
Friday, May 29, 2020


Lately I've been

1. Walking

We've got into a walking routine over the last couple of weeks.  At around 9.30a.m. we collect the dog from next door following social distancing rules. We have a good system worked out. We've been walking him most mornings since he lost one of his owners in April and the other owner who has MS broke an ankle.  We take him as early as we can before it gets really hot as his fur is getting longer and thicker and there is no chance at the moment for him to be groomed.  We get back usually an hour later put the chairs under the gazebo and have morning coffee

2. Sitting

in the garden for morning coffee, lunch and afternoon tea is lovely at the moment now it is warm enough.  It's good to sit out there reading too as well as watching the wildlife.

3. Baking

I finally got around to trying the plain flour and baking powder together to make a sponge mix although we do now have a bag of self-raising flour.  I used half to make an Eve's pudding with some apples that needed using and with the mixture left I made a few little fairy buns.  Both tasted fine and rose well.  The buns were treated to a little spoonful of white icing on the top.

4. Reading
 I've been reading books either on my Kindle or my ipad.   The Kindle books are purchased of course and the ipad ones are borrowed from the local library.

 Caro Ramsay's books are set in Glasgow and feature detectives Anderson and Costello.  I've read four so far and enjoyed them even though I'm sure I've read them out of order.

 I'm enjoying these books too.  Set on the Scilly Isles (or should it be the Isles of Scilly?) they are wonderfully descriptive of the islands both past and present. I like the detective Ben Kitto although he does seem to get beaten up quite a lot. I remember visting one of the islands, St Mary's, many years ago, I'd probably be in my early teens.   We caught a boat from Penzance, I remember it took some time to get there.  We then boarded a small bus and were taken around the island.  I remember the driver was keen to point out the bungalow owned by the then Prime Minister Harold Wilson.

I always enjoy watching and reading anything by Lucy Worsley.  I recently enjoyed her book about Jane Austen and am now reading about the early life of Queen Victoria.

5. Watching
There have been some interesting programmes on televison the last couple of weeks.  We've enjoyed programmes about the Chelsea Flower Show presented by Monty Don and Joe Swift from their gardens and this week Springwatch again presented from various areas very close to the presenters' homes.  I'm really enjoying this format and it was a great joy to see Mark from Fox 'n the City featured again.  I've been following him on Facebook for about three years now and his films and photos of the foxes in his London garden are always a delight.  I'm also enjoying A House Through Time which started this week.  I watched the last two series and this one is as fascinating.  There have been repeats of Vienna Blood which I watched and enjoyed last year then read the books and I'm looking forward to the next and last of the Canadian series Cardinal starting next week.

Whilst Paul was flying his Tiger Moth from Old Warden Aerodrome to the Fenland Airfield, all on his flight simulator of course, I watched an enchanting film called The One Hundred Foot Journey. A French setting, glorious food, wonderful actors and a happy ending.  What more could you want to divert you for a while in these troubled times?

Well, that was my five for this Friday. I hope you all have a good weekend.


  1. Lovely Rosie & glad to hear about you walking your neighbours dog. I still use some old cookbooks from the 50s which have the plain flour & baking powder in the recipe. Your little sweet buns look nice and that squirrel is oh so cute. Take care, stay safe & take care.

    1. Thank you Susan. Walking the dog is heping both us and the neighbour, he does need a cut in tis heat though. The buns were tasty, just a couple of mouthfulls. The young squirrels are about at the moment. Take care:)

  2. A great post Rosie and it was lovely to hear of you walking your neighbour's dog. You seem to have got into a lovely routine. Here I keep thinking I should be sorting out my mum's stuff or some of the boxes of my own stuff in the garage but I just can't get motivated even though now is the ideal time! Your little cakes look lovely. I am waiting for a ginger traybake to cool so I can ice it! Still using out of date sr flour (it seems to have lasted for ages!) so still have the two bags of Shipton Mill sr. I need to find some recipes to use wholemeal flour now as for some unknown reason I order two bags from Shipton!!!! The new authors look interesting and I will make a note as I always enjoy the books on your reading list. I enjoyed the Lucy Worsley Jane Austen book too so will check out the Victoria one. Have a good weekend and take care and stay safe and well.

