today & lawns to mow, so unlike what you're experiencing at the moment. Take care, stay warm & huggles.

    1. It does seem a lot of snow all at once, snowing again today. Naughty blackbirds, I love the idea that you have a blueberry enclosure, do you make jam with them is you have a lot of them? We shook the Hebe and it has gradually revived:)

  7. Brrrr looks cold. Snowy surroundings here too, though not much in town, more on the hills. Nice to stay cosy inside and watch your lovely bird visitors. X

    1. It is colder outside today than yesterday and more snow is falling. I was hoping to get out for a while after Christmas inactivity but it is safer to stay inside at the moment. Lots of lovely bird visitors this morning:)

  8. We've woken up to snow. It has come our way! Unfortunately we have to go out to the doctor's for a general blood test before we can get further repeat prescriptions. Hopefully the fall overnight will turn to rain and wash it all away. It's not my favourite sort of weather. The birds are being kept well fed here too by our neighbours and we've seen a few bluetits and blackbirds. Take care both of you.

    1. I hope you don't have as much snow as us and can get out for your blood tests, we are waiting for the pharmacy to deliver medication which runs out at the end of the week but nothing so far. Snow is okay and very pretty if you don't have to go out and about. We've had lots of lovely bird visitors this morning including some that rarely visit:)

  9. Lovely photos, we have snow too, not quite as much as you and a lot of it melted pretty quick but it was nice to see!

    1. The snow is still here at the top of our hill, lingering a lot longer than down on the main road. It isn't as pretty now but lots of animal and bird prints have been spotted:)

  10. Gorgeous photos! How lovely and pristine it all looks. I'll look forward to the reading list, we share some favorite authors.

    1. It did look lovely when it first came down, not so lovely now after a couple of days. I'm going to start wrting a new post on reading soon:)

  11. Hoje venho desejar-lhe um Bom Ano de 2021!

  12. A lovely photo at your bird feeder.I have been out to break the ice on the pond and scatter some seeds for the robins. It is good weather to be sitting by the fire with a book - just what I have been doing! Best wishes for a happy and healthy 2021.

    1. Definitely book by the fire and warming food weather, the birds have been busy on the feeders the last few days. Best wishes for 2021:)
