
Monday, June 15, 2020

Monday Musings

My brain has seemed to slow down over the last few weeks. Equally it has started to race too, especially at around 4a.m. I find it hard sometimes to 'take things in'  as easily as I used to.  I think the slight hearing loss plus the tinnitus and hypercusis don't help.  Also not going out, other than for a walk, isn't really helping either as I find I'm anxious about being outside. 

Anyway, onwards and upwards.  I've been testing the new blogger.  Has anyone else tried it?  I know from some of your blog posts that one or two of you have.  I'm sort of working it out but I do hate change, it makes me feel inept.   Anyway I found a few issues with the new blogger which confused for a while but the main one is the Reading List on the dashboard not the sidebar.  If you click on a blog post you want to read it takes you to a redirection page first before being taken to the actual blog.  Two clicks instead of one.  Very irritating.  I wonder if this will be ironed out soon or if it is a permanent thing.

On Saturday night we watched the film 'Goodbye Christopher Robin' just as it finished the heavens opened, it thundered and lightened and outside there was a rainbow.

 This was the best photo I could get of the strange light and the rainbow without getting soaked through.

 On Saurday morning we walked across the fields and I took my camera so I could photograph the foxgloves for 30 Days Wild so some of you will have seen this and those below before.

 It was warm yesterday so the butterflies came out to play.

As did the foxes and badgers which were picked up by the wildlife camera overnight.

It's sunny today and I have washing drying outside.  It's got to be a good day.


  1. We could do with some of that rain down here; the clouds are working off a different script to the weather forecasters again! I seem to get on OK with the new blogger, though it seems to require more clicks to do most things, not that there are many other demands upon my time at present.

    1. Thank you John, at the moment the new blogger seems to be throwing up posts out of date order in the reading list - posts that I read over the weekend are showing up as newly published. Very strange. We had a violent storm here last night the thunder was so loud and the rain torrential:)

  2. I have made an effort to use the new blogger, I must admit I am not very keen. I am hoping that once I get used to it I will be alright with it. The rainbow was a delight, as was the amazing photo captured on your night camera.

    1. Thank you MM, I'm not that keen either it doesn't seem 'solid' to me, not as clear and reliable. Let's hope all will be well with it. We had a huge, noisy but colourful storm last night:)

  3. Must admit I haven't tried the new blogger although perhaps I will have to one day if they decide to make it mandatory. Super photos of the Foxgloves and rainbow - we had a big thunderstorm here too.

    Sorry you aren't feeling 100 per cent. I can empthasise with the hearing loss as my hearing is getting worse. I think my ears need syringing but apparently, even when times are normal, doctors' surgeries no longer do it and you have to go to Boots and pay!! I am not sleeping well either. Can't get to sleep and then wake at silly o'clock and often fail to get back to sleep. Such difficult and anxious times we live in. Take care and hope you feel better after a dry sunny day.

    1. Thank you RR. I wonder if you had the storm last night too. So noisy at one point a crack of the thunder was so loud we thought it had hit something outside. The skies were a sheet of pink with fork lightening in the centre of it. Although I'm doing nothing I feel as if my brain is on overload. The heat doesn't help with sleeping either does it? I hope you can have some settled nights of sleep soon. You too take care:)

  4. Lovely photos especially the butterfly. Yes I keep trying the new blogger and then return to the old. I’m finding that when I post it doesn’t always add itself to the reading list which is odd. Have a lovely week and hopefully you will feel a little more confident as the days go by. B x

    1. Thank you Barbara, I haven't gone back to the old blogger yet, but strange things do seem to be happening on the dashboard. Eveything feels so stange at the moment, I hope things improve I don't want not to go out again:)

  5. It has been far too warm for me today!! I'm irritated by the having to click twice now to get to a blog post too... I don't really mind the other changes but that one seems silly.

    1. Thank you Louise, yes far to warm and clammy, not comfortable at all. The redirection page seems off perhaps things have yet to be ironed out. We had a tremendous storm last night but it didn't seem to cool anything off:)

  6. I'm with you Rosie on changes & haven't tried the new blogger as yet, but believe it will be changed over later this month anyway. I've a post I have to do today, so might have a look then. I'm also finding it hard in this strange new world & know that there is a lot we'll possibly never do again, though for some strange reason I've been sleeping better this week, than I have in a long time, but I feel quite exhausted still. Love the rainbow photo. Take care, stay safe & huggles.

    1. Thank you Susan, I'm not very good with changes in technology, I get frustrated if I can't just do what I've always done but after a while get used to things, I though I'd look at the new blogger so it didn't take me ny surprise. Stay safe:)

  7. How spectacular the sky must have looked especially after all the thunder and lightening. Your foxglove photos reminded me of a trip to the Lakes many years ago when there were loads growing on the hillside. Take care, I've noticed a number of friends have gone quite quiet, hopefully things will gradually improve. 😊

    1. Thank youKaren, yes the sky was spectacular but the next night even more so as the sky was a pink sheet with fork lightening in it and terrific claps of thunder. No rainbow though. I remember a similar tip into Wales when the whole area seemed to be covered in foxgloves. People do seem quieter and less likely to write posts at the moment. I hope all will be well as soon as it can be:)

  8. I'm using the new blogger, i'm not impressed with how previewing a post works now but otherwise so far so good! I didn't even realise there was a reading list, I always check out the latest blog posts from the follow list on my own blog :O I do love seeing the Foxes and Badgers from your camera, it's amazing to see what goes on when we're not watching!

    1. Thank you Pam, the preview is a bit strange and I do use it a lot to check spaces between photos and text and also for any typing errors before publishing. the reading list is the blogs you follow, which you can also put on your sidebar, I use both. Foxes were out early last night so we saw them running around:)

  9. Today for me has been a good day. Some of our shops in town have opened again and most were quiet enough for a wander round. My favourite wildlife sightings today we're a curlew flying over head and a solitary common spotted orchid. Not as lovely as your woodland visitors but nice all the same. X

    1. Thank you Shazza,I'm glad you had a good day and were brave enough to visit a few shops. I must venture out soon or I'll forget how to do it:) How wonderful to see a curlew and the orchid too. I remember driving between Bakewell and Monyash in Derbyshire, a curlew flew right in front of the car above the bonnet and I could see its beak quite clearly, amazing shape and size:)

  10. The light after the storm is quite dramatic. Good capture. I'm using the new blogger and am not very impressed with how photos load, and a couple of other things. We're forced into doing what the company wants, and since we use it for free, I guess I shouldn't complain too much. Lovely foxgloves.

    1. Thank you Lorrie. The skies have been spectacular over the last few evenings. I haven't so far had a problem with photos loading except once when I had to size them from the corners instead of using the highlight bar but the next time I tried it had gone back to usual with the options of large, original etc. It does seem a shame when things change and confuse us all but as you say we have all the space we need for free so will have to go with it. I expect Google have many more bloggers than when we first started blogging:)

  11. Lovely photos Rosie. I am using the new blogger but haven't noticed many changes to how it was before apart from loads of pages coming up for stats. I think they have changed it so it is better for mobile phones. I wake up every night several times and didn't before this covid 19. I am so tired at bedtime but still wake up early! x

    1. Thank you Simone. I found that the sizing of text and the uploading of photos is different to the way I used to do it. It feels very unstable to me and I'm not enjoying it. Sometimes I sleep through and others I stay awake for ages, such strange times. Stay sae:)

  12. Not used the new blogger as yet, but I don't like change either. I've read a few complaining how long it takes to do a post and they are wondering if to give up.
    Anxiety levels are running high here as well as the depression :-(
    Take care x
