
Friday, August 07, 2020

In the Garden

Flowers in the garden are all looking rather pink at the moment. The colour dominates from dark to very pale in shade.
Roses and Japanese Anemomes

Echinacea and Hollyhock


Do you have a dominant colour in your garden and if so was it by accident or design?  Do you have a favourite colour for flowers?  I must admit that my favourite colours for flowers are blue, white and mauve depending on mood sometimes a bright yellow or orange can be cheering.  I'm thinking of crocosmia and also marigolds and nasturtiums which haven't grown all that well in the garden this year.
Already as I type this it is very warm.  I've put towels out to dry but I'm staying in as next door neighbours are having all their hedges and trees trimmed, the noise of the machinery and the smell of both petrol and cut pine has given me a thumping headache.  I may sit out in the garden later this evening when it is cooler and quieter.  Take care and have a good weekend.


  1. This year I had to make do with what plants I could get and most of them have come up as a rather dirty shade of pink. Reds and yellows would be my choice, though I also like some white flowers.

    1. Reds and yellows are very summery and cheerful, although yellow also very fresh and spring like too:)

  2. My favourite flowers are white as they show up so well in the evening and look good against the green foliage. I also like rich golden and orange flowers! Saying that your pink flowers are very pretty Rosie. My garden has been a bit of a disaster this year having to grow from seed and being unable to source plants until it was too late! Hope you have a good weekend. I am going to hide away from the heat! :)

    1. White flowers do look wonderful at dusk they take on an almost other wordly appearance. We hadn't intended to have so many pink flowers it just happened that way. Hope you have enjoyed the weekend and managed to stay cool, I think it has been warmer where you are than here:)

  3. A lovely variety of flowers in your garden. I started out trying to plant a border of plants with white flowers, but over time our garden is now multicoloured. I have grouped many blue/mauve flowering plants together in one border and in pots. Usually I spend a lot of time in the garden, but today, apart from going there early morning to sit for a while before breakfast, I've been indoors with the blinds drawn, although the heat has not been too bad. A headache is miserable so I hope you're feeling better soon.

    1. It has been so warm this weekend, too hot to be outside sometimes, it's warm in the house now as well. Sometimes strong smells do make my head ache, I think it was the noise as well. Hope you had a good weekend:)

  4. Such a beautiful variety of flowers in your garden. I've lost my pink echinacea and my chocolate cosmos - not happy!!! :( I tend to agree with you about colours - I do like mauve, white and blue best but the splash of yellow or orange from nasturtiums, pot marigold or golden rod is lovely. Do hope your headache is better and that the garden will be quieter for you this weekend.

    1. We've been lucky with the flowers this year, some of them were in a mixed pack of seeds, we've had more echinacias this year than ever before and for once the hollyhocks haven't been eaten by slugs. It has been much quieter today last evening next door to us had a family birthday party with lights and a fire, it looked lovely and wasn't too noisy:)

  5. You are definitely in the pink at the moment, so beautiful and soothing. It's been so hot, I've been hiding with my book, Wolf Hall again. It seems a lot cooler in the 1530s! 😊

    1. I must try to read Wolf Hall, I did watch the television series, yes I bet it was cooler at that time especialy in winter:)

  6. Ooh, that all looks lovely in pink & it is my favourite colour, but my garden hasn't been of my making, but seems to have a lot of mauve. Enjoy the warm weather & hope your headache didn't last long. Take care, stay safe & huggles.

    1. Thank you Susan, headache soon went after paracetemol and a quiet cool room, especially when the drone of the cutters stopped. Take care:)

  7. Loving your echinacea and hollyhocks. I’ve tried to grow both this year. Only successful with the hollyhocks although they’re very slow to flower. Hopefully they’ll survive the winter and flower next year. B x

    1. I pleased about the echinacias this year as they have never done really well here before. The hollyhocks came from seed collected last year from a relative's garden. I hope your hollyhocks come back next year, ours too:)

  8. Lot's of lovely pink! My garden is definitely dominated by purple/blue at the moment with the Lavender and Budleia!

    1. Thank you Pam, it's lovely to see how a garden changes over the weeks and different colours dominate. I have one lavender plant which is just beginning to flower:)
