
Monday, June 08, 2020

Scenes from this Morning's Walk

This morning was cool but thankfully dryer than the last couple of days which have been far too wet and windy for walking.  The rain storms occasionally turned to hail storms, branches came off the trees.  The weather patterns seem all awry with Summer heat in May and April showers in June.

It was good to take a walk this morning after a couple of days inside.  I had a letter to post along the way.

Across Six Crowns wood and by Sammie's Pool.

 Over Fenpark and along the back lane towards Berryhill Fields.  We went the long way round this morning.

 Next door's dog was enjoying his walk and was eager to spend as much time as possible outside.  Every scent was investigated.

 Pony surrounded by Starlings

 It was damp underfoot but the air felt warm and dry. Robins were singing in the bushes and the elderflowers were out and scenting the air.

A notice from the Save Berryhill Fields campaign in support of the NHS and Careworks and a note about social distancing.  Someone had placed a painted stone on top of the post.

 As we joined the walk at Berryhill fields and made our way across them we saw two Skylarks, six Swallows and a wren as well as the usual Wood Pigeons, Crows and Starlings.

It was time to turn towards home.

It felt good to be out in the fresh air and also to have been out walking again.


  1. Beautiful photos. So lovely.

  2. A lot of starlings with the pony, i wonder what they had found so tasty in the grass?

    1. Thank you Julie, there are often loads of starling flying around the horses, perhaps insects or leather jackets in the grass:)

  3. It's good to get out and have a change of scenery. The pony with starlings photo is great Rosie! I hope you have a great week ahead. :)

    1. Thank you Simone, I was in a lot last week because of a couple of postal deliveries which said a day but not a time so one of us had to stay in, also the weather didn't help either. Hope you too have a great week:)

  4. It looks a lovely walk and free of other people! :) I love the flowers in your last photo. Weather hasn't been good here either recently and it is so cold! Today at least it was sunny and dry. Super picture of the pony with the starlings. Enjoy the rest of the week :)

    1. Thank you RR. There weren't many people on that walk, today was different, next door's dog will bark at other dogs, postmen and men with ladders so we have the dual task of keeping 2 metres from people but looking ages ahead for dogs too. This morning there were also two different men with ladders along the way!:( :)

  5. Lovely walk & glad you could get out again. Such a cute little pony. We get in walks most days, when dry & usually after it has warmed up a bit. Still frosty this morning at 10am, but should be better later. Take care, stay safe & huggles.

    1. Thank you Susan. We hadn't walked over the weekend because of the bad weather so it waslovely to get out for awhile. Stay safe:)

  6. It does look a bit bleak for your walk but still good to get out and about taking in all the sights and scents of the countryside. Look at all those starlings around the pony! 😊

    1. Thank you, it was a bit grey but at least it was dry and good to be out after two days inside. There are loads of starling over the fields, we've seen them gather to roost in the trees in the evenings:)

  7. How nice that you could be out and about again, Rosie, and that you took us with you. A lovely walk.

    1. Thank you Amalia, it is nice to have places to walk close by. I'm looking forward to being able to walk further afield when restrictions are lifted:)

  8. Such beautiful country side, to immerse yourself in.


    1. Thank you WoW, I'm grateful we have areas to walk close by:)

  9. So good to get out isn't it, the foal is a cutie :)

    1. Thank you Pam, there are lots of horses and foals in the fields along that path. One of the farms has hens and geese aas well:)

  10. A lovely walk even under the grey sky! I hadn't realised you were doing 30 Days Wild until you commented , I'll have a look at your other blog soon!

    1. Thank you Louise, I don't know how long I'll keep the 30 Days Wild going as we aren't doing too much walking at the moment. We did have a lovely walk this morning though but I forgot to take a camera:)