    1. Thank you RR. We do have a routine which helps but come mid afternoon whilst it is so warm I lose impetus and just want to read and then I nodd off which is disorientating too. We have so much we should sort out and have some bags from just before lockdown still around waiting for charity shops to open but then I wonder will they want the stuff anyway? Ginger traybake sounds delicious. Take care and stay safe:)

  3. I have seen that Helen Mirren film! Like all her films, a delight!

    Thank you for your reading suggestions!!!! Especially detective-type, for my husband. He is getting near the end, of the last one I got him.... From your suggestions!!!! We both thank you!!!!!

    Sadly, I just can't seem to get into my numerous books. On Kindle. I did not figure out the "thing" I need, to get E-books from my library. But really don/t need them. Plus, I came across a new-to-me site, which tells Daily Free E-books, which do look interesting. Sadly, suggestions from other places, were not for interesting books. -sigh-

    All you are doing, are good things, and good for you!!!! Those are the things, we have to find and do. There really is not excuse, to just sit and mope.

    Yes, we all get "upset" now and then. Perfectly human. The Wuhan Virus is a horrible thing.

    But there are things to be found, to do.


    1. Thank you WoW. I find I can still read if I get the right type of book some are more readable than others some you don't want to end but push on as you want to know what happens too. We shall carry on doing what we are doing for quite a while longer until it feels safer to venture out. Take care:)

  4. Wonderful Rosie, it sounds like you're in a delightful groove now and that life is quite good despite the virus. Looking back at full lockdown now that we're starting to leave it gradually, I'm missing that Blitz spirit that was around with the likes of Captain Tom, the thoughtful free entertainment and kindness. Now the media has a nasty edge and people always seem to be complaining. I shall add those authors to my list! 😊

    1. Thank you Karen. The groove sometimes feels like a rut but still trying to be positive, I still don't feel safe to go out and about yet so will be carrying on as we were at least until the end of June. Those divisions we had seem to be emerging again don't they? I do hope people remain thoughtful and kind:)

  5. A great five Rosie. I too have been enjoying the flower show but sadly I have not been able to get into reading just lately. Take care.

    1. Thank you MM. Sorry you can't get into reading, I'm glad I still can as it helps me a lot to drift off into another time or place, Take care:)

  6. That sounds like a very pleasant routine. Mine is much the same, though I've put baking on hold at the moment as I tend to eat everything I produce far too quickly with obvious effects on the waistline! I've also been doing a lot more cycling recently to allow me to get a little further afield.

    1. Thank you John, it's good to have a gentle routine to add structure to the day. At least the cycling will exercise away those extra calories, I didn't like what the bathroom scales told me the other day so no more baking for now:)

  7. Your routine sounds very enjoyable. It's kind of you to take your neighbour's dog for a walk and it's also a good way of you both taking some exercise in the local area. I haven't been reading much lately, although I would like to get engrossed in a novel, or doing any embroidery as my eyes have been blurry.
    Doing some simple crochet work is easier.

    1. Thank you Linda. We enjoy walking the dog in the mornings and it does get us into a routine of walking everyday. I sometimes get tired eyes and struggle to read or write on the computer, everything seems to be screens at the moment,reading on kindle, writing logs, zooming with friends. Stay safe:)

  8. A lovely uplifting post, really enjoyed it.
    Tea and cake outside, watching the birds and squirrels, that's our afternoon here.
    We've really enjoyed the Springwatch this year, its been more wildlife and less presenter chit chat.
    Have a lovely weekend x

    1. Thank you Julie. Thank goodness the weather has been fine enough to sit outside in the afternons. I'm enjoying Springwatch more this time as there is less 'children's tv presenter' chatter and more serious stuff. I do miss Kate Humble and Simon King:)

  9. This all sounds lovely! I hadn't realised Springwatch was still on this year... I have some catching up to do!

    1. Thank you Louise, I'm enjoying the format of Springwatch this time, hope you can catch up on the programmes:)

  10. You have been doing some lovely things lately Rosie. It must feel good to have the early morning routine of the walk and then back home for coffee. I have found myself getting into routines now and feel so much more productive for it. I've recorded Spring watch and the Chelsea Flower show programmes. I just need to get around to watching them now. Have a lovely week. :)

    1. Thank you Simone. I enjoy the morning routine, but the evenings stretch out sometimes, but then I'm a morning person. Hope you catch up with both programes, they have been interesting this year. Have a good week:)
