
Tuesday, November 24, 2020

Ordinary Things

Times are difficult for most if not all of us at the moment in fact they have been throughout this very strange year. Events have hit some of us harder than others so it is good to dwell on the ordinary, everyday things that get us through each day. Yesterday was a typical day.  We woke to a light frost which soon melted away as the sun came out to brighten the dull morning.


Milk and a newspaper were collected from the local Co-op


and fruit and vegetables bought from the local farm shop.

We were home in time for coffee and the crossword in the newspaper and to peg out the laundry I'd left whizzing away in the machine whilst we were out.

There was time then to take our neighbour's little dog for a walk.  She can't walk him now as she has MS and is confined to a wheelchair.

 We took him by Sammie's Pool and over Fenpark. The longer walk over Berryhill Fields is waterlogged and too muddy for a little fluffy dog.

Then it was back home to warm soup and a bread roll. 

This post is just a tentative step into blogging again as I still have problems with my eyes if I am on the computer for too long.  I have been following your blogs and looking at your wonderful photos even if I can't always read all of what you have written about and comment on it.
Thank you to everyone who has contacted me to see how I'm getting along.