
Friday, April 17, 2020

From the Garden

Five photos taken in the garden this morning

Orange Tip Butterfly - it has been eluding me and my camera for the last three days but finally today it settled on the heather.

Robin takes a bath and a rest from sitting on eggs and finding food.

First signs of bluebells, we will miss walking in Hem Heath woods this year but unfortunately they are a short drive away so therefore not within walking distance.  It's one of the seasonal events I always look forward to.

Wood Avens - it has taken us three years to try and eradicate this invasive plant from the garden as it completely takes over if allowed.  Unfortunately it's back in two or three places including between the steps up to the path.

Blue Borage - I love the fuzzy stems and the bright blue petals.

I have decided, for the next few weeks, to record five things each morning.

The first bird call I hear on waking
The first bird I see on the feeders
The first bird I see in the air
The first butterfly I see in the garden
The first mammal I see in the garden

So today it was:-

Wood Pigeon
Herring Gull
Orange Tip
The fluffy brown cat from two doors along.

All for now, stay safe and have a peaceful weekend.


  1. Oh those invasive plants!!!!!! Here, it is Binder Vine, a Hollyhock-like vine. Oh sigh, oh my, oh mercy, oh sigggggggg!!!! How I have tried to eliminate this evil. But finally, had to give up. I get less strong with age. It never does.

    Now we have to just keep all, where it is, cut down all the time. And thus, we lose a perfect place for flowers, along our back fence. Grrrrr... But the time comes, when it is more Wise, to "throw in the towel," than to keep fighting.

    Lovely photos!

    You can't drive to the bluebell area and walk, with social distancing? I take it, not. Or you would have said this.

    Keep our eyes, on Nature! It never fails to improve our outlook.

    Yes, even on invasive plants! They can show, how to be resilient. -smile-

    Stay Safe!
    Keep our eyes on Nature!
    It is always soothing!

    1. Thank you WoW, I think your invasive plant is what we would call bindweed over here. I think some of the rules may have changed and perhaps we could drive to the wood, it's less than a couple of miles from here, but I think we will give it a miss this year, I feel safer at home:)

  2. Those Orange Tip butterflies take some chasing down! I don't know why but the soft cooing of the Wood Pigeon on a misty morning is one of my favourite sounds in the world.

    1. Thank you John, Wood Pigeon is the first bird I've heard for the last three days, it is quite soothing:)

  3. I think the rules have changed and you can now drive a short way for a walk.Orange tips have been in our garden too.We have just put up a butterfly house and a butterfly feeder.Birthday presents from my daughter.Lets hope they work.

    1. I'll have to investigate but i bet there would be so many visitors that it would be hard to keep two metres apart easily. I hope the butterflies enjoy their special house and feeder:)

  4. Well done on getting the Orange Tip photo - mine are still evading my camera!! I shall miss going to see bluebells in a wood this year too :( Thankfully we have a lot in the garden but it is not quite the same! I love your idea of recording five things each morning - I think we all need to do little things like that to help ourselves cope! Your borage looks beautiful - I have bought plants at least three times and always seem to lose them. Not sure why and it is such a shame because I love borage and it does attract bees. Take care.

    1. Thank you RR. It is sad to the miss the woodland bluebells such a joyous sight at this time of year. We had one Borage plant in the herb area but it seems to have seeded itself all over as the plants keep popping up in the most inconvenient places, we had to remove one as it was choking a heuchera plant, but there are still others for the bees. My first three days of recordings have been very similar, I hope to see other things later. Take care:)

  5. The orange tip looks wonderful. Sadly something has happened to the other photos but I will look back later in case it's a temporary glitch. That's a great idea to make a note of your garden visitors. Take care 😊

    1. Thank you Karen, there was a problem with my photos so I re-loaded them on the last three posts but they all seemed to come back later anyway. There are quite a few orange tips around at the moment, Take care:)

  6. I've had problems with photos disappearing overnight. Let's hope the issue gets resolved. Making a note of what you see in your garden and in the sky and also hear first thing in the morning is a good idea. The weather has changed and it has got colder here. Let's hope for some more sunny days again. Have a lovely weekend and week ahead.

    1. Thank you Linda, I read your post and did as you did and reloaded the photos, it seemed to work and all the others came back later. I'm enjoying doing the recording but my hearings and sightings are very similar each morning at the moment. We had rain yesterdat but it is sunny again today. Have a lovely week:)

  7. The orange tip butterfly is beautiful Rosie! I don't think I have ever seen one in the real! Your idea of recording 5 things in the garden each morning is such a good idea. Hope you have a lovely weekend. x

    1. Thank you Simone, the orange tips are lovely butterlies but so quick,I was lucky to get a photo of one. My 5 things are very similar each morning so far but may change over the weeks. Have a good week:)

  8. We've had quite a few robins on the feeders this year and all with red breasts, they seem to be drinking out of the birdbath more too.
    Great butterfly pic.

    1. Thank you Julie, we have a pair of Robins nesting and they are eager for nibbles and mealworms to take back to the next. It was great to see the :)

  9. You have taken some great photos, capturing the very essence of Spring. Stunning.

    1. Thank you MM, Spring is certainly here at last:)

  10. Seen a lot of orange tips recently and they really do flutter around very quickly. Haven't managed to get a photo yet! X

    1. Thank you shazza, yes they are very quick and it is hard to guess where they will go next, I expect they slow down the warmer it gets:)

  11. Thank you so much,
    for your sweet comment,
    on "Clara."

  12. What a good idea about the five things :) Great to capture the Orange-tip, i've seen them flying over her but they never land!

    1. Thank you Pam, at the moment the orange tips are flittng around in twos doing air dances, lovely to watch:)
