
Wednesday, May 06, 2020

This and That

Monday's walk was lovely so many delightful sights and sounds as we made our way down to the local park avoiding main roads and cutting through green areas and the cemetery on the way.  As we walked over Fenpark we saw a Heron soaring over the pool and the allottments, homing pigeons from a pigeon loft on one of the allotments were whirling around as the heron passed by.  We saw a song thrush near the cemetery gate and a mistle thrush further inside.

All was looking lovely. All of a suden cow parsley was everywhere and lilac trees were in flower.

The park was quiet.  We hadn't been down there for ages as we'd thought it would be closed but it was open. Only us and a couple of other people wandering around.

Home for lunch of broccoli, pea and basil soup with homemade bread.

Followed by a fruit salad.

These feathers were scatered across the lawn the next morning.  Later, when we watched the wildlife camera we realised why.  A magpie had come down onto the lawn and had been caught by a fox, it did escape but left behind most of its tail feathers.  We now see it around and recognise it from its rather depleted  tail.

On our walk today over the fields we saw kestrels and also a crow harassing a female pheasant both were making a lot of noise.  The female pheasant managed to reach a bramble bush from which a male pheasant appeared and began to strutt menacingly towards the crow.  It crossed the path in front of us and the crow decided a retreat was necessary,  I think the pheasant won that bout.  I wondered it the crow would have been after the pheasant eggs.

Life can be harsh for wildlife at times.


  1. I love the photo of the cow parsley, one of my favourite spring flowers. Sounds like my kind of a walk. Lovely gentle post, thankyou.

    1. Thank you Briony, I love cow parsley too verges along country lanes full of it are such a joy:)

  2. So many pretty flowers and flowering trees. Looks like you had a good walk. Love good pea soup, but have never made it.
    Sandy's Space

    1. Thank you Sandy, the trees are looking wonderful at the moment. The bread was homemade but not the soup. It was delicious but a little more salty than we ae used to:)

  3. The cow parsley has sprung up here too. Glad the magpie and the pheasants escaped this time. :)

    1. Thank you shazza, when we saw the film of the fox leap forward and catch the magpie we feared the worst but thankfully it got away, we saw it again yesterday:)

  4. Could be the park is open... Because people in your area are Wise! And do not flaunt logical Pandemic Rules. Not like the people who are Witless, and party away, in parks and etc.

    I say Witless, because they think only of themselves and their pleasure. No thought, to how they can possibly be spreading it, and killing compromised people. Grrrrr....

    Gentle hugs

    1. Thank you WoW, I think most people keep to the rules, just a few that don't. The ones that make me angry are what we call 'fly-tippers' meaning that they discard their rubbish in rural places, beautiful places. Or in alleyways in the city where people live and end up having to clear it. They just don't care for anything or anybody:)

  5. A lovely walk Rosie & your bird life, although different from ours in some ways, is still every bit as interesting, amusing & heart breaking at times. We do have crows & blackbirds, but no pheasants & our magpies are a different species altogether. Yesterday on our walk & I didn't take my camera (wish I had), we saw a lone pelican circling with 3 peewees after him. The pelican is massive & these 3 smaller birds looked quite silly harassing it. Spring has certainly sprung with all that lovely colour. Thanks for sharing. Take care, stay safe & hugs.

    1. Thank you Susan, lovely to hear about the differences between your birds and ours. I always find pelicans rather sinister and almost prehistoric looking. I've only ever seen them in zoos or wildlife parks. We often see crows harrasing a buzzard here, I expect they are defending their territory. Take care:)

  6. It's been all go for the wildlife in your neck of the woods. What a lovely surprise to find the park open and to have all that special place to yourselves. I haven't seen any cow parsley round here, normally when I'm out and about it's all over the place but not round here it seems. 😊

    1. Thank you Karen, yes it's all go. I watched a Dragonfly emerge from the pond yesterday, it's wings were almost silver in the late evening sun, no camera to capture how beautiful it was. The cow parsley seemed to appear overnight:)

  7. What a lovely walk and great news that the park was so quiet. I wish I had somewhere close like that to walk! The bird behaviour and encounters are so interesting and your lunch looks so delicious and healthy :)

    Just to let you know I made the Mill order on Monday and the box arrived today so you shouldn't have to wait too long for your order :)

    Take care and stay safe and well.

    1. Thank you RR. We hadn't been down to the park as we assumed it was closed, perhaps it was for a while, it is a lovely well kept park. Glad you have your flour, our order should be on the way. I guess we'll get it next week. Take care:)

  8. The park looks a pleasant place to take a walk so it was good that it was open and quiet. Green areas are full of wild flowers right now. Seeing a heron flying over must have been a bonus sight. You returned to a tasty and healthy lunch. When I see feathers scattered around in the garden I wonder what has been happening. Mostly it's all very innocent with small garden birds shedding some feathers as they fly in and out of the thick hedge where they might be nesting, but I've also seen the blackbirds, who are quite aggressive, chasing the robin who then dives into the hedge for protection.

    1. Thank you Linda, when we are out walking we sometimes see evidence of feathers etc from a larger bird's breakfast or lunch. I always worry that the parent birds have to go out for food and it they don't return their chicks will starve. Such is nature I suppose it can be cruel. I love the way herons curl up their long necks as they fly:)

  9. It was wonderful to come along with you on your walk. Lunch looked delicious. We are looking forward to getting our delivery shop for some fresh fruit. Take care.

    1. Thank you MM glad you enjoyed the walk and yes lunch was delicious. It was pleasing to get some fresh fruit for a change, we have rhubarb in the garden too:)

  10. A nice looking park, the warmer weather has certainly enhanced the leaf growth.
    The fruit salad looks tasty, as does the soup and fresh bread ....yummy.
    Poor Mr Magpie, a good job the fox didn't get his supper!

    1. Thank you Julie, it is a lovely, well kept park. I realy enjoyed the fruit salad:)

  11. What a lovely park to walk in! I've noticed a lot of lilac over the last few days, but haven't spotted cow parsley locally yet... any day now I guess!

    1. Thank you Louise, it is a good park and the walk down over the fields is lovely too. I love lilac and there does seem to be a lot about this year both lilac colour and white:)
